Sleeping on my stomach is one of the favorite activities of women. During pregnancy, they wean from this position, since it is impossible to squeeze the fetus. For 9 months of bearing a child, women get tired of sleeping on their sides and backs, so they dream of sleeping on their stomach after childbirth.
After the birth of a baby in a natural way, there are no problems with this. Can I sleep on my stomach after cesarean section? The article will consider whether a woman in a dream can take such a position.
Cesarean section
Childbirth is a natural process, but quite painful and difficult for any woman. However, if there is evidence, she may be given a caesarean section. These include: full or partial placenta previa, gestosis with complications, transverse or oblique position of the fetus, tumors and scars on the uterus, multiple pregnancy (3 or more).

Caesarean section is an operation that is most often performed using a transverse cavity incision along the bikini line with a cosmetic suture.
Sensations after surgery
What does a woman who had undergone a cesarean section a few hours ago feel, only she herself and all who passed through it know. The uterus from specially administered drugs begins to contract rapidly. Stitches on my stomach hurt. In the first day after the operation, the woman is given painkillers to reduce the severity of pain. For some time, the woman in labor pains to laugh and do everything that causes at least the slightest tension in the abdominal cavity.
In the early days, when asked whether it is possible to sleep on the stomach after a cesarean section, doctors answer that itβs not worth it. It's not even that such a pose can hurt. A woman is scared to lie down on her stomach, because this is due to the occurrence of severe pain and so far she will avoid it.

Already on the 5th day, the woman's condition will improve, the seams will begin to pull less. She will begin to clearly understand how to sit down, walk or lie down with the least discomfort for her body.
Therefore, being at home after discharge, a woman can fulfill her old dream - a dream on her stomach (and after a cesarean section, he will not cause inconvenience if everything is done in a timely manner).
Common mistakes
Caesarean section is a full-fledged operation that is performed on a woman if for some reason she cannot give birth on her own. Therefore, the restoration must take place according to the rules.
The operation is performed under general anesthesia and a woman should avoid active movements for 2 days. This is necessary so as not to harm your body.
During the first week, the doctor prescribes pain medications to the woman. They are canceled only after discharge, when the seams are slightly tightened. After cesarean section, the female body needs a long recovery.
Errors of this period include:
- wearing a bandage worn after childbirth;
- physical exercise;
- night sleep on the stomach;
- applying a hoop to reduce waist size.
Many women believe that after the operation they need to wear a bandage, as the load on the body will decrease and the abdominal muscles will be supported. This will avoid pain.

However, wearing a bandage is only allowed after removing the seams. If you do this earlier, you can cause serious bleeding. This is due to the fact that the internal organs return to their place, and this exerts a certain pressure on the uterus. If this happens constantly, then due to abdominal bleeding, a woman can seriously suffer. You can wear a bandage after an examination by a doctor.
Therefore, sleeping on the stomach after cesarean section is allowed a month after the operation. If recovery is fast, then you can do it in 2 weeks.
What will happen to the seam
Women ask when they can sleep on their stomach after a cesarean section because they are worried about the seam. Doctors say that he will not disperse if there are no sudden movements.
Get out of bed and turn over carefully. Proper seam care is also required. At the hospital, the medical staff is engaged in this, and after discharge, the woman herself must comply with all the doctor's recommendations. This will allow the body to recover faster.

The seam completely heals within 1.5-2 hours, although this is imperceptible. This is due to the fact that it is located on the uterus, which is why it drags on longer.
You should not worry about this woman and she is allowed to sleep on her stomach when they cease to disturb pain.
The benefits of sleeping on your stomach
Can I sleep on my stomach after cesarean section? The recovery period for each woman proceeds differently. On average 1-2 months. To quickly restore the functionality of internal organs, experts recommend sleeping at night on the stomach. The advantages of this posture include:
- reduced risk of internal adhesions;
- normalization of the digestive tract;
- proper scar formation;
- recovery of abdominal muscles;
- establishment of metabolic processes;
- departure of lochia;
- rapid tissue repair;
- relaxation of the back muscles.

Women can sleep on their stomach only with the permission of a doctor. He will be able to determine how this will affect the general condition of the mother's body.
Cons of Sleep on Stomach
Sleeping on the stomach after cesarean section is allowed for a woman, if she does not feel any discomfort. It is contraindicated in the following cases:
- Bend of the uterus. This can cause difficulties with the departure of the suckers, which contributes to the development of the inflammatory process.
- Heart disease. Sleep in this case causes changes in heart rate and difficulty breathing.
- Spinal diseases. Such a posture in a dream can adversely affect the lower back. It also worsens a womanβs overall health.
To the minus of sleep on the stomach include increased lactation. In some women, the breast swells and breast milk begins to leak.
Opinions of experts
Women in labor are often interested in when you can lie on your stomach after a cesarean section, because they are afraid of harming the condition of the external or internal suture located on the front wall of the uterus.
However, doctors are allowed to sleep in this position, but after the pain has passed, and the fear will go away to do harm to yourself by reckless movement.
Some doctors advise to abandon this position within 2 days after surgery, since the activity mode should be gentle. Next - the restrictions are removed. If a woman is comfortable sleeping on her stomach, then she can do it freely, some doctors are sure.

After the operation, it is not only pleasant, but also useful:
- Such a posture can reduce the likelihood of developing internal adhesions and fistulas in the suture after surgery.
- Muscle tissue of the abdomen is restored much faster, its tone returns.
- The work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract improves.
- Uterine contraction is proceeding rapidly, which has a positive effect on women's health.
- Relaxation of the back muscles leads to the normalization of posture and gait.
- Lochia leaves faster.
Before you sleep on your stomach after a cesarean section, a woman needs to consult her doctor. This question should not be afraid, because it is reasonable and normal.
Step-by-step instruction
Is it possible to lie on my stomach after cesarean? The opinions of doctors are unanimous, this can and should be done. But everything should be done correctly and gradually.
Here's what doctors advise women to do:
- For the first time, it is allowed to roll over within a few hours after the operation. This can only be done if everything went well and there are no complications. You can lie on your stomach only with the permission of a doctor.
- At first, the woman will feel severe pain, so she can not withstand more than 10-15 minutes in this position. But she should not tolerate, this can negatively affect lactation. A woman needs to roll over several times during the day, and she will soon notice that the pain gradually goes away.
- Do not sleep on your stomach all night, especially if the pose is unusual. So she can create problems with falling asleep. And for a nursing mother, sleep is very important.
- If a woman cannot sleep on her stomach neither day nor night, then these efforts must be abandoned. You can simply periodically briefly occupy this position when such an opportunity arises.
- In no case is it recommended to wear a postpartum bandage at night. It can disrupt the blood circulation and reduce the therapeutic effect of the position on the back.
Recovery in the postoperative period for each woman is an individual process and dependent on many factors. Therefore, you need to focus on your own health and the advice of a doctor, and not on the recommendations of other women in labor.
Other poses
Sleeping on your side is allowed, there are no contraindications for this. Those who practice joint sleep with the baby, this position will be the most suitable. For this, a woman will not have to change her position. But this pose also has a minus - the abdominal muscles sag somewhat in this position. Therefore, it remains relaxed and recovers longer.
Also, a woman is not forbidden to sleep on her back. However, before this, she needs to wear a postpartum bandage. But it is not suitable for sleep, so it is not recommended to use it at night. If a woman spends a lot of time on her back, then the formation of an ugly suture on the anterior abdominal wall is not excluded.

But there are poses that women are forbidden to take after cesarean section for various reasons. They are not recommended to spend a long time in a sitting position. In this case, the blood stream rushes to the uterus, and the load on it increases.
Can I sleep on my stomach after cesarean section? According to experts, this can and should be done. Only doing this is recommended correctly. Initially, a woman lies on her stomach for 10-15 minutes and under the supervision of medical staff. When the pain subsides a little, then she can do this several times a day and stay in this position for a long time. The main thing is to listen to your own feelings and the advice of your doctor.