Reducing stress from stress, creating a toned figure, improving libido - all this can be achieved by regularly performing special exercises for women's health. Most of the techniques discussed in the publication are aimed at increasing the tone of the pelvic muscles, activating the blood supply to the tissues of the reproductive organs, and normalizing the hormonal sphere. Let's look at the most effective exercises for women's health and libido.
Kegel exercises
In everyday life, the so-called pelvic floor muscles are in a reduced tone. Especially often, the elasticity of local tissues decreases in the postpartum period. The result is often a loss of muscle ability to support organs that are located in the pelvic area. Violation increases the risk of various kinds of diseases of the genital area and the appearance of noticeable discomfort during sexual intercourse. You can avoid such troubles if you systematically perform Kegel exercises for women's health.

Presented to your attention, workouts provide increased tonus of the pelvic floor muscles. The result of classes is the restoration of the ability of local tissues to maintain organs (bladder, uterus and small intestine) in the correct position. The exercises developed by the famous gynecologist Arnold Kegel should be adopted in such cases:
- the need to restore the muscles of the pelvic floor after the birth of a child;
- training pregnant women to relax the muscles of the reproductive organs before childbirth;
- elimination of troubles in the form of urinary and fecal incontinence;
- prevention of prolapse of the uterus, vagina;
- maintaining sexual activity;
- decreased likelihood of genital tissue inflammation.
Despite a number of positive aspects, there are several contraindications to performing Kegel exercises. It is not worth using the technique for women who have suffered a miscarriage, suffer from cancer or are in the rehabilitation phase after surgery.
What do we have to do?
Consider the most useful exercises for women's health:
- "Retention" - tighten the muscles of the pelvic floor for 5 seconds, then relax completely. Perform a dozen repetitions. Increase muscle contractions daily.
- "Lift" - slightly tighten the muscles of the pelvic floor. Gradually increase the force of tissue contraction until you reach a peak. Then slowly reduce tension, achieving absolute relaxation.
- "Waves" is an effective exercise for women's health, which allows you to tone not only the muscles of the vagina, but also the tissues of the anus. First, reduce your genital muscles several times. Next, fully relax. Proceed to contraction of the tissues of the anus.
- "Positioning" - an exercise for women's health, which should be adopted by pregnant women. First, empty your gut thoroughly. After holding your breath, alternately push and relax. Perform the training in a sitting position, lying down, squatting.
This exercise for women's health makes it possible to make the spine more flexible, to stretch the muscles of the back and waist. Stand on all fours, resting your knees and palms on the floor. Bend your back as much as possible and pull your stomach in. Hold in a static position for half a minute. Relax and return to starting position. Then bend in the opposite direction. Repeat the movements with alternating positions 8-10 times during one training.

Wide Angle Pose
Let's move on to doing yoga exercises for women's health. Sit on a gymnastic mat and spread your straight legs wide apart. Socks of feet should look up. Keep your back straight, bringing the shoulder blades and maximally opening the chest. After exhaling, lean forward. Palms grasp the fingers of the lower extremities. Each time, try to exhale more strongly from the lungs, which will allow a lower inclination of the body. Stay still for a minute.

This exercise makes it possible to stretch the spine and open the joints of the pelvic area. Performing it daily helps restore ovarian function. The result of regular training is the normalization of the position of the abdominal organs.
Exercise "Birch"

Lie on your back and extend the upper limbs along the trunk. On a deep breath, lift up and straighten your legs. Place your pelvis in the direction of the ceiling, slightly helping yourself with your palms. Then gently lower down. Perform the exercise at a slow pace for 4-5 minutes.
Training according to the above scheme helps to reduce the risk of hormonal disruptions, improve digestion. The exercise makes it possible to return the pelvic organs to an anatomically correct position, as well as saturate local tissues with an abundance of oxygen and nutrients due to increased blood flow.
Crescent Pose
To strengthen and stretch the muscles of the spine, to open the hip joints, do the following exercise. Lean on the elongated right leg and arm. This is a complicated side bar.

With your free hand, grab your toes with your left leg extended upward. Keeping balance, tilt your head back, turn your rib cage towards the ceiling. Hold in position for 30 seconds. Then repeat the exercise, changing your leg and arm.