Menstruation is a natural process in a woman’s life that speaks of her fertility. Often this period is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort or pain, which can cause significant inconvenience. One of the unpleasant symptoms is bloating during menstruation. This condition in most cases is physiological in nature and occurs due to hormonal changes. But sometimes bloating during menstruation indicates the development of serious diseases. Let us consider in more detail the causes and methods of treating this condition.

Bloating is a condition of the intestine in which gases accumulate in it, unable to leave the body on their own. This is one of the signs of premenstrual syndrome. Many are interested in the question of bloating before menstruation for how many days can occur. This symptom occurs one to two weeks before menstruation. Bloating during menstruation appears due to hormonal changes that occur in the female body. In particular, this condition causes a change in the level of progesterone and estrogen in the blood. But do not forget that sometimes bloating provokes more dangerous diseases - gastritis, appendix inflammation or malignant tumors.
The causes of bloating before menstruation are quite extensive. For the convenience of classification, they are usually divided into the following types:
- Physiological. In this case, the feeling of bloating is a normal condition, which is due to the action of hormones. In the vast majority of cases, this symptom disappears after the onset of menstruation. Medical intervention, as a rule, does not require.
- Pathological, indicating the development of a serious disease. Bloating can be accompanied by severe pain, cramping. It is necessary to contact a medical institution as soon as possible, where a comprehensive examination will be carried out.
Physiological reasons

The physiological causes of bloating during menstruation include the following:
- Hormonal adjustment. After the end of ovulation, the body begins to prepare for a possible conception by increased production of certain hormones, in particular, progesterone. In this case, an increase in the uterus due to the influx of blood to it. This not only increases the volume of the abdomen, but also contributes to squeezing the intestines, because of which there are failures in its work.
- Swelling. This is a manifestation of the protective reaction of the body, since it is assumed that during menstruation a large amount of fluid, nutrients and trace elements will be lost. The body begins to stock up on water. Some people may have swelling of their hands or feet, while others may swell their stomachs.
- Ovulation. During this period, the active production of female hormones occurs, which can cause bloating and flatulence.
- Pregnancy. In the first weeks, bloating can be confused with a harbinger of menstruation. A distinctive feature will be that if bloating is caused by pregnancy, the palpation of the abdomen will be hard.
Pathological causes

Normally, swelling of the abdominal walls should not bring significant discomfort. But if such a condition is accompanied by sharp pain, loud rumbling and other similar symptoms, this may indicate the development of a pathological process.
Consider the most common causes:
- Diseases of the genitourinary system. For example, if bloating occurs during menstruation, pain, swelling of the limbs and face, general weakness, bags under the eyes, then this may indicate jade.
- Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. With a change in the hormonal background, their aggravation occurs. Due to the influx of blood and an increase in the uterus, gas formation occurs, which bursts into the abdominal cavity. There may also be cramping, flatulence, stool disorders, nausea. A distinctive feature is the appearance of sharp pains in the navel.
- Pathological processes in the pelvic organs. In this case, cramping pains may occur, giving back to the lower back or anus, discharge changes. Stool disorders rarely occur.
- Tumor processes that can squeeze the intestines, disrupting its work.
If bloating occurs during menstruation, a negative pregnancy test may indicate a pathological process in the female reproductive system. It is necessary to consult a doctor and take tests, as a result of which therapy will be prescribed.
Bloating and pregnancy

Often, signs of pregnancy are confused with premenstrual syndrome. If bloating occurs during menstruation, you should pay attention to other signs of successful conception - dizziness, mood swings, swelling and soreness of the chest, weakness, nausea. If you suspect a pregnancy, you must conduct a special test and consult a doctor.
Many women experience bloating after menstruation, around the middle of the cycle. This may indicate a period of ovulation, which is sometimes accompanied by painful sensations of a pulling nature, impaired stool, and general malaise. This condition, as a rule, passes within two days, and sometimes several hours. To confirm the release of the egg, you can use special express tests.
Bloating during menstruation can also provoke an improper diet. Many products can cause increased gas formation and cramping pains, and under the influence of hormonal surges these manifestations occur much more often. Due to the fact that the uterus grows, intestines are squeezed, which interferes with the normal digestion of food, which also increases the risk of bloating. To minimize unpleasant symptoms, you should exclude certain foods from the diet and adhere to certain rules. Let's consider them in more detail.
- Food should be fractional and consist of small portions.
- Reduced salt intake.
- In order for the body not to feel the lack of fluid and therefore not begin to accumulate it in large quantities, it is necessary to establish a drinking regimen. Experts recommend drinking at least two liters of water per day.
Products that should be limited or completely excluded include:
- Cabbage.
- Legumes.
- Black bread.
- Fried meat and fish.
- Smoked products.
- Beer.
- Celery.
- Fresh milk.
- Baking.
- Foods that are high in sugar.
- Strong coffee and tea.
- Alcohol.
- Chocolate.
- Carbonated drinks.

Products that help fight high gas include the following:
- A pineapple.
- Garlic.
- Sweet potato.
- Cucumbers
- Tomatoes
- Ginger.
- Peaches.

As a rule, diagnostic measures are prescribed by a doctor in order to clarify the concomitant diagnosis. The following laboratory and instrumental studies are used:
- General analysis of urine and blood.
- Blood chemistry.
- Coprogram.
- Endoscopy
- Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity.
- Sometimes more serious examinations may be required. For example, laparoscopy or MRI.
Possible treatment
To prevent or get rid of bloating during menstruation, not only nutritional adjustments will help, but also drug therapy, as well as the use of traditional medicine. Moderate physical activity and outdoor walks are recommended.
It is worth remembering that if signs of serious pathological conditions are added to the swelling, you need to seek qualified help and pass all the necessary tests to clarify the causes of this condition. Below we consider the main treatment options used for bloating.
Drug treatment
Medicines that help fight increased gas formation should be prescribed by the attending physician based on the characteristics of the woman's body and the accompanying symptoms. It is worth remembering that the use of medications should be prescribed after the exclusion of the fact of pregnancy, since many drugs are prohibited during the period of gestation.
The most effective drugs in the fight against bloating are the following drugs:
- Espumisan. Promotes a painless and quick discharge of gases.
- Motilium. Accelerates intestinal motility.
- Antareyt. It is a carminative drug.
- No-shpa, Spazmalgon. They belong to the category of antispasmodics. Eliminate pain, cramps and relax the muscles of both the uterus and intestines.
- White coal, Enterosgel, Polysorb - sorbents.
- "Linex", "Bifiform" - contain beneficial bacteria that improve bowel function.
- Diuretic drugs.
- Vitamin therapy, in particular, the intake of vitamins B, E and C. is recommended.
- Sometimes sedatives and painkillers may be prescribed.
Getting to the doctor, many women are interested in - if there is a systematic bloating before menstruation, how many days before they start taking medications. Many experts recommend a diet 2 weeks before menstruation, and medication as symptoms develop.
Folk remedies

Traditional medicine helps not only to cope with bloating, but also to prevent the appearance of this symptom.
The use of decoctions and infusions of the following herbs is recommended:
- Chamomile.
- Lingonberry.
- Cranberry.
- Melissa.
- Mint.
- Dill.
- Fennel.
- Sagebrush.
It should be remembered that the use of any herbs is possible only in the absence of allergic reactions and after consultation with your doctor. When using traditional medicine, women's reviews in most cases are positive.
Bloating during menstruation is a normal condition due to the activity of hormones. If after a while the symptoms disappear on their own and do not bring significant discomfort, do not worry. But with increased signs, you should contact a specialist who will conduct an examination and prescribe diagnostic measures.
You need to learn how to listen to your body, as the usual bloating, which can be taken as a manifestation of premenstrual syndrome, can be a sign of a serious, and sometimes dangerous disease. It is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the doctor and periodically conduct a special massage or therapeutic exercises. Also, do not neglect the means of traditional medicine, but their reception should be agreed with your doctor.