Model Trend drug, reviews of which you can read in this article, is a hormonal contraceptive that works by suppressing ovulation, changing the endometrium and increasing the viscosity of uterine secretions.
Model Trend birth control pills, reviews of which are positive, are a very effective drug. According to studies, out of a hundred women using the drug, a maximum of one becomes pregnant. According to doctors, the risk of becoming pregnant increases only in cases of irregular use.

Women who use this contraceptive notice that their menstrual cycle stabilizes very quickly, while menstruation does not become so painful. Due to this, the amount of blood released is significantly reduced, which helps to reduce anemia. In addition, according to scientific studies, this drug can reduce the risk of ovarian cancer.
The contraceptive Model Trend, the reviews of which are described in this article, includes drospirenone, which is responsible for maintaining body weight, as well as preventing the appearance of edema associated with the malfunctioning of female hormones. According to female reviews, this component denies an excellent effect on premenstrual syndrome. In addition, drospirenone is actively struggling with acne, as well as with oily skin and hair.
The drug "Model Trend" has the form of tablets, film-coated, painted in light pink. Inactive tablets are white.
Indications for use
The drug "Model Trend" consumer reviews characterize mainly positively. However, this does not mean that you can prescribe a contraceptive yourself. Before using it, you should pass certain tests and consult a doctor.

This drug can be prescribed by a gynecologist in such cases:
- The main method of contraception;
- contraception and a way to combat acne;
- contraception and a method for treating the severe course of premenstrual syndrome.
"Trend Model" - pills, reviews of which are written in this article, have a large number of contraindications. Therefore, it is absolutely forbidden to use them for self-medication.
But still, you should not use the drug in such cases:
- all types of thrombosis, and their previous condition;
- migraine of unknown origin;
- diabetes;
- serious liver and kidney disease;
- malignant diseases of the genitals;
- bleeding from the vagina of an unknown nature;
- During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- Allergy to the components of the drug.
"Trend Model": instruction
Tablets should be used exactly as recommended by a specialist. Try to carry out this procedure every day at the same time, washing them with a small amount of liquid. Doing this is continuous for twenty-eight days. New packaging should be started the next day. The exact duration of treatment will tell you the doctor.
The start of the drug
"Trend Model" - birth control, reviews of which confirm their effectiveness. They are very popular among young women. To start using the drug is on the first day of the onset of menstruation. It can also be done on the second and third day, but in this case, you need to use other methods of contraception. You need to do this all the first week after the start of the drug from the first package.
Missed pills
If you forget to drink an inactive pill, then nothing bad will happen. But in any case, it is better to throw them away so as not to extend the period of their use. The remaining recommendations apply only to active tablets.

If you forgot to take the pill during the day, do not worry. Just accept it as soon as you remember. Drink the next pill according to your schedule.
If the period is more than forty-eight hours, then in this case, the risk of pregnancy begins to increase. The more tablets you missed, the more likely you are to get pregnant.
Pay attention to two factors that are responsible for the non-occurrence of an unwanted pregnancy:
- in no case do not stop taking the drug for more than four days;
- Do not skip the intake in the first week after the start of use.
How to change the day the bleeding begins?
In order to delay the period of menstrual bleeding, it is worth continuing to take tablets from the second package, while missing inactive tablets from the first. Thanks to this, you can extend the cycle for the desired period. Using the drug from the second package, you may notice spotting blood discharge.

If you continue to use the tablets as usual, the cycle will immediately recover.
Special recommendations
Before using the drug, you need to conduct a detailed examination of the female body. To do this, check the heart rate, body mass index, pressure. A prerequisite is a gynecological examination. This should include examination of the mammary glands, the exclusion of pregnancy, as well as the study of scraping of the cervix. Screening examinations should be done at least once every six months.
It is worth paying attention to the fact that the drug does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
Side effects
Like any other drug, the Model Trend contraceptive can have side effects. This should be considered by every woman before taking the pills. Most often, patients noticed the development of allergic reactions or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. There have been cases of persistent depression, decreased libido, insomnia or, conversely, increased drowsiness.

From the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting can occur. In some cases, the development of anorexia or increased appetite.
It is worth noting that for every woman, the drug has a special effect. Therefore, before using it, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is necessary.
Birth control pills Model Trend: reviews
This drug is very popular among women as the main and auxiliary method of contraception, and also as an excellent tool for normalizing hormonal levels. Most women agree that the drug is a very effective method of contraception, which does not require additional protection.
"Model Trend" - tablets, customer reviews of which indicate the effectiveness of the drug. They are often used by women to normalize hormonal levels, as well as an additional method of getting rid of acne.

However, those women who themselves prescribed the drug very often faced all kinds of health problems. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you do not self-medicate.