The Six Petal Diet was created by nutritionist Anna Johansson. She has her own characteristics. The weight loss system consists of six mono-diets. The idea of a diet is presented in the form of a flower. The petals display the foods consumed on that day. What is the essence of the Six Petals diet, which is positive?
Features of the technique
The diet is developed based on the principles of proper and balanced nutrition. According to reviews, the Six Petal diet menu is divided into 6 cycles:
- the first day is fish;
- second day - various vegetables;
- the third day is chicken;
- the fourth day - cereals;
- fifth day - cottage cheese;
- the sixth day is fruit.
The main principles of the diet:
- The alternation of protein and carbohydrate days. This principle allows you to effectively reduce weight and not harm your health. Fat begins to go away due to carbohydrate starvation on protein days. The process is efficient. There will be no glucose deficiency due to carbohydrate days following.
- Every day, the mono-diet changes.
- The principle of separate power. All dishes must be combined with each other. If this is not observed, then the rate of digestion is reduced. Fats, proteins and carbohydrates that have been ingested for food cannot be digested. This will lead to the accumulation of fat accumulations.
The amount of food consumed per day has not been established. The main condition is not to swap them.
Nutritionists advise adhering to such restrictions in volumes: on a fish, cottage cheese and meat day (chicken) - 0.5 kg, fruits and vegetables - 1.2 kg, cereals - 0.2-0.3 kg of cereals in dry form.

The result of the diet depends on the characteristics of the body and the physical exertion experienced by losing weight throughout the day. Weight loss per day is 500-800 g.
During the diet, it is allowed to drink juices, tea, water and herbal infusions.
The Six Petal Diet, which reviews are positive, has the following rules:
- Each day corresponds to one product.
- It is necessary to take food fractionally, chewing it carefully.
- Drink fluids after meals, not during.
- Strictly observe the sequence of monodiet, because this is the principle of alternating protein and carbohydrate foods.
- Forbidden sweets, pastries and spices.
You can resort to a weight loss system several times. After completing the first cycle and taking a break, the course is repeated. Positive feedback on the Six Petals diet suggests that many women can use it.
After 6 days of the diet, you should not immediately switch to the usual diet. After all, you can quickly return the lost kilograms.
The psychological aspect of diet
The creator of the nutrition system, Anna Johansson, is confident that the process of losing weight should not cause depression and discomfort. Those wishing to lose weight are invited to draw a flower with 6 petals. Place it in a conspicuous place.
As you progress through the Six Petals diet, which reviews are positive, gradually tear off the leaves of the flower. This will symbolize the overcoming of the stages of the weight loss system and the results achieved.
The flower can be hung on the refrigerator door. This will stimulate weight loss and turn a boring process into a game.
Diet menu
The diet includes 6 types of foods that will be consumed within 6 days. The sequence of "petals" is forbidden to change. You should not develop a special menu, you can stick to recipes for familiar dishes. It is best to steam, adding a minimum of salt and oil.
In preparation for the diet, you need to stock up on necessary products for a week. This will help to make a diet easily.
According to reviews, the Six-Petal diet menu for each day includes dishes that are listed in the table below.
No. | 1st day | 2nd day | 3rd day | 4th day | 5th day | 6th day |
menu |
Between meals, you can drink water, herbal and green tea. On appropriate days, you can include chicken, fish or vegetable broth on the menu. The Six Petal diet menu is, according to reviews, bearable.

On the first day, only fish dishes are present in the diet. They do not need to fry, it is forbidden to eat canned food. Fish contains polyunsaturated fatty acids. Due to this, the calories in it do not cause weight gain.
On the second day, you can eat vegetables. They are eaten raw, boiled, baked or steamed. It is allowed to include vegetable soups and juices in the diet. Despite the carbohydrates contained, the calorie content of the diet is low. And vegetables saturate the body with useful substances and vitamins.
On the third day, only chicken is consumed. It can be eaten boiled, baked, stewed, as well as eat chicken soup. The body is saturated with proteins, while receiving a minimum of calories. Thanks to them, losing weight will not feel hunger during the day.
The fourth day is cereal. The menu includes only cereals. They can be boiled or filled with water so that they swell. A little salt is added to the dish.
Porridge consists of complex carbohydrates, so they are digested for a long time, creating a feeling of satiety. Additionally, the body is cleansed.
The fifth day consists of cottage cheese. You can only use low-fat product. It is allowed to drink low-fat kefir, yogurt or milk. Cottage cheese contains calcium, which favorably affects the skeletal system of the body losing weight.
On the last day of the cycle, only fruits are on the menu. They can be eaten both raw and baked. The menu should not contain bananas and grapes. These fruits are very high in calories.
The Six Petal Diet hardly gets negative reviews due to its varied menu. During weight loss, hunger is completely absent, and the body is saturated with nutrients.
Diet results
Weight loss is 4-6 kg. Depending on the characteristics of the body, the result of the diet may be more or less. It completely depends on the accuracy of the diet. Negative reviews of the Six Petals diet occur if those who are losing weight consume large amounts of salt or independently increase their serving sizes.
Various metamorphoses can occur with appetite: it either grows or decreases. Followers of this diet call the most difficult days fish and protein.
Since the system consists of six mono-diets, a consultation with a doctor is necessary before starting so as not to harm your health.

Some losing weight completely changed their attitude to food after a diet. Its result depends on the following initial data:
- More likely to lose weight occurs in people who do not have any problems with eating behavior. If they don’t seize up stress and have no craving for “favorite dishes”, and gained weight due to a sedentary lifestyle.
- Losing weight should have no endocrine system diseases.
Positive results from the Six Petals diet, according to women, can be obtained if the following recommendations are followed:
- Eat fractionally and in small portions.
- Drink plenty of fluids.
- Do sport.
- Cook with fresh produce only.
- Minimize the amount of salt so as not to cause an increase in appetite and the occurrence of edema.
- Drinking alcohol is prohibited. It stimulates appetite and increases the calorie intake.
The process of losing weight depends on the characteristics of the body and compliance with recommendations on the nutrition system.
Exit Diet Rules
To save the results, it is necessary to switch to the usual diet gradually. After the Six Petals diet, according to real reviews of those who have lost weight, you need to follow these recommendations:
- Consume the same list of foods for several days. The calorie content of dishes is gradually increased to a maximum daily calorie daily diet of 1800 kcal.
- Dietary foods to use, because the body during this time is accustomed to such food.
- Familiar dishes should appear on the menu gradually.

To decide how to eat after a diet, you need to listen to your body. After all, he has lost the habit of junk food. Therefore, you should continue to limit in your diet sweet, fried and fatty. Dishes should be cooked in a double boiler or in the oven.
Re-start weight loss by this method should be 30 days after leaving the diet.
To preserve the results of the Six Petals diet, according to the reviews of those who have lost weight, it is necessary to continue to play sports. The body will benefit from anti-cellulite massage, which will solve the problem of sagging skin and will help keep the muscles in good shape.
Pros and cons of diet
The advantages of a weight loss system include:
- Within 6 days, the diet is constantly changing, so it does not bother, and weight loss continues well. The body does not experience hunger.
- On the first day, the diet is filled with protein foods and healthy fatty acids. This is especially important for metabolism.
- The body during the diet is cleansed. Slag and harmful substances are removed from it. The digestive organs begin to work properly.
- For 6 days, you can achieve significant results in losing weight.
- The menu has a variety.
- Dishes do not require a long processing period.

Like any diet, the weight loss system has negative properties. The minuses include:
- During the diet, physical activity is mandatory, because the skin can sag and become sagging.
- Protein days can cause slimming weakness and increased fatigue.
- Many nutritionists claim that it’s safe to burn no more than 150 grams of fat per day. The system of weight loss provides a faster rate of loss of body fat.
- If a person has suffered a viral infection, then it is best to completely abstain from the diet.
The menu of the Six Petals diet, according to slimming reviews, is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, it is best to get specialist advice.
The weight loss system has its own characteristics, so it is not suitable for everyone. She has the following contraindications:
- Diseases of the digestive tract of a chronic nature.
- Diabetes.
- Diseases in which a strict diet is prescribed.
- Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
- The period of pregnancy or breastfeeding.
The weight loss system has a limited number of contraindications. However, whether the Six Petals diet is harmful in each case, only a doctor can determine.
Weight Loss Reviews
Opinions about the weight loss system are different. Reviews of the Six Petals diet with photos of some who have lost weight are simply stunning. The visible result is indeed present. Body volumes are reduced and weight is reduced.

According to those who have lost weight, the nutrition system is simple, but requires some effort in achieving results. They did not feel hunger, because a sufficient amount of food can be consumed per day. A positive stimulus for women is a flower that loses its petals after each day of the diet.
Many women were able to maintain weight, because after a diet they ate balanced and did not include sweet, fatty and fried foods in their diet.
The second category of women does not consider the diet effective, and their weight loss is minimal. Perhaps this was due to incomplete compliance with the diet menu and the individual characteristics of the body losing weight.
According to neutral reviews of the Six Petals diet, not all people were prepared for such food restrictions. Therefore, they had difficulty observing the diet.
Reviews of specialists
The opinions of nutritionists on the diet are different. Both positive reviews and negative.
One group of nutritionists is confident that a weight loss system will not harm the body because it is balanced. However, observing it more often 3 times a year is not recommended. Otherwise, gastrointestinal diseases may occur.
Reviews of doctors about the Six Petals diet warn that due to contraindications, it can harm the body of losing weight. Therefore, before starting losing weight, you should visit a specialist.

This is especially true for kidney and heart diseases. Protein days can trigger an exacerbation of diseases of the urinary system, and carbohydrate days can cause a jump in blood glucose. Therefore, such a system of weight loss, many experts do not dare to call it safe.
Doctors' comments on the Six Petal diet menu are cautious. After all, sports and a balanced diet will reduce weight without any restrictions.
The Six Petal Diet is a nutritional system consisting of separate steps. Due to this, many people get a positive effect in the form of weight loss. Exact observance of 6 mono-diets improves the appearance and well-being.