Many people like to "diet", torturing themselves for the sake of a slim figure or visual rejuvenation. To torture oneself with dietary restrictions or not is everyone's personal business. However, there are medical diets specially designed by doctors to help restore health. If they are prescribed by a doctor, then food restrictions must be observed. We present you a diet that is very important for kidney diseases.
Main indications
Diet 7 (treatment table No. 7) is prescribed to people who need salt-free nutrition. It can be attributed to any renal failure. It provides significant assistance for acute kidney nephritis during the recovery period, as well as for chronic nephritis. Observing it is not very difficult. It does not require any special products.

What is jade?
This is a group of diseases caused by inflammatory processes in the kidneys ..
Jade is primary and secondary. The cause of the primary are various kidney diseases.
Secondary nephritis is characterized by the following factors:
- The presence of allergies.
- Autoimmune diseases.
- Gynecological diseases.
- Pregnancy.
- Oncology.
- Diabetes.
- Chronic alcoholism
For kidney disease, diet number 7 is prescribed by doctors. But how to determine to the most sick person that it is the kidneys that concern him? Symptoms of jade carry the following symptoms:
- Increased protein in urine.
- Urine turns dark yellow.
- Frequent headaches.
- Constant thirst.
- Urine volume decreases.
- The patient loses his appetite.
- Chills may occur.
- Increased sweating at night.
- Fever.
In addition to the above symptoms, the patient may feel a slight tingling of the skin in the region of the kidneys.

What to do?
If a person has found these signs, it is urgent to consult a doctor. You can not delay, because a running disease is fraught with serious complications. The urologist and nephrologist are involved in the kidneys. If the hospital has one of these specialists, then immediately make an appointment with him and state your problem.
How to be treated?
Table number 7 (diet for the kidneys) is one of the methods of healing as part of complex therapy. It includes medication and diet. The patient will have to reconsider his lifestyle and habits. It will be required from him:
- Refuse alcohol.
- Exclude increased physical activity.
- Try to avoid stressful situations.
- Do not overcool the body.
- Observe bed rest.
Of course, all the recommendations of your doctor must be followed.
Drug treatment
In addition to following a diet (table number 7), the patient must take the medicines prescribed by the doctor. Preparations for the treatment of nephritis are divided into several groups:
- Uroseptics and antibiotics.
- Diuretic drugs.
- Immunosuppressive drugs.
- Medicines to lower blood pressure.
Drug names are not listed for safety reasons. Once again, we remind you that all medicines are taken only if they were prescribed by a doctor.
Diet treatment
The diet for the kidneys is table number 7. As mentioned above, it is prescribed for people with various kidney diseases, in particular, with acute and chronic nephritis. What is the peculiarity of such a diet? She is salt free. In addition, subject to this diet, vitamins of group B, C and P enter the patient's body.

General characteristics and composition
The salt-free diet 7 is such a set of products, which, when consumed, a person receives 80 grams of protein daily. Daily intake of carbohydrates is 400 grams, and fat - 90 grams. Energy value ranges from 2,500 to 2,700 kcal.
General recommendations
How to eat with diet 7? We present the recommendations of doctors:
- Food should not be cold or too hot.
- Culinary processing is recommended as follows: boil food or bake without a crust and high fat content.
- Fractional diet: 5-6 times a day.
- During the diet, the use of alcohol is strictly prohibited.
- This diet is observed until it is canceled by the doctor.

What can I eat?
What are the menus and diet recommendations for table number 7? What is recommended to eat? What to make the menu, which products are allowed? Let's look at the list below.
Vegetables: potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, carrots, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin.
Fruits: apples, pears, citrus fruits, plums, apricots, peaches, melon.
Berries: watermelon, raspberries, strawberries, non-acidic currants, ripe cherries and seedless cherries.
Cereals: everything is allowed, in any form.
Bird: chicken and turkey.
Meat: lean beef, veal, rabbit meat.
Fish: any skinny variety.
Eggs: chicken and quail.
Dairy products: milk, baked milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, yogurt, cottage cheese.
Baking: homemade bread, pancakes and pancakes without salt.
Sweets: jam, jam, honey, jelly.
Drinks: weak tea, weak coffee, fresh fruit and vegetable juices, rosehip broth, compotes.
As we can see from the list, diet 7 should not cause difficulties. Its menu includes dishes and products that we are used to.

What can not be eaten with kidney problems?
With the allowed list we figured out. Now let's move on to prohibited products. Excluding them from the menu will benefit the sick person.
Prohibited Products:
Vegetables: radish, radish, sorrel, garlic, onions, mushrooms, legumes.
Baking: all store baked goods, because it implies the presence of salt.
Meat: fatty varieties of beef, pork, lamb, sausages, sausages, smoked meats.
Fish: all fatty varieties, salted and smoked fish.
Dairy products: cheeses, products containing sodium chloride.
Sweets: chocolate, ice cream, any sweets not included in the list of allowed.
Pickles, pickles, pickles, smoked.
Drinks: strong tea, strong coffee, mineral water, cocoa, sweet carbonated drinks, alcohol, energy drinks, packaged juices.
How to plan your diet?

A sample menu for the week with diet number 7 is planned based on what is allowed to eat. The diet is based on soups and cereals, as well as many vegetables and fruits. Both allowed and prohibited products are presented in the table:
Can | It is impossible |
Light soup on vegetable broth with cereals | First dishes cooked in meat, fish or mushroom broth with salt (legumes in soups are strictly prohibited) |
Baking without salt: bread, pancakes, pancakes | Baked goods |
Low-fat varieties of meat and fish in boiled form (they can be eaten with a piece, it is not necessary to grind) | Fatty meats and fish, sausages, sausages and similar meat products |
Milk products | Cheeses |
Boiled quail and chicken eggs, not more than 2 pieces per day | - |
Cereals | - |
Vegetables and ripe fruits | Radish, mushrooms, radish, sorrel |
Sweets: jam, honey, jelly, jam, jelly | Chocolate, ice cream, all sweets not included in the list of allowed |
Tea, weak coffee, water, compotes, fruit broths, fresh vegetable and fruit juices | You can not drink mineral water, soda, juices from packages, strong tea, strong coffee, cocoa, energy drinks, alcoholic beverages |
From this list it is clear that even for children, diet number 7 will be quite easy. Some people may have psychological difficulties only with the ban on sweets, pastries, and chocolate.
We create a daily menu
To make it easier to comply with product restrictions, we offer one of the daily menu options for diet number 7? Lists of products we have. It remains to activate the fantasy.
Day of the week | Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner | High tea | Dinner |
Monday | Cottage cheese with honey, weak tea | An Apple | Soup on vegetable broth with rice, buckwheat porridge with a slice of boiled chicken, compote | Pancake with jam or honey, kissel | Millet porridge with milk, rosehip broth |
Tuesday | Milk rice porridge, any fruit, weak coffee | Vegetable salad tea | Buckwheat soup, vegetarian, steamed chicken or turkey cutlets, vegetable stew, rosehip broth | Cottage cheese for children, fruit juice | Cottage cheese casserole, a glass of kefir |
Wednesday | Vegetable broth noodles, fruit broth or compote | Kissel fruit | Vegetable soup, boiled fish with rice, tea | Carrot Salad, Rosehip Broth | Milk oatmeal porridge, a glass of fermented baked milk |
Thursday | Millet millet porridge, two eggs, weak coffee | Curd pudding, tea or compote | Borsch, mashed potatoes, beef and chicken cutlets steam, rosehip broth | Homemade cookies or pancakes, kefir | Fruit salad with yogurt, fruit juice |
Friday | Oatmeal porridge with berries, weak coffee | Beetroot salad with cucumber, tea | Soup - noodles on a vegetable broth with the addition of mashed chicken, azou meat, broth of wild rose or compote | Fruit puree, tea | Boiled fish with homemade bread, vegetable juice |
Saturday | Cottage cheese with honey and berries, a glass of fermented baked milk | A sandwich with fish made from homemade bread, or a pancake with fish, weak coffee | Vegetable soup with the addition of millet groats, buckwheat with boiled turkey, tea | Curd pudding, a glass of kefir | Milk oatmeal porridge, rosehip broth |
Resurrection | Sandwich with a slice of baked chicken, two egg omelette, weak coffee with milk | Any fruit | Soup - mashed vegetables, noodles with steam minced chicken, tea | Cottage cheese with jam or honey, baked milk | Rice porridge in milk with fresh fruits, rosehip broth. |
The menu on the vest is conditional. It all depends on the imagination of the patient or those who are preparing him. Dishes can be replaced. The main thing is not to deviate from the list of allowed products.

Diet number 7: recipes
This section contains some delicious recipes. They are suitable for both adults with kidney disease and children. Some of them are very unusual.
1.Krupenik. Ingredients: boiled buckwheat - half a cup, fat-free cottage cheese - 3 tablespoons, unsalted butter - 1 tablespoon, sugar - 1 tablespoon
Method of preparation: mix buckwheat with cottage cheese and butter. Add sugar. Bake the resulting mixture in the oven for about 20 minutes.
2. Fruit cabbage. Ingredients: cabbage - half a head of cabbage, fresh carrots - 1 pc., Apple - 1 pc., Pear - 1 pc.
Method of preparation: chop cabbage, add grated carrots to it and simmer until half ready.
Cut apple or pear or grate, add to cabbage, mix. Simmer until tender.
3. Protein omelet. Ingredients: milk - measure by shell, egg - 2 pcs.
Method of preparation: Carefully, in order not to damage the shell, break the eggs into a container. Wash the eggs beforehand.
Pour milk into the shell to measure the right amount (you need to fill them with 2 halves of the shell). Add to eggs. Beat everything well. Bake in the oven.
4. Okroshka kefir. Ingredients: kefir - 1 liter, potatoes - 2 pcs., Chicken - to taste, herbs, egg - 2 pcs.
Method of preparation: chop everything, add kefir and mix.
Compliance with diet 7 is the basis in the treatment of kidney disease. We have examined what you can eat and what is forbidden to eat. We compiled tables of allowed foods and diet, developed a menu for the week.
Remember, you need to eat often, but the portions should be small. At the beginning of the article, we mentioned that the diet is salt-free. This does not mean that you need to completely abandon the salt, but its consumption must be reduced to a minimum (no more than 6 g per day).