What foods contain zinc and why is it needed?

Zinc is one of the most important chemical elements for our body. It performs various functions (for example, strengthens our immunity) and therefore its reserves must be replenished, including with the help of food. What foods contain zinc and what role does it play in our life?

Where to find zinc and how much is it needed?

So, let's start with the products in which we need to look for this important element. Zinc-rich meats are meat types such as beef, pork, and turkey. A lot of zinc is found in beef and calf liver, as well as in stewed beef. Not less than it in plant products. In such, for example, as peeled rice, wheat bran, red beets, celery, asparagus, tomatoes, radish, potatoes, bread. Sources of zinc are also green tea, legumes and seafood. In the latter, it is found most of all - in particular, in oysters. But for us they are not always available, therefore, more often zinc reserves are replenished with the help of plant products.

How much zinc do we need for normal life? According to scientists, the body's need for this chemical element is expressed in such numbers. Adults need only 15 mg of zinc per day. Future mothers need the same amount. For nursing mothers, the need for zinc is slightly higher - they need from 16 to 19 mg per day.

Why is it important to us?

Now let's see why it is necessary to know which products have zinc? If we were only talking about strengthening our immunity, then we could have done with other chemical elements. But zinc is irreplaceable in many cases. The lack of this chemical element immediately makes itself felt - a person loses his appetite, metabolism is disturbed in the body, wounds heal poorly (the ancient Egyptians knew about the healing properties of zinc and used an ointment based on it to heal wounds ). If the body does not have enough zinc for a long time, then the liver and cardiovascular system begin to suffer, and the development of atherosclerosis also begins. For men, a lack of zinc can result in prostate diseases. As for the child’s body, a lack of zinc in children leads to growth retardation, developmental delay (in particular, to a slowdown in puberty). In older people, the lack of this chemical element in the body exacerbates memory problems. That's why we, regardless of age and gender, need to know what foods contain zinc.

How is zinc useful in addition to maintaining the functions mentioned above? It is actively involved in the formation of bone tissue - without it, as well as without other elements (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc.), the bones become porous. Zinc also strengthens hair and skin. Therefore, for those who have problems with hair and skin, they often recommend a therapeutic diet of zinc-rich foods. Another important function of zinc is to regulate blood sugar. This element is one of the components of insulin - the hormone that implements this process. And finally, about 200 enzymes that regulate a variety of processes in the body contain zinc.

However, an excess of zinc in the body will not bring much benefit either. With its excessive content, bone growth slows down, and tendon reflexes are weakened. The occurrence of fibrous formations in the pancreas. Also, excess zinc is accompanied by muscle and frequent headaches, dry mouth, nausea, and sometimes vomiting. Therefore, knowing which foods contain zinc, the main thing is not to overdo it by eating them. Also in everyday life it is worth restricting the use of zinc dishes.

As you can see, knowing which products contain zinc is both important and beneficial. This can help us strengthen our body and protect ourselves from many diseases.

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