Exercises for the small pelvis for women will help preserve the tone of the muscles of the perineum, since the health of the genitourinary system directly depends on how reliably it will be protected from the external environment. In addition, they help prevent:
- the occurrence of bacterial vaginosis;
- prolapse of the uterus and vagina at a later age;
- urethritis;
- cystitis.
In addition, training helps keep the vaginal muscles in good shape after pregnancy and childbirth. In addition to gymnastics, one must strictly observe personal hygiene and regularly visit a gynecologist.
Recommendations before starting classes
Almost all exercises for the pelvis for women can be performed at home independently, without the use of complex devices and simulators. It is quite difficult to achieve firmness and elasticity in the intimate zone, however regular training will certainly give the desired result.

When starting a set of exercises, it is necessary to follow certain rules and requirements that will help to achieve a very good result, which is why:
- training should be regular;
- can not eat an hour before they are held;
- you need to deal with when the intestines and urine are empty;
- you need to breathe properly.
Before you begin to perform exercises for the pelvis for women, you must first preheat the body, perform a small stretch. It’s best to choose a specific time for training and practice at the same time.
Who needs to do gymnastics
Exercises for the pelvic organs of women help maintain muscle:
- uterus;
- Bladder;
- small intestine;
- rectum.
Such a training will help prepare for pregnancy and easy birth without pain. Gymnastics will help you learn to relax the muscles, which often interfere with the birth of a child. In addition, classes are useful for the prevention and treatment of urinary incontinence.

Exercise will help to restore tissues that stretch during childbirth much faster, and they are also suitable for maintaining intimate health and preventing inflammatory processes of the genital area.
General rules for doing exercises
Be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene and visit the examination room. When performing exercises for the pelvis for women, you absolutely do not need to have special equipment. A set of training can be performed at any convenient time, but at least 2 times a week. It is very important that the exercises are regular.
Exercise Technique
Exercises for the pelvic organs of women will help strengthen the muscles of the perineum. To perform them you need to be in the most comfortable position. It is necessary to tightly compress the anus and the muscles of the vagina so that you can feel how they are pulled inward. At the point of maximum tension, linger for a few seconds, and then slowly relax the muscles.

To do an exercise for blood flow in the pelvis of a woman, there must be a gymnastic mat or hard bed. You need to sit in Turkish, and then maximize the muscles of the vagina and buttocks. Along with this, you need to retract the stomach. Such gymnastics also helps to strengthen the walls of the vagina.
Core exercises
With stagnation in the pelvis in women, exercises will help normalize the functioning of the genital organs and strengthen muscles. It is very simple to carry out gymnastics, however, it is worth remembering that you should not expect an instant result, since it may take quite a lot of time to normalize your health.
Very effective is considered an exercise for the pelvic muscles for women "lift". To do this, imagine that in the crotch area there is an elevator car. It is necessary to alternately compress and relax the muscles of the perineum, each time more and more increasing the intensity of the effect.
To strengthen the pelvic muscles, you need to lie on your back, tighten the muscles in the vagina and stay in this position for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat exercise 10 times. In addition, this muscle group can be trained by alternately squeezing and unclenching the muscles at the fastest pace. Such a complex must be performed initially in 5 approaches, and then gradually increase the load, as the muscles get used to the load.

To conduct pelvic muscle training, you need to lie on your back, bend your knees and slightly spread them apart. Put your hands on the lower abdomen so that one is located above the other. Periodically, you need to tighten the muscles, lingering in this position for about a minute, and then relax.
Kneeling, you need to bend and retract the spine periodically, lowering and raising your head. The effect is that you need to strain the abdominal muscles with the involvement of the perineum in this process. In this case, proper breathing is required. The number of repetitions must necessarily be approximately 5-10 approaches.
The bridge gives a good result, since this exercise provides strengthening of the muscles of the pelvic floor. To do this, lie on your back and try to raise the pelvic area as high as possible, trying to reach your heels with your fingers. In this case, it is important to tighten the stomach as much as possible to engage the muscles of the vagina. This exercise also helps to build up legs and abs, as well as get rid of excess fat deposits on the buttocks and hips.
The use of simulators
Special devices for gymnastics will help make it the most effective. Quite often, Kegel simulators are used for this, which make the exercises more effective. In addition, there are several types of similar devices.
Widely used device made of special medical silicone - Magic Kegel Master. This is a special simulator for the intimate area, equipped with sensitive sensors that help measure pressure.

In addition, there is a Kegel simulator that helps determine the strength of the voltage. This device allows each time to increase the load more and more, while forming strong and elastic perineum muscles. His work is based on the action of special springs, which can be changed as the load increases.
Jade balls are widely used, which help to increase muscle tone, restore firmness and elasticity. In addition, this stone has antibacterial qualities. You can start using the simulators only after the gymnastics complex.
Kegel gymnastics with prolapse of the uterus
Kegel exercises for the pelvis for women help prevent complex genital diseases. They are also used when the uterus is lowered. Increased muscle tone will help normalize bowel function. The abdominal press helps to maintain the correct position of the pelvic organs, which is very important for maintaining the position of the uterus and other organs. Competent gymnastics with the omission of the cervix contributes to:
- strengthening the muscular system;
- increase the tone of the muscle layer of the vagina;
- strengthening the abdominals.
With complete or incomplete uterine prolapse, gymnastics is selected exclusively by the attending doctor in order to prevent injury and infringement of tissues. The position of the body is not important, but for some women it is much easier to perform exercises while sitting.

Contraction of the muscles of the vagina is desirable to synchronize with your breathing, as well as be sure to control the tone of the buttocks and abdominal press. The stomach should be relaxed, and the navel should remain motionless at all times. Buttocks and leg muscles also should not be strained.
During training, you need to perform sequential wave-like movements. The most important stage of such an exercise is the tonic tension of the upper vagina. All this allows you to keep the tone of the uterus.
Incontinence Exercises
Exercise for blood flow in the pelvis of a woman becomes a real salvation for many. They can be performed while sitting on a chair. There are several different exercises, in particular, such as:
- slow compression;
- reductions;
- pushing out.
It is necessary to compress muscles that could interfere with urination, stay in this position for a few seconds, and then relax. In addition, there is another way to perform the exercise. To do this, you need to squeeze a little muscle, but first only a little. Without expanding the muscles, you need to increase the degree of compression to the maximum level, remain in this position for several seconds, and then relax.

In addition, you need to quickly compress and relax the muscles that are responsible for the process of urination. When conducting push exercises, one should imagine the process of urination and try to imagine the maximum increase in urine flow. All of these exercises will help strengthen your bladder.
Complex for pregnant women
Pelvic blood circulation exercises for women will help maintain intimate muscles and muscle fibers located in the pelvic floor. In this case, a pelvic protrusion is performed . To do this, you need to stand in one of the generic poses and depict delivery. This allows you to train muscles and will have a good effect on the birth process.
Stretching Achilles tendons is another type of exercise. To do this, sit down, legs wide apart. If the feet turn inward or sit completely uncomfortable, then the tendons are completely unstretched, so you need to conduct such training regularly.
Kegel exercises after childbirth
Postpartum exercises are very important so that you can quickly return to your previous shape. In addition, they help prevent the occurrence of various diseases of the pelvic organs. It is necessary to gradually contract and relax the muscles of the vagina, lingering in this position for ten seconds. In addition, you can carry out other exercises, giving each of them about five minutes a day.
It is best to start the exercise one to two weeks after the birth, if there are no sutures and other contraindications. Before conducting gymnastics, you must always consult a doctor.
Pelvic Muscle Strength Training
After two to three weeks of regular training, you can notice a significant improvement, as many people have problems with urinary incontinence, the process of treatment of the pelvic organs goes much more efficiently, and the intimate life becomes much brighter.
To do this, it is recommended to perform such exercises as “birch”, “bicycle”, “swallow”, “boat”. However, it is absolutely necessary to strain the muscles of the perineum. It will also be useful to keep the straightened raised legs in the supine position, squeezing the hips and knees of the gymnastic ball, walking in the semi-squat. The training regimen largely depends on the overall physical fitness of the woman.
Other exercises
Workouts according to Neumyvakin are considered quite popular. In particular, the exercise “walking on the buttocks” will be very effective. It is simple to perform, you just need to sit on the floor or bend your knees and in this position move around the apartment. This is a very good urinary incontinence exercise. It is also used as a prophylactic for urinary stagnation in the pelvic area.
With the regular implementation of such a gymnastics complex, you can achieve a very good result and strengthen your muscles.