Many readers are familiar with the problem of overweight. Someone needs to lose a few pounds, while others need to keep their weight normal and not get better. On the way to achieving an ideal figure, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity take different measures, sometimes resort to complex diets, food additives. It is important that the selected product is on a natural basis. Here, like nothing better, warm water with lemon for the night will help. This is a penny, but effective way to deal with extra pounds and fat deposits.
It is not necessary to take water with lemon at night, in some cases it is used as a refreshing and tonic drink in the morning. She is a good helper in the fight against various diseases and enhancing immunity. Let's look at the harm and benefits of water with lemon at night, about its effect, preparation and consumer reviews.

How does water with lemon affect the body?
For weight loss and weight stabilization, nutritionists suggest drinking water with lemon at night. This will help solve problems that contribute to weight gain. To begin with, we list how many useful and nutritious components are contained in lemon:
- many vitamins (A, B 1 , B 2 , E, D, P, C);
- elements of iron, sulfur, magnesium, cobalt, sodium, manganese, phosphorus;
- pectin substances ;
- several organic acids;
- alimentary fiber;
- plant polyphenols (flavonoids);
- active substances - volatile.
If you drink water with lemon and honey at night, you can achieve very significant results in weight stabilization. The composition of the drink and the principle of its action lead to good results. Ordinary drinking water with lemon has a composition that is very similar to human saliva and gastric juice. It is also important to follow a diet.
Lemon drink will help burn calories eaten per day. For a glass of warm water, it is enough to squeeze the juice of one lemon slice. The slice itself is better to lower in a glass and let stand a little. Such a drink will help not only in normalizing weight, but also in the following cases:
- normalization of blood pressure;
- removal of toxic substances from the body;
- fight against heartburn, belching, flatulence;
- improvement of blood composition;
- cleansing the lymphatic system.

The benefits of lemon water for the body
And here is a list of the beneficial effects of lemon water on the body.
- Increasing the efficiency of liver enzymes, which leads to the purification of this organ.
- A beneficial effect on digestion. This is facilitated by organic acids, which eliminate bloating and normalize stool.
- The fight against colds and infectious diseases.
- Stimulation of brain activity, the elimination of depression and nervous tension.
- Reducing blood cholesterol, prevention of atherosclerosis.
- Strengthening bones, preventing the development of rickets.
- Decreased blood sugar.
- Pressure reduction in hypertension.
- Improving metabolism, stimulating the secretion of gastric juice, the breakdown of fats.
- Slowing the growth of cancer cells.
- Improving the condition of hair and skin.
You will learn about the possible negative consequences of taking lemon water below.

Lemon Water with Ginger Slimming
Lemon-based water can be prepared in several ways. It is for weight loss, before going to bed, we suggest using five proven recipes. To do this, ginger, honey, mint, lemon balm, cucumber will come in handy. They will make the drink even more effective. So, we offer a recipe for water with lemon for the night for weight loss with ginger. To make such a drink, first stock up on the following ingredients:
- juice from several fresh lemons;
- 1 spoon of grated ginger;
- 4 glasses of water.
Boil water and put grated ginger in it. Cover and let stand for several minutes. Then strain the broth. Add lemon juice to it. Take this remedy before meals in 20 minutes. It is not necessary to eat something high-calorie at night, come up with a light dinner. The drink should be taken warm in the amount of one glass.
The combination of lemon and ginger will help effective weight loss thanks to an active metabolism. Such a drink has a rich composition with a large amount of antioxidants and ascorbic acid.

Lemon drink with honey
There are many recipes for losing weight with lemon water. The most favorite of them is a citrus drink with honey. Cooking it is very simple, and the effect of it is wonderful. For this you will need:
- 250 ml of drinking water;
- a quarter of a lemon;
- a teaspoon of honey.
First, dissolve honey in a glass of warm water and leave for an hour to insist. Then squeeze the juice out of a quarter of the lemon and stir. The drink is ready for use. This remedy is best taken 20 minutes before a light dinner.

Add peppermint and lemon balm
Evening reception of citrus water involves the use of additional soothing plants. You can use mint or lemon balm. To do this, you will need a glass of water, a quarter of lemon juice, a sprig of lemon balm or mint. Boil water first, add lemon juice and mint to it. Infuse the composition for 10-15 minutes. The main thing is to observe the proportions correctly, then the weight will necessarily decrease. Drinking such water for weight loss is useful not only at night, but also in the morning on an empty stomach. Melissa or mint will add sweetness to the water and show a mild sedative effect.

Lemon Cucumber Drink
A little eliminate hunger during the diet will help citrus water with the addition of cucumber. There is a lot of ascorbic acid in such a cocktail. It helps metabolic processes and contributes to weight loss. To make such a drink, you will need: one cucumber, half a lemon, 1 liter of water, several ice cubes. First, pour a liter of water in a jug or jar, add a spoonful of honey, slices of cucumber and half a lemon. Set the drink aside for an hour to stretch. Then take the drug one glass 20 minutes before meals.
Water sassi
To reduce weight, water with lemon should be drunk daily. Cynthia Sassi from the United States has developed a special drinking water for those who are on a diet and want to lose weight. Such citrus water is called Sassy Water, by the name of the inventor. Now this recipe is used all over the world. If you use this cocktail correctly, then you can lose two extra kilograms per week.
To prepare Sassi water, prepare the following ingredients: 1 cucumber, lemon, a sprig of mint, a spoonful of grated ginger, 2 liters of water. Grind and mix all the ingredients. Fill them with water, close the lid and place and refrigerate overnight.
Drink such lemon water for a month, then take a break for two weeks. In combination with a diet, such a drink can help lose 5-6 kg.

Caution of contraindications and side effects
Do not drink citrus water in excessive doses, follow the recommendations. Excessive consumption of the drink can lead to heartburn, dehydration, damage to the mucous membranes of the mouth, stomach and esophagus.
Do not forget about your teeth. Citric acid is aggressive and can damage them. In order not to destroy the tooth enamel, take the drink through a tube. Otherwise, do not forget to brush your teeth after taking.
What kind of people are contraindicated in drinking water with lemon juice:
- suffering from high acidity of the stomach and gastritis;
- with a stomach ulcer, especially with an exacerbation of the disease;
- with damaged teeth and caries;
- persons with renal failure;
- having bladder disease;
- people with intestinal dysbiosis;
- about open wounds, sores on the mucous membranes of the mouth and gastrointestinal tract.
If you follow all the precautions and know the contraindications, then lemon water can be taken for a long period.

Reviews of water with lemon at night
Reviews about the use of lemon water are mostly positive. The main thing is not to overdo it with lemon juice. For some people, drinking this drink with honey has become a daily habit. It replaces even coffee, helps fight colds, has a beneficial effect on the gastric environment.
Some consumers note that the drink gives strength, energy, helps get rid of headaches. Over time, even morning irritation disappears. This magic potion will not prevent the whole family from taking it. Better yet, combine his reception with yoga or fitness.
Many women recommend the easiest way to make a lemon slimming drink. One lemon needs to be cut into thin slices, put into a bottle, pour water, shake and let stand for half an hour. The drink is ready. For weight loss, do not use sugar. To prepare a drink, it is recommended to use water at room temperature or even a little warmer. This helps to boost metabolism. A drink with lemon is considered medicinal.
Quite a lot of people write that during the course of taking lemon water at night, you need to minimize carbohydrate intake. It is better to switch to buckwheat, rice, brown bread in small quantities. Reviews prove that for a month of drinking water with lemon at night and following a diet, you can lose weight from 2 to 4 kg. And if you still begin to do physical exercises, go jogging or swimming, then the result will double.
And the most effective recipe with lemon juice is considered a drink with the addition of ginger. In the summer, many people liked the water of Sassi most of all. Try it and you this miraculous and healthy drink. Be beautiful and healthy!