The diet of any person must necessarily include products containing trace elements useful for the body and vitamins. They help us to be beautiful and healthy. If the diet is improperly selected and consists mainly of fatty and heavy foods, then the metabolism can easily be disturbed. As a result, an excess of uric acid accumulates in the body. Most often, men suffer from such a problem. Too high a concentration of salts can lead to joint inflammation called gout. In this review, we will discuss the main symptoms of this disease. We will also talk about what constitutes a standard diet for gout.
Disease Description

Let's dwell on this in more detail. Gout is a chronic joint disease. Usually it is accompanied by severe pain and other unpleasant symptoms. The quality of life of patients can be significantly reduced due to limited mobility. Therefore, gout should be treated. You can overcome the disease without going to hospital treatment. The main thing is to follow all the doctor's recommendations. A diet for gout and high uric acid is incredibly important. The diet must be observed not only during exacerbations, but also in remission. Try to monitor your diet daily. Good nutrition with gout is the key to health and a guarantee of reducing the likelihood of an exacerbation.
The main cause of the disease are metabolic disorders. A diet for gout and high uric acid is very important for effective treatment. The cause of the disease is the deposition of salts in the joints. The diet should be designed in such a way as to reduce the amount of uric acid in the blood, since the kidneys can not cope with its processing.
How to develop a diet for gout?

To easily overcome the disease at home, you must definitely follow a diet. It is an integral part of therapy. Diet for gout is the main method of treatment and prevention of exacerbations. In order to make a suitable diet, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body, as well as the presence of any diseases. The main goal of therapy is to reduce the concentration of uric acid in the blood.
What foods can I eat with the ailment in question?
Many today are interested in the diet for gout. What can I eat? Products included in the diet should not contain purines, which are converted into uric acid during digestion. Due to the fact that today a wide assortment is presented on store shelves, it will not be difficult to find them.
A diet for gout and high uric acid is more like a vegetarian diet . It includes a lot of vegetables and fruits. Gout recipes do not have to be heavy. The main thing is to cook them correctly. Select ingredients for cooking should strictly adhere to the list of approved foods.
What not to eat?
To quickly get rid of the symptoms of the disease, you must follow the principles of therapeutic nutrition. A special diet for gout is best. What can not be eaten with this disease? The cause of relapse can be eating sharp and fatty foods. A large number of purines are also found in coffee. For this reason, this drink should be excluded from the diet. Also, alcohol and drinks made from grapes contribute to increasing uric acid levels.
It is important to follow a diet daily. Do not think that proper nutrition for gout does not include the use of delicious dishes. The food can be quite varied. The diet for gout does not require strict restrictions and at the same time contributes to a healthy lifestyle.
Prohibited Products

For gout, you should definitely exclude pastries, smoked and uncooked smoked meats, sausages, sausages, fatty pork, offal, and canned food. You can eat fish other than fatty, smoked or salted, and seafood. Of the dairy ingredients, it is forbidden to eat only sharp cheeses. Lentils, mushrooms, beans, sorrel and soy should be excluded from the list of consumed foods. As for fruits and berries, you should abandon the use of raspberries, figs and grapes. Remove from the diet should still be cakes and cakes. As for drinks, in addition to alcohol, it is necessary to limit the use of tea, coffee and cocoa. Despite the fact that they do not contain purines, they still have a strong diuretic effect and can lead to dehydration. Use spices such as pepper, horseradish and mustard with caution.
Here are sample principles that a gout diet requires. The menu for this disease can be quite varied and rich.
Is it possible to have tomatoes with a disease?
This product causes a lot of controversy among doctors. The vegetable contains purines, but it is often found in the diet of patients with gout. The fact is that in tomatoes the amount of oxalic acid is so small that it does not affect the patient's condition. You can and should eat them. Tomatoes contain a large amount of healthy organic and mineral substances. They help maintain immunity. Also in tomatoes there are volatile and antioxidants that contribute to the elimination of inflammatory processes in gout.
Thus, tomatoes can be consumed in any quantity. It is best to eat them after heat treatment, with a small addition of vegetable oil. So the beneficial qualities of this product will be fully manifested.
Foods That You Need To Reduce

There are a number of ingredients that are not forbidden for use with gout, but which are better to eat in moderation.
These include:
- plums
- turnip;
- radish;
- cauliflower;
- asparagus;
- celery;
- green onions;
- parsley;
- honey.
As you can see for yourself, many foods are undesirable for gout. However, nutrition can be quite varied. It should be borne in mind that gout is a chronic disease. It can bother the patient throughout life. Therefore, it is necessary to follow a diet constantly. Even a cup of coffee can provoke an attack.
What is possible with the disease under discussion?

Gout is a rather complex disease that requires strict adherence to the basic principles of proper nutrition. To make a suitable diet, you must know what ingredients are allowed for use.
Next, we give an approximate list of foods that should be eaten with diet No. 6:
- Unfinished pastries, black and white bread.
- Meat of rabbit, turkey, chicken. Used 2-3 times a week, not more than 170 grams.
- Low-fat fish, shrimp, squid. Diet 6 for gout involves the use of these products in boiled form.
- Kefir, low-fat milk, yogurt, sour cream, eggs, cottage cheese. If you use milk for cooking, then it is better to dilute it. Butter is not recommended.
- Any cereals, but not legumes. They contain a large amount of uric acid, so with gout they should be excluded from the diet.
- Beets, onions, corn, potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage, tomatoes, pumpkin. Also, with gout, it is recommended to eat garlic. It contributes to the treatment of inflammatory processes. Vegetables can be used for fasting days. Cucumbers and potatoes contain potassium. These products contribute to the excretion of uric acid from the body.
- Tangerines, oranges, apples, persimmons, dried fruits (everything except raisins), lemons, apricots, strawberries, pears. Try to eat fruit in moderation. Nutrition should be varied and complete.
- Marmalade, marshmallows, jam, marshmallows, ice cream, chocolates without chocolate.
- Vegetable oil. With gout, only animal fats should be excluded from the diet, since they are poorly absorbed by the body.
- Green tea, fruit or berry, with lemon, juices, herbal decoctions, fruit drinks, fruit drinks, alkaline mineral water, broth of wild rose and chicory.
- Bay leaf, citric acid, cinnamon, vanillin.
- Pine nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios. With gout, it is very important to eat nuts of all types except peanuts, as it is also rich in purines.
Fish oil and Kombucha for the disease
So what do you need to know about this? It has long been known that fish oil is rich in vitamins and beneficial substances. This product contains almost all the minerals necessary for the human body. Today you can easily get fish oil in capsules. It contains polyunsaturated acids with anti-inflammatory effects. For this reason, with gout, you must definitely take fish oil.
Kombucha, on the contrary, is not recommended, since this remedy causes increased digestive activity. Oxalic acid and yeast components are also present in its composition. In addition, Kombucha is high in carbohydrates, which is also undesirable.
Sample menu

How to compile it? The diet for gout and high uric acid has a rather interesting structure. It is better that the doctor makes a diet. He will be able to take into account the individual characteristics of the body.
How should you eat if your uric acid (gout) is elevated? The diet should include liquid and semi-liquid dishes, which include ingredients from the above list. The diet of patients with the disease in question is based on vegetable soups, salads, compotes and alkaline mineral water. Nutrition must be divided into a large number of receptions. Food should be taken at least five times a day. Every day, the patient should drink about two liters of water. The diet also provides for fasting days.
The diet for gout includes a large number of vegetarian dishes. Be sure to consider the presence of concomitant diseases. For example, with diabetes, flour and sugar should be excluded from the diet. Honey is also not recommended for use.
With gout, rapid weight loss can only damage your body. Try to choose a diet in such a way that the body weight does not go away too quickly. Diet should not be associated with complete starvation. The condition of patients in this case can seriously worsen.

Gout is an extremely unpleasant disease, the cause of which is a significant accumulation of salts in the joints. The main principle of making the menu is to reduce salt intake. In this case, the amount of fluid should be increased. This will allow faster excretion of uric acid from the body. A gout diet can help alleviate the symptoms of the disease and reduce the likelihood of relapse. However, in order for it to bring effect, it is necessary to adhere to it constantly. Always monitor your health, because it is impossible to buy it even for a lot of money.