Human nutrition is a purely individual process. Someone is used to eating vegetables, someone cannot live without meat, and someone needs nutritional supplements or a complex of vitamins for normal life. Properly selected food will help prolong our life and make it bright and interesting.
One of the universal products recommended for daily use is asparagus, the calorie content of which makes it a unique dietary product. Nutritionists recommend asparagus, as it is very useful in a number of diseases. In summer you can make salads from fresh shoots, and pickled asparagus is prepared for the winter. The caloric value of the product remains almost unchanged after the heat treatment of asparagus, and it can be safely harvested for the winter. Moreover, it is very tasty and can become an adornment of any table.

Asparagus appeared in Russia in the early 18th century and at first was available only to certain segments of the population. Gradually, she moved from the tables of rich people to the poor and became available to everyone. At that time there were no strict diets and nutritionists. But for centuries there has been accumulated experience about healthy food and healthy products that prolong life and improve its quality.
Every day we come across a large variety of products. Some of them can help us in the treatment of many diseases, and some can do harm. What is so useful asparagus, calorie content, the number of trace elements, vitamins and active substances in which has long been counted by nutritionists? What is its uniqueness? First of all, consider its composition. Asparagus contains folic acid, thiamine, rutin, a large amount of vitamins (A, C, B1, B2, PP) and trace elements (calcium, magnesium, iron and potassium). It is a source of antioxidants and glutathione. Asparagus can also be used as a bowel cleanser. The calories in this product are likely to be spent on this work, and will not be saved in extra pounds. Asparagus contains plant fiber, which can cleanse your intestines. But all these trace elements and vitamins can be obtained with other products. The uniqueness of asparagus is that it contains a large amount of the active substance asparagine.

The beneficial properties of asparagine are that it reduces blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, expanding them. Phenol compounds contained in asparagus increase vascular elasticity. Asparagus, which is very low in calories, is good for people with high blood pressure. Moreover, the fact that asparagus has a diuretic property also contributes to lowering blood pressure. It relieves cardiac and renal edema well, it helps with gout and rheumatism. The daily diet of people with increased weight must include asparagus, the calorie content of which is low. She fights well against stresses, which also increase blood pressure.

Asparagus salads have a beneficial effect on the male sex. It is also recommended to eat it for people who suffer from prostatitis. It facilitates the course of the disease and is effective as a prophylactic.
Asparagus helps women replenish the deficiency of calcium, magnesium and folic acid in the body during pregnancy. The presence of these elements contributes to the normal development of the baby, and reduces the risk of birth defects.