Human health is very fragile. In youth, it seems that his supply is endless. Despite the wrong diet, violation of the regime of work and rest, and even when drinking alcohol, you feel good. And all this becomes possible thanks to the work of a hard-working body called the liver. It faithfully serves our body, passing through itself all the poisons and toxins and participating in the digestion process in the most direct way.

Disorders in the liver
It is impossible to overestimate the importance of the liver in the life of the body. This body performs many diverse functions. There are about five hundred in total, so itβs difficult to even simply name them, not to mention describe them. The liver stores vitamins and nutrients such as sugar and hemoglobin. This is a natural filter for our body, which passes through itself and cleanses the blood.
The liver produces such an important substance as bile. It is necessary for emulsifying fats and generating heat to warm all corners of the body. To the extent possible, the liver protects against harmful and toxic substances, not allowing a person to die from intoxication. Of course, this is a tremendous job, during which the cells of this organ - hepatocytes - suffer. If your natural filter begins to junk, then you need to change the diet. A diet for a sick liver is a necessary measure, which makes it possible to stop its damage and create conditions for recovery.
What symptoms should alert
The problem usually develops over time. It pricked a little, got sick, let go. In extreme cases, you can drink an anesthetic drug and live on calmly. But if you continue to eat improperly, then the discomfort will only increase. A diet for a sick liver and gall bladder is prescribed if the patient complains of the following symptoms:
- Nausea, and sometimes vomiting.
- Gray or yellowish skin tone.
- Bitterness in the mouth. Especially often it appears at night.
- Darkening of urine. Very alarming. This means that kidneys as well suffer.
- Diarrhea or constipation, flatulence, accompanied by severe pain.
All these symptoms must be addressed with your doctor. Only on the basis of diagnosis can he prescribe the correct treatment.

Why diet correction is necessary
The liver can suffer from many different factors. But most often the cause is a negligent attitude to your diet. Coffee for breakfast, a hunger strike during the day and a hearty dinner, an excess of fried, sweet and fatty foods - all this leads to disruptions in its work. Most often, there are problems with the biliary tract. Further problems are increasing:
- Bile begins to stagnate in the gall bladder, which leads to the formation of stones.
- There is a decrease in liver activity, degeneration of its cells. Fibrosis is even possible.
- Improper nutrition leads to obesity in the liver. Fat accumulates in the intercellular space and begins to occupy increasingly large areas. As a result, the liver becomes inflamed, enlarged, and scars appear on it.
Of course, in such conditions it can no longer function properly. Diet for a sick liver is the main way to solve existing problems.
Disease prevention
It is always much easier to prevent. To do this, it is enough not to abuse fatty foods. Replace buns with coarse bread more often, and sweets with fruits and honey. Porridge and potatoes are very good, but high-calorie foods. It is best to cook vegetables instead. You need to eat at a certain time, while respecting moderation and not transmitting. Well, and, of course, it is very important to abandon all bad habits, drink less tablets, lead a healthy lifestyle.
But if you already feel that the body is malfunctioning, then preventative measures are clearly not enough. With a diseased liver, a diet will have to be observed not only more stringent, but also prolonged. Most often, doctors say that now it should become your lifestyle.

Ability to regenerate
This amazing property of our liver allows us to reverse all destructive processes. But in order for the wheel to spin in the opposite direction and the damaged organ began to recover, it must be allowed to rest from a constant load. Therefore, with a diseased liver, the diet should be very strict. It is aimed primarily at enhancing metabolism and reducing stress. It is very important to restore the functions of not only the organ itself, but also of the biliary tract and gall bladder.
A wide range of problems - one solution
Today we are considering a diet that will be common with a variety of liver problems. It is often prescribed for chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholangitis, cholecystitis. The main emphasis is on an increase in the diet of protein foods. It is she who is needed to restore the body. But not every protein will be equally useful.
First of all, nutritionists pay attention to the fact that it should be easily digestible. Increasing the percentage of its consumption, it is necessary to significantly limit the intake of fat and reduce the percentage of simple carbohydrates. As you can see, it is not so easy to immediately answer the question of what you can eat on a diet. A sick liver makes itself felt with severe discomfort in the abdomen. To minimize it, you need to abandon products that activate enhanced production of gastric juice. These are sources of cholesterol, oxalic acid and refractory fats.

Basic Rules
Below we will consider in detail what you can eat on a diet. A sick liver is not a sentence, but an occasion to think twice. If you start the disease, the condition will rapidly deteriorate. There are basic rules that must be followed. In this case, you will gradually forget about health problems.
- The usual diet, including breakfast, lunch and dinner, is suitable only for a healthy person. If you already have problems with the digestive system, you need to break each meal at least twice. That is, you need to sit at the table at least 6 times a day, each time eating a small portion.
- You can eat only boiled foods, preferably crushed to a puree state.
- All fried is prohibited.
- You need to eat only warm food. Cold and hot is not your option. Only slightly warm.
- Add more fiber-containing foods to your diet. This will allow the body to cleanse faster and still maintain a sense of fullness.
Menu Basis
Diet for a sick liver and pancreas is considered one of the longest. But this does not mean that you have to go hungry. You just need to reconsider your views on nutrition and include only healthy foods in your diet.
- Be sure to include low-fat meats on the menu. Best if it is chicken or turkey, rabbit or lean beef. The bird is allowed to eat only without skin. You can twist the meat and cook excellent steam cutlets.
- Bread may be present on the menu. However, fresh bakery products, and especially baking, are highly undesirable. Bread should be yesterday, a little dried. So it will be much more useful.
- Fish is a very healthy product. But the diet for a sick liver and pancreas imposes some limitations. You can eat lean fish every day. Most often these are river inhabitants: pike, pike perch. But seafood can only be eaten in small quantities.
- Most types of cereals. Oatmeal, buckwheat, rice and semolina are especially recommended.
This is the basis from which you must build on. If the diet lacks protein products, in particular meat, then it can not be called complete. But it is rather difficult to call this list exhaustive. The diet for a sick liver and gall bladder should be healthy, and nutrition should be complete, that is, providing the body with all the nutrients.

Healthy variety
Every person needs to eat all food groups every day. This applies not only to people with impeccable digestion. The diet for a sick gall and liver is also based on the principles of a healthy diet. All vegetables can be added to the diet with virtually no limit. They are recommended to cook and stew, in small quantities eat raw.
Useful for the body and milk and its derivatives. Low fat foods should be preferred. It may be cottage cheese. But sour cream can be used only as a seasoning. Small amounts of low-fat cheese are allowed. You can use vegetable oils and a little butter, but not ghee.
Diet for people with a sick liver must include vegetarian and milk soups. They can be prepared on the basis of vegetables and cereals. And for dessert, please yourself with kissels, compotes or juices. Of sweets, jam and honey are allowed in small quantities, as well as sweets without chocolate, marmalade or candy.
The diet for a sick stomach and liver is quite strict. You must consider a fairly extensive list of prohibited foods. This is all canned food and smoked meats, pickles and spices. Fatty meats should be added to this category. This duck and goose, any offal, rich broths of fish, mushrooms and meat.
It becomes more or less clear which diet is acceptable for a diseased liver. But this is not the end of the list of restrictions. Sour vegetables, berries and fruits, sorrel and sauerkraut, lemons should also be excluded. Of vegetables, you need to abandon horseradish and pepper, spinach and asparagus, eggplant and garlic.
It is necessary to refuse also from the most tasty, but not useful. These are fresh bread and cakes, pastries and buns, pies and rolls. Fried eggs, borscht and okroshka are forbidden. You can not eat sweets, creams and ice cream. From cereals you need to exclude the cell, legumes and corn. The diet menu for a sick liver and pancreas needs to be agreed with the attending physician, since each case is unique.
First to the doctor, then to the nutritionist
First of all, you need to diagnose. For example, with cholecystitis, it is enough to remove fried foods from the diet. The diet for patients with cirrhosis is more stringent. But in this case, you need to understand that nutrition will be different:
- Cirrhosis can be decompensated. In this case, the body loses the ability to absorb proteins. Therefore, during the treatment, protein food is reduced to 40 g per day. The basis of the diet are cereals in the water.
- Portal cirrhosis. In this case, on the contrary, it is required to consume more animal protein.
Therefore, only the attending physician will be able to figure out which diet with a diseased liver and pancreas will be most effective.

We make up the menu
Only at first glance is this an impossible task. In fact, there are quite a few authorized products. Therefore, you do not need to doom yourself to starvation if the doctor said that you have a sick liver. Diet number 5 allows you to eat quite varied and even delicious. But you must adhere to it constantly. In most cases, liver diseases are chronic. Therefore, you have to get used to the new diet. Consider several options for the daily menu.
- For breakfast, cook oatmeal and tea with honey. The next day you can cook an omelet or semolina.
- For a snack, one baked apple, a milkshake with fruit, or yogurt.
- For lunch, vegetable soup and baked fish. Or a steam patty with pasta and vegetable salad. Or soup with meatballs.
- As an afternoon snack, kefir with crackers, stewed pumpkin with crackers or a cheese sandwich.
- For dinner, boiled chicken with rice, buckwheat or stewed vegetables. You can cook cabbage rolls for a couple.
- Before going to bed, you can still have a glass of kefir.
Easy and healthy recipes
A diet for a sick liver is a necessary condition, without which recovery is impossible. But do not worry, you do not have to cook complicated and expensive dishes. Most of them are familiar to you.
- To make mashed soup you will need 100 g of boiled beef. It must be crushed in a blender, add water and simmer. Before quenching, grind 200 g of zucchini and pour into the total mass. Before cooking, pour 70 g of milk mixed with yolk.
- Porridge with pumpkin. To prepare it, take 100 g of millet and pumpkin. Pour 0.5 liters of water into the pan and lay the millet. After 10 minutes, add the mashed pumpkin and cook until thickened.
- Pate. You will need 200 g hake fillets. Boil it and grind in a blender. Put out for 3 minutes. Add boiled carrots, grated, and 150 g of cottage cheese. Mix well. This paste can be eaten with slices or bread.
- Cutlets. They are made in the usual way. For 125 g of meat, you need to take 25 g of stale bread. Grind in a blender and steam for 20 minutes.
- Cheesecakes. This delicious dish can be made dietary. To do this, you need one pear, 400 g of cottage cheese, 4 tablespoons of flour and 1 egg. Grind the pear, add the cottage cheese, flour and egg. Cook in a double boiler in steam mode for 30 minutes.
- Banana Cake To prepare it, you will need to dilute 2 packs of gelatin in hot water. Let cool and mix with 0.5 l of yogurt. In addition, take an arbitrary amount of bananas and biscuit cookies. Lay in layers in a detachable form. First cookies, then yogurt, followed by bananas and cookies again. After hardening in the refrigerator, you can turn it over to a dish and serve it on the table.
Nutritionists used to believe that the main enemy of a sick liver is fat. Now there is a different opinion. Fat can be consumed, but observing the measure. About 90 g of fat is allowed per day. This amount will not harm your body. Do not replace animal fats with vegetable fats, because they are very important for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Without them, you risk depriving your body of beneficial substances.

Basic Rules
Diet No. 5 requires the fulfillment of a number of conditions related to nutrition:
- First of all, you need to abandon frying. It is acceptable to bake products, but be sure to remove the crust from them.
- It is very important that the food is regular. You need to eat strictly at a certain time, without starving or overeating.
- The diet should be balanced. It is necessary! Every day, the menu should include vegetables and cereals, meat and dairy products.
- The energy value of all food consumed per day is 2500 kcal. Reducing this bar is not recommended even if you are overweight. Weight loss is achieved by reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed.
- Every day you need to drink at least one and a half liters of water. If desired, you can increase this amount.
- A strict diet lasts at least 5 weeks. After this, you can gradually begin to introduce the remaining products.
Instead of a conclusion
Diet for diseases of the digestive system is always prescribed. Daily work does not allow the liver and pancreas to cleanse and recover. Today we examined the basic principles of building a diet. Do not forget that diseases can vary, and the doctor each time when compiling an individual diet takes into account the patientβs health status. In addition, for successful recovery, medical support is required. Therefore, the first thing you need to go through the diagnosis, after which you will receive the necessary recommendations. Be sure to visit your doctor throughout the treatment period to make adjustments to the treatment regimen. Be healthy!