According to most doctors, the main culprits of almost all digestive problems are a sedentary lifestyle, constant stressful situations and poor nutrition. With constipation, especially in conditions close to chronic, it is first necessary to establish a meal regimen and adhere to special diets.
The food we eat
By and large, the food that we eat daily is divided into plant and animal. The substances that make up it are divided into proteins, fats, carbohydrates, nutrients, fiber and coarse dietary fiber. Insoluble fiber is not digested in the body. It passes through the entire digestive system and removes with it all unnecessary decay products and toxins. That is why it is recommended in all diets for constipation in adults and children. In the absence of fiber in the body, violations occur during the formation of feces, which leads to difficulties in emptying the intestines.

Difficulty defecating
The process of natural bowel cleansing can be daily, but difficult. In this case, special diets will help normalize bowel movements. However, the concept of “constipation” applies only to the frequency of processes. If you revise the principles of nutrition with constipation, then in most cases a similar phenomenon can be successfully managed. The goal of such diets is to improve the motility of the digestive tract and soften the stool. To normalize the natural processes, a complete and balanced diet is needed, enriched with nutrients and essential microelements.
The result of proper nutrition for constipation becomes noticeable after a few days, but this does not mean that the treatment can be considered carried out. People who once faced with similar problems will have to adhere to the basic rules of dietetics. In case of malnutrition, constipation can cause any, even minor changes, whether it is stressful situations or climate change.
Constipation can be caused by a lack of plant foods in your daily diet, especially raw vegetables and fruits. The lack of pectins and coarse fiber also robs the digestive tract of natural peristalsis. Easily digestible foods, animal fats and proteins, lack of first courses and snacks on the run - all this is an unhealthy diet that provokes constipation.
Nutrition for constipation is based on regular, fractional food intake and a rational drinking regime. Eat should be taken slowly, chewing thoroughly, in a relaxed atmosphere. The daily diet should include first courses and foods containing coarse dietary fiber and fiber.
Stool delay can occur due to a sedentary lifestyle and a lack of fluid intake. For optimal digestive processes, it is necessary to consume at least 50-100 ml of fluid every hour, and the average daily amount of water should be 1.5-2.5 liters per day.
Stressful situations, improper lifestyle, putting off going to the toilet for later provokes weakening of the general physical tone of the body and intestines. The cause of constipation may be the consequences of surgery, general anesthesia and trauma to the digestive system.
Chronic constipation is most susceptible to elderly people. This is due to age-related changes in the large intestine and difficulties in promoting unprocessed food. Physiological weakening and a decrease in sphincter sensitivity contribute to the fact that a person weakly feels the urge. This leads to the appearance of senile constipation.

The right diet for constipation: what is good to know
The daily diet should consist of a sufficient amount of calories, fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Calories are needed to restore the body, while you can not be afraid of a set of extra pounds. As the regularity of bowel movements is restored, the energy value of the consumed products can be adjusted.
Proper nutrition for constipation is the regular use of fruits and vegetables that have a mild laxative effect and contain the necessary trace elements. Soaked dried fruits used to prepare dessert dishes and compotes can be an excellent assistant in the fight against irregular bowel movements.
Nutrition for constipation in adults and children involves the use of dairy products, causing a small laxative effect. However, it is worth considering that some types of cheese and feta cheese retain fluid in the body, which affects the work of the digestive tract. But kefir, especially fresh, gives the most beneficial effect.
Regular consumption of unrefined vegetable oils (linseed, pumpkin or olive) is an effective way to eliminate constipation.
In addition to laxative foods for constipation, it is recommended to regularly eat lean types of meat and fish. Very useful dishes of them, cooked in steam or in the oven, in a boiled version or in the form of a souffle.
A good result is the use of fiber-rich baked goods: inedible pastries, bran products and pasta made from durum wheat. In addition, cereal dishes should be present in the daily diet.
Sweets and pastries should be replaced with natural products: honey, homemade jams or preserves, dried fruits.
The choice of certain products will help to cope with the manifestations of violations of bowel movements, however, when such an ailment appears, it is advisable to completely review the diet for constipation in adults and children. At the same time, it is extremely important to organize a diet so that meals are taken every 2.5-3.5 hours in small portions.

What to drink with constipation
Effective getting rid of problems with regular cleansing is impossible without observing the drinking regime. However, it is better to refrain from drinking strong coffee, tea, carbonated drinks and alcohol. In this case, the use of still or structured water, fruit drinks and homemade compotes is desirable. Freshly squeezed juices will be good support to the body.
Any medical nutrition for constipation involves the use of a large amount of fluid. If there are no restrictions on the part of the cardiovascular system and kidneys, it is necessary to consume at least 2.5 liters of water. The use of just such a volume provides a complete cleansing of the body.
Hot tea and coffee can be temporarily replaced with warm rosehip infusion, chamomile broth or warm water with rosehip. Weak green tea is also great. However, such methods should be used with caution, since not all of these products can be equally useful and, if used inappropriately, can cause harm to the body and increase discomfort.
Nutrition for constipation: what you can not eat
What is undesirable to use in the fight against irregular stools? This is first of all:
- fresh pastries and bakery products that can cause fermentation in the intestines, as well as the phenomenon of bloating and flatulence;
- high fat content lactic acid products;
- fruits with astringent properties (quince, pomegranate, pear, etc.);
- rice and semolina dishes;
- legumes (beans, lentils, peas, etc.);
- fatty foods, including fatty and rich broths;
- smoked meats and spicy seasonings;
- confectionery, sweets, chocolate;
- jelly;
- mushrooms in all cooking options;
- fried and hard boiled chicken eggs;
- mayonnaises and sauces.
You can get rid of discomfort if you exclude these products from your diet during treatment.

Diet for constipation in children
It is known that the bulk of the diet in adults with constipation in adults is laxative foods. But how can one help a child in such situations? After all, the children's body is particularly sensitive, and children are much more likely than adults to suffer from constipation.
A common cause of such phenomena in children, according to pediatricians, is considered:
- stressful and conflict situations in the family and school;
- change of habitual environment (place of residence or climatic conditions);
- early potty training;
- inactive lifestyle;
- genetic predisposition.
However, the true cause of problems with regular stool is considered improper nutrition. In most cases, parents allow the child to snack or eat a lot of sweets, without thinking about the dangers of an unhealthy diet. Although in fact, such a diet is a direct path to the development of gastrointestinal diseases.
Therefore, for a child, nutrition for constipation (the advice, recommendations and prescriptions of most pediatricians talk about this) should be balanced and rational. The daily menu should contain plant foods (fresh fruits and vegetables), dishes from low-fat meats, fish and poultry, cereals and soups. As drinks, children are recommended compotes, still water and freshly squeezed juices.
In case of occurrence of irregular stools, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician to exclude dangerous diseases and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract of the child. If necessary, the doctor will recommend a special diet, safe laxatives, or sparing drug therapy.
Nutrition rules for violations of bowel movements in children
If constipation occurs in a child, any dishes that have an enveloping effect are excluded from his diet. This is primarily semolina and rice porridge, jelly, cocoa and chocolate. There shouldn’t be any dishes related to fast food.
Digestion-promoting foods are introduced into the daily menu. These are fresh fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, oatmeal and granola.
In the question of what should be the nutrition for constipation, how to eat properly and what features or limitations of the diet may be of age, you should be guided by the schemes developed by nutritionists. To organize the correct and complete menu, it is important to consider the features of the so-called relaxing products. There are three categories of food ingredients:
- stimulating digestion by mechanical action on the walls of the intestines when filling the stomach (dried or fresh fruits and berries, sea kale);
- stimulating the movement of food along the digestive tract (vegetable oils and fish oil);
- irritating intestinal walls and stimulating its cleansing (rhubarb, gooseberry, scarlet).
If the cause of childhood constipation was the weak peristalsis of the intestinal tract of the baby, then the products of the 1st and 3rd category must be present on the daily menu of the child. If the reason for the delay in stool is spastic in nature, then it is advisable to include in the diet products belonging to the 1st and 2nd categories.

Laxative diet in children
Nutrition for constipation in children should as quickly and comfortably as possible eliminate the cause of the difficulties and its consequences, i.e. in this case, the full inclusion of all groups of laxative products is provided. If such an effect does not bring results within 1-2 weeks, you must consult a doctor and pass an analysis for dysbiosis.
A frequent reason for the development of such pathologies in children of all ages is precisely dysbiosis. In this case, the treatment involves the use of a large number of dairy products and the use of special drugs (lactobacilli and bifidobacteria). Mandatory is an increase in fluid intake.
When compiling a daily menu, the age of the child is taken into account. In this case, products that slow down intestinal motility are excluded as much as possible. Products that promote bowel movements should be present in maximum quantities. Be sure to take into account the nutritional value of products and their vitamin and mineral composition.
Treatment of childhood constipation should begin with simple methods of exposure and the implementation of basic recommendations for the selection of products and diet rules for constipation. It is possible that to obtain the desired effect, supplementing the diet with fresh fruits or juices from them will be quite sufficient.
A wonderful laxative effect has a decoction of prunes. In this case, 10-12 dried fruits are brewed in a small amount of boiling water and insisted overnight. In the morning, the soaked fruits are ground and given to the child on an empty stomach, along with fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, bifidin, etc.).
The easiest way to deal with childhood constipation is water. It is necessary to teach a child suffering from constipation to drink on an empty stomach 100 ml of clean, unboiled water at room temperature. In the absence of allergic manifestations, you can add a little honey and a few drops of lemon juice to the water. After this, you need to do exercises, paying special attention to the abdominal muscles.
Useful cereals included in the daily breakfast for constipation should be oatmeal or buckwheat. For lunch and dinner, it is advisable to give the child a salad of boiled and fresh vegetables, crushed with a blender or a fine grater, with the addition of vegetable oil or sour cream. No sauces or mayonnaise should be in it.
A diet for constipation (a list of recommended and prohibited foods is given above) must be followed for a long period of time. The best option for such a diet will be the habit for the child to eat properly.

What will help to quickly get rid of constipation
An adult can cope with such a delicate problem much easier than a small child. However, you can create a specific program to combat constipation. Proper separate nutrition, including products that have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility, an active lifestyle and a positive psycho-emotional attitude most often give a tangible result after a few days. Well, if there is no result, then you can resort to laxatives.
Medicines with a laxative effect include:
- drugs that have a chemical effect on the intestinal receptors, as well as stimulating its work (bisacodyl, castor oil, buckthorn root and bark, senna, etc.);
- agents that provoke an increase in feces (lactulose, kelp, saline laxatives, etc.);
- oils that soften the consistency of feces (olive, pumpkin, linseed, almond, etc.).
In cases where the release does not occur within 2-3 days and the use of a laxative diet and laxatives does not give the expected results, it is necessary to make a cleansing enema. You can add a few tablespoons of any vegetable oil to the water used - this will improve the effect and protect the intestinal mucosa from possible injuries when moving processed food and decay products. The volume of the enema is usually about one liter at a temperature of 20-36 ° C.

Problems with regular stool can be prevented if you know how to eat with constipation. Preventive measures to prevent constipation in adults, children and the elderly require certain nutritional rules. If there is a tendency to persistent or chronic constipation, it is necessary to remove from the daily menu all products that have the property of "fasten".
Be sure to eat fiber-rich foods, fresh fruits and raw vegetables. Food will become much more useful if you steam it or use it in boiled form. Since the intestines are much more difficult to process fried, canned and pickled products, it is these dishes that contribute to the development of various digestive pathologies, including causing constipation.
White bread, pastries, sweets, cocoa, coffee and chocolate should be excluded from the diet. It is extremely undesirable to eat fatty meat and chicken eggs in boiled or fried form. An exception in this case may be chicken and oily fish.
Coarse dietary fiber, which is part of the daily menu, can not only safely remove stool, but also remove toxins from the body. Due to the regular use of fiber, the bowel movement becomes short-lived and painless.
You can’t overeat. It is advisable for adults to periodically spend fasting days and therapeutic fasting. It is extremely important for children to follow a diet. Absolutely all people are advised to drink more fluids and use antibiotic therapy only if necessary, on the recommendation of a doctor.