Quite often, women experience a delay. Day 9 is no exception, even if the pregnancy test is negative. According to gynecologists, you should not worry too much, but still you need to figure out what changes are happening in your body. If menstruation does not occur more than eight to ten days, be sure to consult a specialist.
Monthly delay 9 days, negative test, white discharge
Most often, this month delay would indicate that a woman is pregnant, especially if it is accompanied by a white discharge from the vagina. But if carried out several times a pregnancy test showed all the same negative result, we can conclude that the reason for this is still different.

9 day delay, accompanied by white secretions can say that in women hormonal failure occurred. In this case, be sure to contact a gynecologist and ask him to take your chorionic gonadotropin analysis.
A delay of 9 days, a negative test can be caused by such factors:
- a woman has a very tiring physical or mental activity;
- It can also be affected by diets that use foods that can delay the cycle of menstruation;
- psycho-emotional stress associated with conflicts, a change of job, place of residence and climate;
- Also do not forget that with age, hormonal women rebuilt, and this may indicate that the delay will be 9 days.
Also periods may be delayed due to disturbances in the hormonal system, or in the presence of inflammatory infections in the body. If the delay is accompanied by a white discharge, it may indicate that a woman has the disease, sexually transmitted diseases. This condition may be accompanied by burning in the labia or unpleasant sensations during intercourse.
The delay of 9 days is very worrying for women. It is impossible to give an exact answer, what was the reason why menstruation still does not occur. However, let us consider in more detail the main reasons.
A delay of 9 days can cause a lot of unrest among the fair sex. First of all, you need to buy a pregnancy test. Even if he showed a negative result, still go to the doctor. Often, this method shows inaccurate results.

If the doctor has confirmed that you are pregnant, do not worry about white discharge. Usually they form a protective membrane against infections.
Infectious diseases
A delay of 9 months may indicate that your body has infectious diseases. Thrush is the most common of them. Such diseases can affect the menstrual cycle. Therefore, if, in addition to the delay, the discharge also bothers you, be sure to inform the gynecologist about it. In addition to thrush, you may have to cure more serious diseases. Please note that in this case, the course of treatment will have to go to both partners.
The presence of inflammatory processes
A delay of 9 months (a negative test) may also be due to the presence of inflammatory processes in the body. This includes various diseases that are accompanied by inflammation of the ovaries and cervix. To confirm the diagnosis, it will be necessary to pass smears, as well as tests of urine and blood. Also, the gynecologist will offer you an ultrasound scan.

Do not refuse this procedure. Thanks to such studies, the doctor will be able to determine why you have a delay of 9 months. A pregnancy test does not always give accurate results, do not forget about it.
Hormonal system failure
Malfunctioning of the hormonal system is the most common cause of a delayed menstrual cycle. In this case, you will have to undergo a special examination, on the basis of which the doctor will be able to prescribe hormonal drugs to you. Usually, hormone therapy very quickly copes with its task and brings the cycle back to normal.
Stressful situations
In fact, a delay of 9 days may be due to stressful situations. Believe me, if you are very very worried, then this will immediately affect your cycle. In this case, doctors recommend taking more rest and drinking sedatives.

After the mental state is normalized, menstruation will also improve.
Preventative measures
9 days of delay (the test is negative at the same time) can drive every woman crazy. All the various reasons why the cycle broke were described above. And now we will consider how to take preventive measures correctly.
The first thing that every representative of the fair sex needs to know is how to wash properly. Do this only from front to back. Be sure to use running water. Gynecologists recommend a mild baby soap to wash or special means for intimate hygiene odorless.
Wear only high-quality linen made from natural fabrics. This is especially true for those women who are prone to allergic reactions.

And of course, use condoms, especially during intercourse with an intermittent partner. It is up to you to take care of this, so itβs better not to count on the responsibility of your young man.
The most terrible mistake that all women make is that they donβt go to the doctor if the test is negative. If you delay the visit to the gynecologist, you can cause a lot of trouble.
Menstrual cycle
The menstrual cycle is the time period from the first day of your period to the beginning of the next. Each woman has her own cycle, but the norm is considered to be from twenty-five to thirty-five days. An ideal cycle is a period of twenty-eight days. But unfortunately, due to many factors, such a cycle is considered rather an exception to the rule.
It is considered normal if in one year a woman had no more than two delays for up to ten days. In any other case, you must definitely go to the gynecologist.
Do not play with your health, because any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Eat correctly, exercise, stay in the open air for a longer time and go to the doctor regularly, and then you will not be afraid of any illnesses.