Behind the long months of waiting for a miracle, a constantly growing belly, all the "charms" of pregnancy. And here you have little happiness in your hands. How to feed him from the first days of his life? Most children eat breast milk during this period. Therefore, a lactating woman must have a properly compiled diet, especially in the first time after the birth of the baby.
With the appearance of a new family member in the house, his mother immediately has a huge number of cases. Therefore, she often forgets about nutrition. But this can not be done in any case, it is necessary to pay due attention to useful products. Proper nutrition should be established exactly after the birth of the baby. This is so that subsequently there are no multiple problems with digestion and health.
The best food for a born baby is breast milk. Nature itself perfectly collected in it all the necessary nutrients. There was a time when breastfeeding was considered almost a crime, and children from birth were transferred to artificial mixtures. This boom has passed, and the kids are currently getting everything they need with their mother’s milk.

Every woman should know that it gives the child much-needed immunity, excellent digestion and reduces the development of allergic reactions. Unlike expensive mixtures, this method of feeding is the cheapest and most affordable. But for this it is necessary that the diet for the nursing mother in the first month of the baby's life should meet all the requirements.
If a woman eats properly during lactation, then this solves several issues at once:
- prevents a decrease in the functionality of the mammary glands;
- provides the baby with all the vitamins and nutrients;
- breastfeeding prevents colic in the tummy of infants;
- babies receiving breast milk are rarely affected by diathesis.
Why exactly the first month?
The diet for a nursing mother in the first month should be carefully thought out. It is necessary to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations and introduce new products with the utmost care, studying and observing the baby’s reaction to them. However, this does not mean that you should limit yourself in the necessary substances. On the contrary, it is in the first instants of the life of a new man that you need to eat fully and balancedly. For months, it is necessary to include the fundamental components in the diet of a nursing mother : proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

This is especially necessary at first. If the baby will not be completely saturated, then the woman should have a stimulating effect on milk with certain foods and fluids. Especially their quantity. So, during breastfeeding, the mother should consume a lot of fluids. But at the same time, the rule of the "golden mean" should be observed. This applies to both food and drink.
"Golden mean"
There are two approaches to the diet: someone begins to eat intensely, and the rest strictly adhere to restrictions, fearing allergic reactions of the baby. Neither is correct. The abuse of products will affect the child’s tummy, he will have colic and even diathesis. Limitations will lead to a significant reduction in nutrients in foods and the amount of vitamins. Therefore, in the presence of normal health in the baby, the diet for the nursing mother in the first month should not be too strict, limiting it literally in everything. Eat should be varied and tasty, only you should adhere to some rules.
Healthy diet
The toughest menu for a nursing mom is in the first week. Milk cereals are allowed , vegetables must be boiled, meat to be consumed is not very fatty in stewed or boiled form. What other foods are on the list of necessary products? Of course, this is cottage cheese, cheese and yogurt. Bread should be wheat or bran.

The lactation period is characterized by the need for heavy drinking. You can drink compote, herbal tea, boiled water. What is forbidden is soda, lemonade, coffee and strong tea.
Subsequently, the menu of a nursing mother for months should be gradually increased, adding new products every day. This should be done with great care and still carefully monitor the baby. If a negative reaction of the child follows, it is necessary to immediately exclude the indicated food from the diet.

Of great importance in the nutrition of mothers are fresh fruits and vegetables, berries and herbs. They contain many useful micronutrients and nutrients. These foods also have dietary fiber that promotes healthy digestion and the prevention of constipation. Every day (ideally) you need to consume protein in the form of lean meat, boiled eggs, fish. These products can be cooked stewed or steamed.
Among other things, it is worth considering the region of origin of plants. That is, exotic ones will not bring benefits to either you or your baby. While vegetables or fruits grown in the climatic zone of your residence will be saturated with trace elements.
How many times a day to eat? At least five to six times a day every five hours. You should not feel hungry for a woman who is feeding a baby. In this regard, even night outings to the kitchen are allowed. Just do not eat up at this time. A glass of kefir, tea with milk is allowed.
Be careful with sugar!
Caution should be exercised when handling sugar. The child may have a negative reaction to this. Before flavoring your tea with a few tablespoons of sugar, put a spoon or two in it and look at the reaction of the child. If all goes well, then sugar will not hurt, but in very limited quantities. Also, over time, you can gradually start to use jam, jam.

The diet for a nursing mother in the first month should be the most thought out, as balanced as possible (as much as possible, of course). Mom should receive a tasty and varied diet, which will appeal to her baby. Just foods that can cause an allergic reaction, intestinal colic are excluded from the diet.
Allergens banned
What causes an allergy? Everyone knows chocolate, citrus fruits, smoked and fried foods. Also, those products that underwent industrial processing: sausage, fish, honey, nuts.
In babies prone to allergies, diathesis may occur on various products. Which ones? It is necessary to determine them individually under strict observation. Those children who are healthy usually tolerate well when their mother consumes an allergenic product.

With caution, eat or completely exclude whole milk, pastries, grapes, fresh cucumbers, cabbage, apples and brown bread from the diet. They can cause colic in the baby.
Avoid foods that change the taste of breast milk
It should be remembered that the food consumed sometimes completely changes the taste of breast milk. This category includes onions, garlic, seasonings. The baby will abandon the breast and remain hungry if his lactating woman abuses these products.
The menu of a nursing mother will vary slightly by months, because every day some products will be added, and some will be excluded in accordance with the child’s reaction to them. The most cautious month is the first. Then the child grows, grows stronger - and will not react so violently to what his mother eats. It is impossible to completely limit oneself in everything. You just need to observe the measure and exclude products that are unpleasant for your baby. If, for example, you really want forbidden chocolate, you can eat it a little, and not a whole kilogram. Then the child will not have diathesis, and the woman will be pleased.

Over time, not only new foods consumed by his mother, but also milk formulas or various baits will be introduced into the baby’s diet. It is also necessary to very sensitively capture the child’s reaction to new dishes. Not everyone tolerates mixtures. Many may have allergic rashes on them.
Basically, children under one year old are most susceptible to food. After reaching this age, sensitivity to them decreases. After all, children are getting stronger, and they are no longer afraid of diathesis. Therefore, special care must be taken during this period. After all, peeling and skin irritation can deliver a lot of unpleasant minutes to the baby and its parents. In this case, a hypoallergenic diet for nursing people is suitable.