In the female body, the vaginal muscles perform various functions, but very often with age, due to physiological characteristics or after childbirth, these muscles lose their elasticity and become flabby. All this leads to the fact that sensations during sex are dulled for the woman herself and for her partner.
Strengthening the muscles of the vagina in women is possible. To do this, you must perform a set of exercises called wumbilding. Training these muscles will strengthen the woman’s orgasm and improve the man’s sensations. In the article, we will take a closer look at the benefits of strengthening the muscles of the vagina and what exercises need to be done for an effective workout.

The benefits of training
It is the problems in intimate life that make women begin to perform gymnastics to strengthen the muscles of the vagina. Such training increases sensitivity and libido, and also helps a woman learn how to control her body.
Exercise for the muscles of the vagina is also useful for healthy girls and women, as it is an excellent prevention of many gynecological diseases. Such training is very useful for women with drooping uterus or urinary incontinence. In addition, these exercises help improve circulation in the pelvic area.
For pregnant women, strengthening the muscles of the vagina is also very useful, because these exercises will help ease the process of childbirth and avoid gaps. Many argue that due to trained, elastic muscles of the vagina, pain during childbirth is not so strong.
These are just a few of the benefits of training your vaginal muscles. Next, we consider in more detail the features of training and what kind of exercises you need to do.
How to understand that these muscles work
During classes in the gym, the muscles that are currently working are immediately felt, and visible to the naked eye. But the muscles of the pelvic floor are invisible to us. Therefore, before you begin to strengthen the muscles of the walls of the vagina, it is necessary to clearly understand which muscles need to be trained. This will help make classes more effective.
So, to determine the very muscles you need, when you go to the toilet, while urinating, try to restrain the stream of urine. In this case, you can not strain the gluteal muscles or compress the legs. These are the very muscles with which it was possible to keep the stream, and it is necessary to train.

Kegel exercises
Kegel exercises to strengthen the muscles of the vagina are one of the most popular of its kind complexes. It contains three types of exercises that need to be done while standing, lying or sitting.
Next, we consider in more detail all the exercises in this complex, as well as who needs to perform such exercises, and to whom, on the contrary, it is contraindicated.
Who is shown the Kegel exercise complex
Strengthening the muscles of the vagina with Kegel exercises will suit the following categories of women:
- pregnant - helps to learn how to completely relax the muscles of the pelvic floor, which during childbirth interfere with the passage of the fetus;
- women after childbirth - will help restore tissues that during pregnancy and childbirth experienced a strong stretch and lost their tone;
- women with urinary incontinence - Kegel exercises in this case are necessary for both prevention and treatment;
- prevention and treatment of prolapse of the pelvic organs.
In addition to the above indications, Kegel exercises will help support a woman's sexual health, improve her intimate life, and also prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the genitals.
Contraindications to training
Kegel exercises for strengthening the muscles of the vagina are contraindicated in the following categories:
- women who have had a miscarriage;
- women diagnosed with oncology;
- women who have had surgery.
In general, Kegel exercises are a great way to maintain sexual health and make your intimate life more vibrant and eventful.

Kegel Exercise Brief
During the exercises to strengthen the muscles of the vagina, it is extremely important not to strain other types of muscles: the press, hips, buttocks. At each approach, even breathing is very important, in no case do not stop breathing. With proper execution, the first results are noticeable after 4-6 weeks.
Next, we’ll review five basic Kegel exercises:
- "Retention" - it is necessary to tighten the muscles of the pelvic floor for about 10 seconds, and then relax. Repeat the exercise 10 times for 4 sets per day. Gradually, it is necessary to increase the number of reductions up to 50 times in one approach.
- “Contraction” - for 5 seconds it is necessary to rhythmically reduce the muscles of the vagina, then relax them and rest for 5 seconds. It is necessary to perform 5 approaches 10 times. Muscle retention time should be gradually increased to 10 seconds.
- “Elevator” - for execution you need to imagine that you are riding in an elevator. Start straining your muscles and gradually increase the tension when lifting the elevator higher and higher. With each floor, contract muscles more and more. Then imagine that you are going down in the elevator and in the same way relax the muscles with each floor more and more.
- “Waves” - the muscles of the anus are also involved in this exercise. When performing, first contract the muscles of the pelvic floor, and then the anus. And then relax in that order.
- “Positioning” is a very effective exercise for pregnant women. Before performing, you need to cleanse the intestines. Then you need to sit down, relax, hold your breath, and then push. This exercise can be performed in various poses - sitting, squatting, on all fours or even lying down. It is also recommended to combine this exercise with breathing exercises, so it will be more effective.
By regularly performing all of the above exercises, you can make the muscles of the pelvic floor more elastic and elastic, which will help improve intimate life and overall health.

Pelvic floor muscle trainers
Intimate gymnastics is not Kegel’s only invention. He also developed a simulator to strengthen the muscles of the vagina. This invention helps to feel the contraction faster, and to tighten the muscles with it is much easier. The simulator itself looks like a phallic rod, on which several spherical inserts are located.
To perform the exercise, you need to enter the simulator into the vagina and try to cover it with muscles so much that it was impossible to get it manually. At first, you are unlikely to succeed in grasping the rod strongly enough. But after each workout it will turn out better and better. With this training, you will feel positive changes after 2-3 weeks of training.

Vaginal pelvic floor muscle balls
Vaginal balls to strengthen the muscles of the vagina is another simulator that is very popular among women. If you decide to buy balls for the first time, it is recommended to purchase double ones on the hitch. The essence of the classes is that you need to enter them into the vagina for 3-5 hours and every 10 minutes to strain the muscles of the pelvic floor. During the first month, such training should be done six times a week for 3 hours a day. And then the duration can be increased to 5 hours a day.
It should be noted that classes with simulators must begin when you have perfectly mastered the Kegel exercises. You need to start classes in a prone position, but strive to ensure that you can easily do all the exercises while standing.
Starting position for training: arms on the belt, legs shoulder width apart, back straight, knees slightly bent. It is very important to fully control all your movements and feel the muscles of the vagina with the simulator that you have chosen for training. The ball must be positioned like this: one at the entrance to the vagina, and the second - closer to the cervix. Muscles need to be relaxed slowly, without rushing so that the ball does not fall out - it is at this moment that they become stronger.
The goal of such a workout is the ability to roll the ball inside the vagina without the help of hands. Over time, the speed of the simulator and its depth are increased. Do not be alarmed if an orgasm occurs during exercise. These exercises were invented in order to give pleasure and allow a woman to feel young and desirable.

Any muscle activity needs an electrical impulse that comes from the brain. As for the vaginal muscles, myostimulation in this case will help to maintain their tone. The smallest impulse will be enough, because the muscles of the pelvic day are much smaller than, for example, biceps or abs. Scientists have long proved that myostimulation helps to make the vagina narrower, and the sensations from sex are brighter and more intense.
Some recommendations
There are some guidelines to help make your workouts more enjoyable and effective:
- Play light relaxing music while exercising. This will help you tune in the right mood and enter the rhythm of training.
- For high efficiency, exercises must be performed regularly and as often as possible. The required minimum is 8-10 times a day each exercise. Only then will the training bear fruit.
- Beloved by all girls, high heels also help tone and strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. Scientists have proved that when the foot is at an angle of 15 degrees from the ground, then in this case the muscles of the vagina are unconsciously trained.
About all exercises to strengthen the muscles of the vagina of the girl leave only positive reviews. Women note an improvement in sexual life, orgasm comes faster, and it is much brighter than before. Girls who began to engage in strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor during pregnancy note that childbirth went quickly, without complications. And after giving birth, it is much easier to come to your senses and again return to your previous intimate life. There are no negative reviews about Kegel exercises or special simulators; all women are happy with the results and recommend such training to their friends.

Elastic and strong muscles of the walls of the vagina are reliable support to all organs of the reproductive system. Thanks to regular and quality training, the development of prolapse or prolapse of the pelvic organs can be prevented. Increased sexual desire, a woman becomes more sensual. The most important advantage of such exercises is that they can be performed anytime, anywhere. However, such gymnastics has some contraindications. Therefore, before starting classes, you must consult a doctor to be sure that the exercises will bring you only positive emotions and results.