In the article, we consider the treatment of folk remedies for a polyp in the uterus and reviews.
These are pathological formations of a benign nature that arise from the structures of the mucous membrane. As a rule, the development of polyps is accompanied by an increase in the epithelial inner layer of this organ (hyperplasia). Neoplasms themselves have a main body and a leg, which is attached to the wall of the uterus. Inside this leg, small blood vessels function that nourish the body of a pathological formation.

From what polyps form in the uterus, it is interesting to many.
Symptom detection and treatment of this uterine disease should occur as early as possible and under the supervision of a gynecologist. If we talk about symptoms, then we are talking about too much bleeding outside the menstrual cycle and regular pain in the lower abdomen. Among the main causes of neoplasms in the uterus can be identified non-compliance with sterility and accuracy when performing gynecological manipulations, for example, scraping for histological examination, termination of pregnancy. A negative role in the formation of polyps is played by changes in the hormonal background of the patient, which does not allow the endometrium to function normally. Attention should also be paid to the likelihood of polyps degenerating into oncological tumors and the woman’s lack of chances to become pregnant, since the presence of neoplasms on the inner layer of the uterus does not allow the fertilized egg to attach to the wall for subsequent growth and development.
The earlier treatment for the polyp is prescribed, the higher the woman’s chance of having a baby. Removal of polyps is usually carried out operatively. It is very important to remove existing formations completely, otherwise the remaining particles can provoke a relapse of the disease. After surgical treatment the doctor prescribes therapy with hormonal therapy, the rate of admission which lasts up to six months.
Causes of occurrence
In clinical practice, there is no explanation as to why developing polyps in the uterine endometrium, but there are several versions of this:
- Change in hormonal balance. An increase in the density and size of the inner layers of the uterus can provoke an increased number of estrogens or a low level of progesterone. As a result of this, polyps can occur, both single and multiple.
- Pathological enlargement of the blood vessels of the uterus. The expansion of their walls can serve as a factor in the development of polyps. When they lose elasticity or become clogged, this can provoke accelerated multiplication of epithelial cells, from which the polyp forms.
- Genital inflammation. With this type of disease in the functioning of the uterus, the appearance of specific immune cells is observed, which inhibit the development of inflammation and provoke an increase in the number of endometrial cells.
- Pathology of the thyroid gland. Since the functioning of all the glands in the body is interconnected, changes in the functions of the thyroid gland, adrenal cortex or liver can contribute to malfunctioning of the ovaries and excessive production of sex hormones.
- Abortion and curettage in violation of the rules of conduct and sterility. Incorrectly performed manipulations can provoke the development of erosion on the uterine mucosa, which causes the appearance of polyps.
- High blood pressure and diabetes. The danger of such diseases lies in the disruption of blood circulation in small vessels, as a result of which the cells do not receive the necessary amount of oxygen and begin to multiply pathologically. Hyperplasia begins, which is the cause of the formation of polyps in the endometrium of the uterus.
- Overweight. Features of adipose tissue consist in the accumulation in cells and under the skin, and in the ability to produce estrogens, which cause the appearance of neoplasms of nodular forms of a benign nature.

Below we consider the treatment of polyp in the uterus with folk remedies. Reviews will be presented at the end of the article.
Treatment with folk remedies
Polyp of the uterus, as a gynecological pathology, is quite common. If timely diagnosis of the disease at an early stage is carried out, then the pathology is easily amenable to therapy. In most cases, you can solve the problem using alternative medicine. However, it is important to remember that treatment of uterine polyps without surgery is possible only after a visit to the gynecologist.
Patients with uterine polyposis are interested in how to cure the disease on their own and without harm to the body. The prospect of using hormone medications for women is often scary, and they are looking for alternative methods. In this case, the grass will be a very effective means.
There are many recipes for polyps in the uterus, which can be used independently with this diagnosis. If any of them is ineffective, you can always change the tactics of treatment and replace it with another.
Treatment without hormones and other pharmacological drugs can be longer, but no less effective. The woman’s body does not suffer from the use of folk remedies, so there are a lot of supporters of such methods of therapy.
How to treat polyps in the uterus with celandine?
Celandine Recipes
Celandine is recommended as a proven and reliable tool. It can be used inside and douche them. You can use each method separately or combine them. It is necessary to properly prepare the drug infusion. It will require:
- 1 cup of fresh grass, which must be chopped and put in a thermos;
- pour boiling water, wrap in order to keep heat as long as possible;
- insist 10 - 12 hours;
- strain and refrigerate.
According to reviews, celandine from polyps in the uterus helps to get rid very quickly.
The course of therapy may be different. The best option is for 5 weeks. In the first week, half a teaspoon is taken daily, in the second week - in full, in the third - 1 tablespoon, in the fourth and fifth - two tablespoons. Then you need to reduce the dose to a teaspoon. Usually a similar course is enough for recovery.

Pine uterus from polyps in the uterus
This medicinal plant has been used by women for several hundred years with infertility and many other pathologies of the female sphere. The boron uterus has proven itself in the treatment of polyps, especially in combination with douching.
You need to take it in the form of infusion for two weeks, half a glass between menstruation. To prepare the medicine, take 1 tbsp. l dry plants, pour boiling water and insist for 30 minutes. After this, you need to strain the infusion and take in two steps.
Also, with polyps, the tincture of the boron uterus, which is prepared using alcohol or vodka, helps well.
How to treat polyps in the uterus with wormwood?
With the help of wormwood, it is possible to treat uterine polyps without surgery. In this case we are talking about the local use (tampons, lotions, douching). Making a decoction yourself is not at all difficult: 1 tsp. wormwood is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for 10 minutes, then filtered. It should be used twice a day, as well as after sexual intercourse.
In certain cases, you can apply a mixture of plants, to wormwood, you can add aloe, bitter red pepper and birch buds.
This medicinal plant can also be used both externally and internally. The infusion is prepared as follows: dry leaves (1 spoon) are poured with a glass of boiling water, insist for 2 hours. Drinking medication needed daily after meals for one month. For topical treatment: douching at night.
Polyps can be treated with a plant such as hemlock. When choosing this method, care must be taken, since hemlock is a poisonous plant. To accustom the body thereto should gradually finished tincture thus in pure form is not used. One drop infusion added to water (half a glass) and the daily dose increased up to 25 drops. Taken such medicine twice a day before meals. After this, a break of one week is required, after which the medication is resumed according to the original scheme. The course of therapy is 3 cycles of taking the medicine.

This method is very effective and will help to recover without surgery, it is used even in the treatment of cancer.
To prepare the infusion, you will need:
- during flowering, collect leaves, stems and flowers of the plant, rinse and chop them;
- pour the resulting mixture with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 4;
- Place the mixture in a dark place for 3 weeks;
- strain.
A decoction of currants and rose hips
It is also quite an effective folk remedy for the treatment of uterine polyps and, no less important, absolutely harmless. To prepare it you need:
- dog-rose fruit;
- currant berries;
- nettle leaves.
All components must be mixed, poured with boiling water, boil for 15 minutes in a water bath, stirring. The finished broth after cooking is infused for 40 minutes and filtered. The course of treatment is a month, you need to take a decoction daily in half a glass three times a day.
Canadian Yellow Root
In the form of a decoction it is used for douching, which is prepared from the grated root of this medicinal plant. The resulting mass must be poured with boiling water (1 tbsp.spoon into a glass of water) and insisted for 30 minutes. Then the mixture is decanted and the entire volume is used (the procedure is carried out daily until complete recovery).
Garlic is very good from a polyp in the uterus.
Garlic and onions
Garlic should be crushed to a fine grater, then add a little honey. This mixture is wrapped in a sterile bandage, and in the form of a tampon is administered overnight into the vagina. This folk remedy helps to remove the polyp without surgery, if such a procedure carried out every day at night for a month.
As an alternative to this option, there is another recipe: onions are grated and mixed with honey. The mixture is also applied to a tampon and administered overnight (course of therapy 10 days).

Douche broths
Treatment of polyps with folk remedies can be carried out at home independently (after consultation with a gynecologist) by means of decoction for douching. Most medicinal plants that are recommended for this diagnosis have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, and sometimes even hemostatic.
That is why the treatment of uterine polyp folk ways leads to periods of sustained remission and complete recovery. The advantages of herbal remedies for local use include:
- lack of side effects;
- the ability to choose another safe tool with identical properties when necessary (for example, with allergic reactions);
- good compatibility with drug therapy (douching with celandine with polyposis can be combined with the use of hormonal medications).
For douching, you can use not only the infusion of celandine. Calendula with uterine polyps is often used as part of the fees. Its flowers have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, the ability of this plant to tone the uterus and heal wounds, which helps in regulating the menstrual cycle, is appreciated. There are a variety of collections for douching, which usually use medicinal herbs such as sage, oak bark, yarrow, thyme, chamomile, chestnut, lemon balm, nettle and others.
Folk methods for the treatment of uterine polyps are quite diverse, and herbal remedies occupy a leading place among them. This is due to the necessary properties of plants to combat this pathology. Efficiency and accessibility at the same time is a pretty good combination, so there are many recipes for different infusions, decoctions, juices, they are taken orally or used locally.

Golden mustache tincture
From uterine polyps, tinctures of a golden mustache (fragrant callizia) on alcohol help well. They are recommended for pathologies of an infectious nature. To prepare the medicine, you need 40 joints of the plant and 600 ml of vodka.
Infuse the mixture for two weeks, when taking, dilute 20 drops of the drug in water. It is taken by a course of 4 cycles of 30 days with a break of 14 days.
Red brush from a polyp in the uterus
The red brush can be used as a part of fees (for example, Klimushko’s herbal gather) or as an independent tool. 30 g of dry grass is poured with boiling water, insisted and filtered. Take this remedy three times a day before meals.
Burdock and knotweed
Is burdock effective for polyps in the uterus?
Burdock and knotweed, due to its medicinal properties, included in various concoctions. It is used for external use in the form of douching. The composition includes burdock, knotweed and chamomile (5, 3 and 1 tbsp.spoons), which are chopped, poured with boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes. After this, the broth should be cooled and taken in ¼ cup three times during the day.
Let us further consider reviews of the treatment of polyp in the uterus with folk remedies.

Uterine polyp is a pathological phenomenon that is very common today. This is due to the environmental situation, the wrong lifestyle of many women, taking medications, poor nutrition.
Reviews about the treatment of polyps in the uterus without surgery are very numerous.
The most common recipes using herbs upland uterus, hemlock and red brush. Women say that these techniques have been used for quite some time, but they are very effective at getting rid of the polyp.
As for the local means for douching and tamponing, it is most often used funds based on garlic and honey.
We examined the treatment of folk remedies for a polyp in the uterus and reviews.