Contrary to popular belief, the ideal age for the birth of the first child is not expressed by the number in the passport. It consists of physiological, social and psychological factors. Many doctors believe that the most optimal age for the birth of the first child is a period of 19–26 years. However, there are opponents of this theory. Below are the main points that affect a woman’s willingness to become a mother, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of pregnancy at different ages.
Physiological factors
To understand what age is optimal for the birth of the first child, doctors recommend initially contacting a gynecologist. The specialist will conduct diagnostic measures and assess the degree of functioning of the reproductive organs, identify or exclude the presence of pathologies that may interfere with conception.
From the point of view of physiology, the ideal age for the birth of the first child is a period between 19 and 26 years. Doctors believe that after 18 years, a woman’s body is completely ready for conception and bearing a fetus. At this time, the genitals are already fully formed, in addition, hormonal imbalances are much less often diagnosed, since the level of substances is perfectly maintained by the ovaries (in the absence of pathologies).
When planning pregnancy at this age, one should take into account: the vaginal muscles are not only elastic, but also elastic, and the pelvic bones are characterized by mobility, which is an extremely important factor affecting the course of the delivery process.
Most young women have well-trained abdominal muscles. It is much easier for such women in childbirth to follow the doctor’s commands when trying.
As practice shows, girls aged 19–26 years are less likely to suffer from chronic pathologies, which also affects the course of pregnancy and the delivery process. The latter often passes easily and without tears or with minimal tissue damage. Complications also develop extremely rarely.
After 25–26 years, reproductive function begins to slowly fade. Many women have excess weight and chronic diseases, which can significantly complicate the course of the gestational period. That is why most doctors say that the most favorable age for the birth of the first child is 19–26 years.

Psychological factors
It is important to understand that parenthood is a completely new stage. After the baby is born, you will have to reconsider your usual way of life and substantially adjust it. Therefore, from the point of view of psychology, each woman herself must determine for herself the optimal age for the birth of her first child.
You must remember that you can break off relations with your spouse or change jobs. But the baby is a member of the family who will remain in her forever.
If a woman was not psychologically ready for her pregnancy, internal conflicts could arise in her head. And they are often subsequently transferred to the child. Most often, this is due to the fact that the woman did not have time to enjoy a life free of obligations and make her dreams come true. It is worth noting that for most young mothers, internal conflicts and all kinds of complaints are leveled by the emotions that they receive from the baby.
Another scenario is possible - the appearance of postpartum depression. Psycho-emotional instability often becomes the cause of trouble in the family and mistakes in education. If signs of depression occur, it is recommended that you consult a specialist.
Thus, from the point of view of physiology, the best age for the birth of the first child is 19–26 years. However, psychologists say that a woman should be ready for motherhood. If you take into account only physiological factors, you can harm not only yourself, but also the baby. It is important to understand that a healthy child grows up only in that family where a favorable psychological environment prevails.

Social factors
In today's world, an increasing number of parents believe that the most suitable age for the birth of their first child is the one in which they achieved certain career successes. Many experts consider this justified, because the baby should be warmly dressed, well fed. In addition, the presence of a child in the family is always unforeseen expenses, not to mention that he must have at least a minimum number of toys.
Despite the consistency of the theory that the baby should live in abundance, she also has opponents. They argue that material wealth is not a paramount condition. The only important thing is that the child must have loving parents, and the financial situation can change at any time, both for the worse and for the better.

Early pregnancy
It happens that the gestation period falls on the period of 13-16 years. In 95% of cases we are talking about an unplanned pregnancy. Naturally, the favorable age for the birth of the first child in this period is not.
What is the reason for this:
- insufficient physical development of the expectant mother;
- lack of stable earnings (in most cases), which is extremely important for a family with a child;
- psycho-emotional instability of a girl, the result of which often becomes postpartum depression;
- deficiency of estrogen and progesterone - hormones responsible for the full formation of the placenta;
- the presence of high risks of postpartum complications, in particular, deep ruptures and hemorrhages.
Thus, early pregnancy is not a normal option. However, upon its onset, it will be necessary to adjust the way of life and take actions that will contribute to improving financial well-being.
Pregnancy after 30 years
A few years ago, doctors claimed that the first birth at this age is a serious risk. From this period the expression "old-born" appeared. However, at present in developed countries it is often possible to meet women who decide to become mothers after 30 years. Moreover, some experts believe that 30–35 years is the optimal age for the birth of the first child.
What is the reason for this:
- financial stability;
- psychological readiness;
- reproductive function, although it is on the decline, but does not fade away.
It is important to take into account the fact that after 30 years the number of cycles that are not accompanied by ovulation increases. In addition, the susceptibility of the uterus to an already fertilized egg decreases somewhat. In other words, getting pregnant is not as easy as before 30 years of age.
Most experts say that it is not only difficult, but also dangerous to give birth for the first time after 30 years. Possible complications at this age:
- fetoplacental insufficiency;
- weak labor activity;
- detachment of the placenta;
- soft tissue breaks;
- uterine bleeding;
- premature birth or, conversely, their occurrence much later than the established date;
- preeclampsia;
- fetal hypoxia;
- premature discharge of amniotic fluid;
- developmental pathology;
- the risk of diabetes and breast cancer in the mother.
If we take into account the high probability of the aforementioned complications, we can conclude that the age after 30 years is not optimal for the birth of the first child. However, as practice shows, most women risk for good reason and raise healthy babies. Thanks to medical technologies, many pathologies can be identified already in the first weeks of the first trimester, which allows timely taking all necessary measures.

Features of the gestational period after 40 years
For the first time, doctors in most cases prohibit giving birth at this age. In addition, the probability of pregnancy is very low. But even if conception has successfully occurred, there is a risk of miscarriage.
Complications in late pregnancy:
- diabetes;
- detachment of the placenta;
- exacerbation of existing pathologies of a chronic nature;
- a high risk of having a baby with Down syndrome.
In addition, pregnancy is difficult. The delivery process is not easy either. After its completion, various complications are often diagnosed - from vaginal ruptures to uterine bleeding.
If a woman considers that the best age for the birth of her first child is 40–45 years old, she needs to undergo a full examination of the body. Based on the results of the diagnosis, the doctor will assess the likelihood of successful bearing the fetus.

Age of women in childbirth in different countries
According to statistics, over the past few years, he deviated from the generally accepted upward. In Europe, the average age of women who decide to become mothers for the first time is 27–28 years. In Russia, it is 28–29 years old.
Later all seek to know the joy of motherhood in Spain and Italy. In these countries, most women give birth for the first time after 30 years.
Determining the optimal age
Specialists have developed a table according to which every woman can understand when it is better for her to give birth to her first child. The indicators are averaged, they do not need to be considered as a guide to action.

Optimum age for men
Regarding men, doctors say that it all comes down to the quality of the genetic material. If in women the eggs are formed only in the prenatal period and in a certain amount, then in men sperm change their properties throughout life.
In other words, if the future father is 50 years old, but he leads a healthy lifestyle, then his genetic material is not inferior in quality to that which young people have in 20-25 years. Sperm motility is also an indicator that is completely independent of age.
Thus, if a man follows the principles of a healthy lifestyle, he can become a father when he wishes. In this case, psychological and social factors should be considered.
Doctors say that a lower limit for men does exist. Experts do not recommend thinking about children before 18 years of age.
Where is the truth
Some doctors say that 19–26 years old is the ideal age for a woman to give birth to her first child. Others are confident that you can successfully take out the baby after 30 years. As usual, the truth is somewhere in between.
Initially, you need to make sure that the woman is psychologically ready to become a mother. She should be aware that life will completely change, perhaps she will even have to sacrifice a lot. Financial well-being is a purely individual indicator, for people it has a different degree of significance. But it will not be superfluous to assess the income of your family and understand whether there is enough money even for a minimum set of everything necessary for the baby.
The final stage is a comprehensive examination. It often happens that a woman’s body at 35 years old is more ready for pregnancy and childbirth than, for example, at 25 years old.
Inspection at the planning stage
In preparation for conception, a woman should visit a gynecologist, dentist, otorhinolaryngologist, cardiologist and allergist.
The examination includes the following diagnostic measures:
- Clinical analysis of blood and urine.
- Biochemical study of fluid connective tissue.
- Gynecological smear.
- Analysis of biomaterial from the cervix by PCR.
- Blood test for hormones.
- Test for rubella, herpes, HPV, HIV, AIDS, tuberculosis, syphilis, E. coli, hepatitis. The absence of these pathologies is one of the main requirements for bearing a child.
- Blood coagulation test.
- Colposcopy.
Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor will be able to assess the readiness of the woman’s body for pregnancy.

Most experts argue that the optimal age for the birth of the first child is 19–26 years. During this period, the reproductive organs function well, less often chronic diseases occur. In addition, the risk of complications is minimal. However, one should take into account not only physiological, but also psychological and social factors.