Gym - a place to work on your body. Everyone has their own goals and wishes, it depends on them how to eat during training. However, the basics are the same for everyone.
Nutrition Basics
Proper nutrition is necessary not only for weight loss or weight gain, but also simply for healing the body.

The principles of healthy eating:
- rejection of food waste;
- fractional frequent meals;
- A sufficient number of calories for the normal functioning of the body;
- the use of a large number of vegetables and fruits;
- the use of healthy fats;
- the use of a sufficient amount of slow carbohydrates;
- vitamins.

Doctors recommend consuming more vegetables and fruits of local origin - the world is designed in such a way that everything that is most beneficial for the body grows in its native land. Overseas products should be eaten as limited as delicacies, and not as a basis for nutrition.
Proper nutrition and sports
Alone, these factors do not work enough, without an integrated approach, you can not reach the goal at all. Only by combining proper nutrition and sport, you can achieve the desired results.

It is very important to know that a healthy diet is not only a limitation of sweet, flour, semi-finished products. The main thing is the absence of a large calorie deficit and a good ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in the diet. There are applications for counting the number of calories consumed with their breakdown by nutrients. The minimum number of calories for an average person is 1300 kcal, of which proteins are 100 g, fats are 60 g, carbohydrates are 300 g. In sports, their number increases to 1800.
A healthy diet and a gym can not only give a dream figure, but also preserve beauty and youth for a long time. Physical activity promotes the release of hormones that improve physical and mental health, but this is not possible without proper nutrition. If you want to lose weight, the number of calories decreases, while building muscle - it increases.
Cardio Training Nutrition Features
Cardio training is used to increase the stamina of the body and to lose weight. May be held on a separate day or after strength training.

There is a myth that morning cardio is more effective for fat burning, but experiments have not proved this. The desire for a quick result can adversely affect health. Hungry cardio is not recommended due to the high load on the heart and burning muscle mass along with fat. In order to avoid muscle loss in the morning, it is recommended to use 2-3 egg whites or 6 capsules of BCA.
If endurance training, you need to use fast carbohydrates before it. It can be a gainer, banana or juice, or a cocktail of all three products.
If the goal is to lose weight, after training, you should drink protein or eat a couple of proteins. This is due to significant energy consumption and the need to restore it. Eating - in an hour. If there is no need to lose weight, there is no restriction in the intake of carbohydrates after exercise (which does not mean uncontrolled eating sweets at all).
Features of nutrition during strength training
Strength training requires the obligatory intake of slow carbohydrates 2 hours before exercise. Protein is also necessary for muscle preservation, it is recommended to use protein before and after training. Fast carbohydrates after exercise contribute to good muscle growth. Even for those who are losing weight, their consumption is necessary immediately after training.

Nutrition during classes in the gym should be complete and balanced. It depends on him whether the expected result will be achieved or not. If you neglect the post-workout meal, you can get a deplorable result: due to a lack of nutrition, the body will split its own muscles. First of all, muscles, only then fat.
Before going to bed, it is important to use slow proteins to preserve and restore muscle mass. It can be cottage cheese or casein. Cottage cheese should not be fat-free, you need a normal fat content of 5%.
Water when doing sports
Drinking water is very important when playing sports. Dehydration is dangerous to health, it threatens with a long high-quality training.
The norm of drinking water is 1-2 liters per day. During training, about 1 liter of water evaporates in an hour and is released with sweat. Replenishment of the water-salt balance of the body is necessary for a comfortable state of health and for less fatigue. It is proved that when drinking water during training, the lesson lasts longer and the result is more effective. If during training it is worth drinking only a few sips, then after you can replenish the entire amount of fluid spent.
During long intensive classes, it is permissible to use water with honey to maintain the stamina of the body. There is a drink on sale for athletes with additional minerals and additives. It can be used with long cardio workouts for endurance, and with short ones for weight loss. There is no sugar in it. Before buying, you should carefully read the composition.
Nutrition Products
Absolutely all natural products are suitable for proper nutrition with moderate or limited consumption. The following is a pyramid of a healthy diet.

Sources of fast proteins are meat, egg white. Slow - cottage cheese. Plant proteins (they are also slow carbohydrates) are legumes. Also, this is all cereals, pasta from hard varieties. Fast carbohydrates are fruits. Fats - oily fish, vegetable oil, nuts. Fresh vegetables are fiber, when boiled they are fast carbohydrates, the use of which should be limited.

All these products must be consumed daily, then the body will be healthy and young. And no depression and fatigue is not terrible if such a diet when exercising in the gym.
Daily routine and nutrition of a healthy person
Imagine an approximate diet. A daily regimen table with meals will help.
time | act | product | % daily rate |
7 a.m. | waking up, light exercise or cardio | BCA or proteins | - |
8 a.m. | breakfast | carbohydrates + proteins | 35% |
11:00 | snack | slimming protein / fruit for a healthy diet | 10% |
13:00 | dinner | carbohydrates + proteins + vegetables | 25% |
3 p.m. | snack | slimming protein / fruit, nuts for a healthy diet | 10% |
18:00 | dinner | protein + vegetables for weight loss / carbohydrates + protein + vegetables before exercise | 10% |
20:00 | workout | after - protein | - |
9 p.m. | second dinner | cottage cheese for weight loss / protein + carbohydrates + vegetables for weight gain | 10% |
23:00 | sleep | weight gain casein | - |
Recipes for healthy, simple meals without heat treatment
Products for proper nutrition are very diverse, from them you can cook anything. Banal pickled chicken breast with fresh vegetables in thin pita bread - a very tasty and healthy snack. There are more interesting recipes for healthy dishes that allow you to eat tasty and healthy.
Carbohydrate snack bar after exercise. Dry the oatmeal in a pan (100 g), add a spoonful of honey, 2 tbsp. l cocoa, 2 tbsp. l dried fruits (pre-chopped by a blender). Mix everything and form a bar. It is a good substitute for high-carb sports nutrition in the gym.
Souffle made from whipped with sweetener proteins. 4 proteins are whipped, dissolved gelatin is gradually added. The mass is poured into a mold and placed in the refrigerator. After 2 hours, you can take out the souffle, cover with melted natural chocolate, crushed nut. Such a simple dessert will preserve the shape and delight you with a great taste. You should not get involved in sugar substitutes, their use is permissible only in extreme cases. It’s better to consume carbohydrate foods enough, then you don’t want sugar.
Sweets for evening tea drinking. You will need: cottage cheese, cocoa, nuts, sweetener. Everything is mixed and cooled in the refrigerator. Fiber can be added to the mass, which will make the recipe even more useful. Instead of cocoa, you can start flavored protein with your favorite taste. Such an evening dessert will have a positive effect on the figure.
Healthy pastries

Homemade healthy bread is simply necessary for people who monitor their health. Its composition: fiber, rye bran, 1/4 part of rye flour, favorite spices, a little oil, yeast, salt. Mix everything, let the dough rise, put it in a mold. Bake in the oven over low heat for an hour. Healthy fresh bread is ready.
Pumpkin-curd cake. Ingredients: cottage cheese - 200 g, pumpkin - 500 g, eggs - 4 pcs., Pumpkin seeds, sweetener to taste. Everything is crushed by a blender (except for seeds), laid out in a mold and baked in the oven at a temperature of 200 0 for an hour. Having pulled out the form, it is necessary to allow the cake to cool well, only then cut and put out of the form. It is very light and gentle.
Nutrition during classes in the gym should not be scarce, otherwise weakness, depression, illness are possible. When playing sports, do not forget the importance of a proper diet. Only eating delicious and healthy, you can achieve the desired results and not throw everything halfway.