Are tomatoes useful? This question, perhaps, was asked by more than one person. This article will tell you about what tomatoes have beneficial properties and contraindications. You will also learn about the calorie content of this vegetable and its use in certain situations.

Are tomatoes useful ? Ask a doctor
If you are interested in this issue, then most likely you are a group of people who want to eat right. It is impossible to answer unequivocally. Of course, the beneficial properties of tomatoes (fresh or processed) are undeniable. However, some people should refrain from such a diet.
Nutritionists say that if you have any health problems, you should consult your doctor before consuming such foods. What tomatoes have beneficial properties and contraindications?
Tomato Limitations
- People who are prone to allergies to this product should refrain from using tomatoes. In this case, we are talking not only about fresh fruits, but also their derivatives.
- Also, tomatoes are contraindicated in lactating women. Product may cause increased gas formation and colic in the baby. Also, tomatoes are an allergen for infants.
- If you suffer from diseases of the liver and gall bladder, then you should absolutely not eat tomatoes. A vegetable can provoke an exacerbation of pathology.
- Patients with urolithiasis must refuse to use the product.
The benefits of vitamins for humans
The nutrients in tomatoes are found in large quantities. Tomatoes can boast of the following composition: vitamin C and E, B1 and B6, B2 and B5, A and PP. The vegetable contains calcium, magnesium, zinc, as well as many other useful substances.
All of these components together have a fantastic effect on the body. A person becomes more cheerful and healthy with the regular use of these red vegetables for food. Let's consider in more detail how tomatoes are useful for the human body.

For the digestive system
What are tomatoes good for? Fresh tomatoes contain a lot of dietary fiber. Most of them are in the peel. These substances are not digested in the stomach and intestines. They increase intestinal motility. Due to this, the human body can be freed from fecal stones.
Digestion and stool with such a diet is being established. Vegetables, including tomatoes, are an excellent prevention of stomach diseases. Tomatoes are recognized as the strongest antioxidant. After a few weeks of daily use of tomatoes, you will notice lightness and comfort.

For a figure
What are tomatoes good for women? Tomatoes are a low-calorie product. With the regular use of this vegetable, you can quickly get rid of extra pounds. In this case, you do not have to starve yourself and exhausting diets.
100 grams of tomatoes contain no more than 20 kcal. This energy value allows you to eat vegetables in unlimited quantities. It will be most useful to eat tomatoes with boiled meat, vegetable oil, cheese and other fats. Such nutrition will contribute to the rapid absorption of nutrients.

Tomatoes and Beauty
What are tomatoes good for women? The vegetable plays an important role in preserving beauty. Thanks to vitamins A and E, the product promotes a healthy complexion. The skin tightens over time (with regular use of tomatoes). Also, many imperfections disappear from the face and body. Tomatoes promote regeneration and healing. In addition to internal effects, the vegetable may have a local effect. To do this, prepare a mask based on a tomato or its juice.
Cancer control
What are tomatoes good for? Scientists have found that this vegetable is able to inhibit the formation of cancer cells. Tomato has special protection on the pancreas, thyroid and prostate gland. Tomatoes mysteriously inhibit the development and division of cancer cells. As a result of this, the disease abruptly recedes or does not affect at all.
It should be noted that for this purpose it is preferable to use tomatoes after heat treatment. It can be a boiled, baked or stewed product. Remember that tomatoes are not a panacea for treating cancer. Do not give up traditional medicine, but simply supplement it.

Benefits to the nervous system and blood vessels
What are tomatoes good for the body yet? The composition of tomatoes includes zinc and magnesium. These elements are simply necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. With periodic use of the product, the veins and capillaries become stronger. To some extent, a tomato can prevent the development of varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
Magnesium has a cumulative effect. That is why with daily use, you can note that the dream has improved, irritability has disappeared. Also, this element helps to increase efficiency and improve mood. We can not say about serotonin. This is the hormone of happiness, without which a person begins depression.
Effect on the protective functions of the body
Tomatoes help strengthen immunity. Due to the high content of vitamin C in tomatoes, a person is less sick. Ascorbic acid is a natural antibiotic. In case of illness, a shock dose of vitamin C can be put on your feet. This does not mean that you need to eat a few pounds of tomatoes. Daily use of a vegetable will enhance immune defense.

How to choose and cook?
To get the maximum dose of nutrients from tomatoes, you need to choose and cook a vegetable. The best option is to grow the product yourself. If you do not have such an opportunity, then buy tomatoes in a store or in the market. The season of these vegetables begins in late summer and lasts until late autumn. It was during this period that tomatoes contain the largest amount of nutrients.
The maximum benefit is obtained by eating a raw vegetable. In this case, do not cut the peel. Make a salad or vegetable cut. For heat treatment it is better to choose stewing or baking. In this case, curled peel may spoil the appearance of the dish. Remove it before cooking.

Summing up the article
You now know how tomatoes are good for the body. In addition to the positive qualities, the vegetable also has a pleasant taste. Always remember contraindications to use. Prepare tomatoes correctly, eat them with pleasure and be healthy!