Many are interested in the question of which is more beneficial - watermelon or melon. Today we’ll not talk about taste preferences, but about the healing qualities of each individual fruit. Both gourds are rich in minerals and vitamins, so it is unlikely to give a definite answer to this complex question. But we will try to compare them. Melon wins in the content of valuable minerals, but in order for a person to replenish the daily norm of these elements, it is necessary to consume at least 3 kilograms of its pulp per day. It is almost impossible.

In the watermelon there is magnesium, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. So still, which is more beneficial - watermelon or melon? Let's continue to understand. The main advantages of both berries is the presence of lycopene. This substance helps the body fight radicals and prevents premature aging.
The chemical composition and beneficial properties of melon and watermelon
What benefits do gourds bring to a person? Firstly, they contain a lot of fluid, so they perfectly quench thirst and remove excess water from the body. Secondly, the fruits have a lot of fiber, which improves digestion and intestinal function. In both gourds, ascorbic and folic acids, pectin polysaccharides and various vitamins are present. Are you still worried about the question of which is healthier, watermelon or melon? We can safely say that each berry is unique in its own way and has healing properties.

Watermelons, like melons, are a good choleretic and diuretic. They are recommended for patients with cardiovascular disease, anemia, gout, kidney disease, and rheumatism. Watermelons have a lot of iron, compared to melons, they help fight anemia and increase hemoglobin, especially during pregnancy and lactation. Also, red juicy fruits improve the condition with intestinal atony and hypertension.
But melon is a record holder for the content of vitamin C. In its fleshy pulp is the substance serotonin, which improves mood and relieves stressful conditions. It is a true natural antidepressant. In addition, the berries are rich in vitamins E and B, which rejuvenate the skin, relieve inflammation and restore hair follicles.

So after all, which is more beneficial: watermelon or melon? Specialists claim that each of these cultures has healing properties. Watermelons contain less sugar, so they can be consumed even by nursing mothers, unlike melons. Both products are dietary, they can be used to lose weight. To do this, it is enough to arrange a fasting day once a week, based on a melon or watermelon diet.
It should be noted that both berries are not recommended for children under the age of three, as they accumulate a lot of chemical compounds and toxic substances, especially immature ones. In folk medicine, make medical masks, compresses and lotions from the pulp of these fruits, which help to eliminate acne, eczema and psoriasis.
Have you decided for yourself which is better: watermelon or melon? What is more useful, not a single specialist will determine, in any case, gourds in reasonable doses have a beneficial effect on the state of health and fill the body with vitamins. It must be remembered that it is better not to combine fruits with other products, this will adversely affect digestion and cause intestinal upset.