In the work brought to your attention, a fairly common female disease will be discussed, as well as discharge during cervical erosion, methods of getting rid of the disease. We will also pay attention to the problem during pregnancy.
Discharge during erosion is usually no different from normal. Well-being of the woman also does not change in any way. You can notice this disease when injuring the focus during intercourse. Then you may notice bloody or brown discharge. However, this symptom is not manifested in everyone. Now let's talk about what is uterine erosion, discharge with it, what is dangerous, and so on. Read the work to the end.

We suggest starting with the disease itself. What it is? How does it appear? What is dangerous? You can find the answer to all these questions in this section of the article.
This is one of the most common pathologies of the female body. As a rule, a woman does not experience any special sensations. However, periodic pain and characteristic discharge are possible. Allocations after cervical erosion acquire a brownish tinge with impurities of pus or blood. With an unprofessional eye, it is quite difficult to notice the difference between the discharge of a healthy woman and with erosion.
What is erosion? This is a mucosal lesion, the gynecologist can detect a problem when examined with a special device - a gynecological mirror. The focus is visible on the mucous membrane of the cervix. These redness cannot be detected on their own, as they are very small. For this reason, it is necessary to undergo a scheduled examination by a gynecologist. Redness is formed at the uterine neck, so you need to bring a mirror with you for inspection, which can be purchased at an affordable price in any pharmacy.
A timely diagnosed disease will prevent the consequences that are of the most dangerous nature. Neglected erosion is converted to cancer. If you start the case, then erosion begins to spread to healthy areas, then from a benign formation it transforms into malignant. A woman should be very careful about her health. Neglected erosion is a common cause of infertility and cancer in women.

As mentioned earlier, discharge during erosion has a specific feature. But what are the causes of this pathology? After all, it cannot arise from scratch. The causes of the disease can be as follows:
- uterine trauma;
- heavy natural childbirth;
- reduced immunity;
- introduced sexually transmitted infection.
Since erosion can degenerate into an oncological disease, a woman should definitely undergo scheduled examinations by a gynecologist and monitor the nature of vaginal discharge. The latter can alarm in time and report the presence of erosion.
Please note that the discharge is quite difficult to distinguish from normal, even with small deviations and suspicions, consult a doctor. Do not be afraid to go to the gynecologist, the doctor will help prevent the terrible consequences of such an inconspicuous disease.

The main symptoms that indicate the presence of a problem:
- unusual discharge;
- less often pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
- spotting after intercourse.
The most often a woman learns about the presence of a disease from a gynecologist, since symptoms are extremely rare. Pay attention to the discharge, with erosion they have a brownish tint (impurities: pus, blood). Keep in mind that if pain occurs during intercourse, and after it appears blood or anemia - this is a sign that it is time to urgently visit a gynecologist. Before visiting, be sure to purchase a disposable sterile gynecological mirror so as not to bring any infection from medical equipment.
In this section, we will consider the types of discharge during cervical erosion. They may have a different color and texture. Paying attention to the discharge, a woman will be able to prevent a serious illness in time. The most common types of discharge are:
- white
- yellow;
- brown.
White discharge indicates the presence of candidiasis, which often progresses with an erosive infection. It is worth getting rid of this fungal disease. Consult a doctor, he will prescribe the necessary drugs for you.
Yellow discharge indicates an erosive disease and the progression of staphylococcal pathology. What is worth doing in this case? Go to a gynecologist for a consultation. He is obliged to examine you on a chair and schedule an analysis. Next, treatment will be prescribed to eliminate the infection.
With brown discharge, it is necessary to act very quickly, because they say that the inflammatory process has passed to the uterus and ovaries. Do not postpone a visit to the gynecologist to fix the problem.
To summarize, you need to pay attention to the fact that regardless of the color of the discharge, if you notice any deviations in your body, immediately go to your doctor. A timely visit will help get rid of the infection and maintain healthy organs and cells.
Erosion during pregnancy

We examined the question of what the discharge after cervical erosion may be. Now we offer to talk about the presence of the disease in pregnant women.
It is diagnosed during examination. If there is a suspicion, tests for flora are given. With a good result, the doctor will offer to postpone the treatment for the period after the birth of the baby.
In advanced cases, a procedure called colposcopy is necessary. We immediately draw attention to the fact that this is a little painful procedure, but it is necessary to do it. It helps identify the threat of cancer. If there is a probability, then the next step is a biopsy. During pregnancy, it is done only with the permission of two parents, as after the procedure minor bleeding is possible.
Erosive disease does not do any harm to the health of the unborn child. However, there is a threat to the pathology of fetal development in concomitant diseases:
- herpes;
- gonorrhea;
- chlamydia
- trichomoniasis;
- papilloma.
It is worth clarifying that they can trigger a miscarriage.

At the very beginning, it is worth noting that this disease is treated comprehensively and individually. After identifying erosion in a woman, it is necessary to undergo examination by a womanโs partner.
At the very beginning, it is necessary to stop the inflammatory process in the neck and vagina. Next, you need to examine the ovaries and the uterus, if violations are detected, then eliminate them.
The most common treatment is cauterization of erosion. Discharges that have an unusual color or consistency should alert the woman. Mandatory consultation with a doctor is required.
Non-surgical methods are used if the woman has not yet given birth. These include:
- Medication.
- Cauterization with Solkovagin.
- The use of polychromatic light of a wide optical range.
Surgical Methods:
- chemical coagulation;
- chemical degradation;
- diathermoelectrocoagulation (cauterization using current);
- diathermoconization (excision of damaged tissue by current);
- laser surgery.
The advantages of these methods are quick and painless getting rid of the disease. Surgical methods use anesthesia. A woman does not feel any pain during the procedure. Time takes from two to ten minutes. Scars are unlikely to occur, which is good if a woman still wants to give birth to children. No side effects have been identified.
Discharge after treatment

Discharge after cauterization of erosion should be scarce, small disseminations of blood are possible. If the spotting is plentiful, then this may indicate injury to a large vessel. In this case, the doctor may prescribe a second procedure.
The female body after cauterization is restored from 30 days to 50. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences and infection, it is worth observing some rules:
- cancel douching;
- refuse sexual intimacy;
- limit the load on the body;
- refuse to go to the bathhouse and sauna.
During the recovery period, you should not take a hot bath, give preference to a refreshing soul.
Alternative methods of treatment

Discharge after cauterization of cervical erosion should not cause discomfort. After treatment, you need to be observed by your gynecologist for a year.
Now briefly about folk remedies:
- St. John's wort broth (1 tablespoon of raw material per 200 ml of water, take 1 cup per day on an empty stomach, 0.5 cup).
- Honey candles (5 tablespoons honey, 100 grams of butter, 5 grams of propolis, apply 10 days at night).
If erosion is not started, then these methods are quite effective.