In modern society, the question of getting rid of excess weight without harm to health has become quite acute. Indeed, the development of wide fast food chains and the lack of a clear daily regimen leads to massive obesity. Of course, in this case, you need to contact a specialist who can competently limit nutrition in accordance with the individual characteristics of the body. One of the most common is the diet of Pierre Ducant for weight loss. It is well known that Kate Middleton, before her wedding with Prince William, adhered to the recommendations that this dietician had developed at one time.
Pierre Ducan Diet for weight loss: the basic commandments

If you have already decided to bring your figure to ideal proportions, then you should approach this issue seriously and strictly observe all the tips prescribed by this or that diet. The main advantage of this diet is the fact that lost kilograms will remain in the past forever. However, it is not necessary to count on a lightning-fast result, which will be fixed for life. To establish a stable weight, you should follow a diet for more than a month. So, the nutritionist Ducan has developed a nutrition system in which the main foods are high in protein, while the consumption of fats and carbohydrates is reduced. Moreover, a person gets the opportunity to eat at any time, which means that he does not feel hunger, which will protect him from breakdowns and overeating.

Diet Pierre Ducan for weight loss includes 4 stages. At the first stage, it is recommended to drink a vitamin course, as the load on the body increases. Usually its duration takes no more than three days, but the results are amazing. In just three days, the patient drops up to six kilograms. Liver, lean meats (mainly poultry), small amounts of beef, and fish should be included in your daily diet. You canβt fry foods, you should cook steamed without salt and spices. Among sour-milk products, preference should be given to kefir, milk and cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat content. It is allowed to eat fish with lemon, and meat with pickled cucumber or cheese. Dr. Ducanβs diet suggests that losing weight drinks at least two liters of water during the day. Of course, pure filtered water is most suitable, but green or herbal tea will also not hurt.
At the second stage, a day of protein food should be alternated with a vegetable day. In the list of acceptable vegetables, the leading positions are occupied by cucumbers and tomatoes, beans, some varieties of cabbage, zucchini and eggplant, spinach, salad.

The third stage is considered fixing, that is, you need to start it when the arrow on the scales has reached the desired number. The diet of Pierre Ducan for weight loss takes a lot of time, as it is aimed at a high-quality result. So, each kilogram lost will have to be fixed for 10 days. This will require once a week to return to protein days, and the rest of the time gradually introduce non-nutritious fruits, low-fat varieties of cheese and more. The fourth stage involves a change in lifestyle.
Ducan Diet Reviews
Most women managed to lose weight and never return to it again. However, they warn that one should not forget about the fourth stage and once every one or two weeks still arrange protein days.