Plum is a fruit that grows on trees. The flowers of the tree were considered a symbol of the five gods in China, but among the peoples of the Far East they were associated with the sacrament of the marriage bed. In Korea, a tree is considered sacred, and the ancient Greeks called the plum nothing more than a "cuckoo apple."
Plum begins to bear fruit in July - these are early varieties, and ends in September - these are late. From a tree with a good harvest, you can collect up to 30-40 kilograms of fragrant plum fruits. The calorie content of this fruit is very low, so plums are often recommended for diets.
Composition and quantity of useful elements

The beneficial properties of plums are so diverse that the fruits of this fragrant fruit are offered for healing. A delicious fruit contains only 0.3 grams of fat, about 0.7-0.8 grams of protein and less than 10 grams of carbohydrates. And all this is only 100 grams of fruit such as plum. Calorie content allows everyone to use it, without exception, especially for those people who zealously monitor their weight.
In addition, the plum pulp and peel contain vitamins of groups B, E, C, PP and provitamin A. By eating fruits regularly, you can normalize blood pressure and strengthen blood vessels, thereby reducing the risk of developing vascular diseases that affect people of any age.
A huge set of acids, such as citric, malic, succinic and oxalic, helps regulate the acid-base balance. In addition to acids, potassium and phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and chromium, as well as copper, zinc, iodine and many other elements that are very useful for our body, are in the drain.

Plum is very low-calorie, in 100 grams of the product contains only 42 kilocalories, which is why it is very often chosen as the product for fasting days.
Due to its mild effect, it is able to remove toxins and toxins from the body, which is why in the summer it is recommended to eat several pieces of such a useful product as plum a day. The calorie content and amazing properties of the fruit have conquered the world, because plum perfectly removes water from the body, it is very useful for those who suffer from swelling of the limbs.
Of course, in winter it is difficult to get fresh fruits, but for many decades now people can afford to eat them even at this time of year. This is because some varieties (black plum, for example) can be dried. In this case, prunes are obtained, that is, dried plums. The calorific value of such a product, in contrast to the summer counterpart, is quite high - almost 250 kilocalories in 100 grams, but prunes retain all the properties of a fresh product.

Useful qualities of fruit
Plum can be consumed not only inside. It is used in medicine, cosmetology and nutrition. The fetus has a positive effect on the entire human body. And if some fruits use only pulp, then in the case of plums, bark, leaves, and even resin from a flowering tree were used. Plum, the calorie content of which is minimal, is very useful for those who are overweight or seek to lose extra pounds.
Due to the large number of pectins and fiber, these fruits remarkably regulate the functioning of the intestines, providing some laxative effect (with moderate use).
Often plum compotes, jelly and preserves are recommended for the treatment or prevention of intestinal diseases. And all because even after heat or heat treatment, a juicy and tasty fruit does not lose its beneficial properties.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that the drain can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three weeks. And if there are a lot of fruits, you can not be too lazy and make a delicious plum wine.