As has long been proven by scientists, weight loss diets are extremely dangerous for human health if you do not know the rules for their observance.
The norm of kcal, which a modern person should consume without the threat of gaining excess weight, averages from 2,800 in the absence of physical labor and up to 4,200 in hard work, such as in a mine or factory.
For urgent weight loss, nutritionists recommend nutrition for 1200 kcal. The menu for a week (longer doctors do not advise abusing such restrictions) allows the body to get rid of excess 5-10 kg, which is also individual.
Problems of modern man
The human nature is such that any restrictive effects on the body or psyche cause a quick backlash. The ancient man had no problems with being overweight, since food was obtained by hunting and gathering. Caught up, killed, then you'll be full.
As soon as humanity learned to grow vegetables, fruits and cereals, tamed and began to fatten cattle for slaughter, mortality from overeating, stomach infections and diabetes began. Even ancient philosophers called on their compatriots to moderation, but handwritten sources tell about the famous Roman orgies when they did not leave the table for several days.

The modern person has a problem in another:
- Firstly, many people do not engage in physical activity either because of laziness, or because of a lack of time or money.
- Secondly, most of humanity has switched to the consumption of refined products, deprived of all the useful substances that used to affect the body's purification or saturation.
- Thirdly, today we have to rediscover the concept of “proper nutrition”.
The menu for the week is 1200 kcal (the reviews of those who tried to eat this way, this confirms) is easier to observe for a short time than to eat properly all the time.
Types of diets
Any diet is a limitation, only some of them are useful and return life and health to a person, while others carry diseases and exhaustion, and sometimes death.
Useful diets are prescribed by a nutritionist in the presence of any disease or in the postoperative period. People do not understand that if they initially ate the way the “doctor prescribed” them, then there would be no health problems. The essence of these diets is the restriction on the use of harmful products and the methods of their preparation (for example, frying, smoking).
Diets that temporarily limit nutrition to 1200 kcal are considered harmful. The menu for a week with such a diet contributes to dramatic weight loss, but the consequences after switching to familiar foods are often disastrous.

But, if you really need to urgently lose a few extra pounds, then it is better to know how to do it right.
What is 1200 kcal?
As those who were on diets know from experience, not every diet restriction leads to burning of the fat layer. Often muscle tissue suffers instead, which is extremely dangerous for overall health. Internal organs can also be affected. For example, a person’s kidneys stay in place with the necessary body fat. If it “melts”, one or both kidneys will drop.
Nutritionists who respect their profession, do not advise more than 3 days to observe nutrition for 1200 kcal. Such experiments can be “stretched" for a week only with permission and under the supervision of a doctor.

There is an opinion that 1200 kcal is a safe limit that will not entail irreparable changes in the body. In addition to dietary restrictions, many of those who want to lose weight will have to change their habits. For example, eat 5 times a day and consume more water.
Right menu
On average, the daily menu should be planned so that breakfast accounts for 25% of the meal, lunch for 10%, lunch for 35%, afternoon tea for 10%, and dinner for 20%. With such a distribution, there will be no severe breakdown, headaches that often accompany losing weight, and depressive states.
When compiling a menu, one should not recklessly use someone’s recipes, since each organism is individual, which means that the selection of products should be made taking into account its needs.

In the food "diet basket" should be present all vital products that affect the healthy functioning of the body and cell division. So, food for 1200 kcal (menu for a week) should contain:
- Fats, responsible for the production of hormones, the structure of nerve tissue and cell membranes.
- Useful carbohydrates, the main function of which is energy supply and proper metabolism.
- Proteins are responsible for the normal functioning of internal organs, muscle tissue and fluid.
If nutrition is limited by the number of calories, then it will be provided with the substances necessary for a healthy vital activity of the body.
Diet: 1st day
Before creating a menu of 1200 kcal per day, it is better to figure out the recipes for the first 3 days, and then, based on well-being, plan a further continuation of the diet.
One of the “sparing” food options in 1 day:
- For breakfast, beat the egg with 3 tbsp. tablespoons of water and cook the omelet on a small amount of vegetable oil with the addition of a slice (50 g) of ham.
- At lunch, you can please yourself with a slice of whole grain bread with jam (without sugar) or in 150g of kefir (0%), dissolve 2 tablespoons of oatmeal.
- For lunch, stewed vegetables are prepared without the addition of fat and 2 chicken steam cutlets.
- In the afternoon, it is better to eat a handful of dried fruits, as they provide additional energy and reduce appetite.
- For dinner, you can boil 200 g of fish or white meat and add a salad (200-300 g) of starch-free vegetables.
It should be remembered that if oil is used in a dish, then only vegetable and in very small quantities.
Menu for the second day
It is important to remember that during this diet you should drink a lot of water so that toxins and toxins are washed out of the body, and not absorbed into the blood.
- For breakfast, grate carrots (100 g), add vegetable oil, prepare a protein omelet (100-110 g) and eat this with a slice (20 g) of whole grain bread.
- Lunch - low-calorie yogurt and any fruit.
- For dinner, prepare mashed potatoes in water without oil with the addition of meat goulash stewed with onions and carrots in a small amount of oil, water and tomato.
- Snack - a baked apple.
- For dinner, stew white meat (100 g) with vegetables with a little oil.
Observing such proper nutrition, the menu for a week (1200 kcal) at work can be diversified with snacks in the form of a handful of dried fruits that will improve brain function and cheer up.
3rd day recipes
The third day is considered a turning point, since at this time a lack of nutrients in the body begins to be felt. To live it without negative consequences, you should pamper yourself a little.
- For breakfast, prepare tea or coffee with milk without sugar, boil beef tongue (70 g) and make a cabbage salad with an apple (150 g).
- Lunch - 200 g of fruit salad.
- For lunch, cook mushroom soup with a minimum amount of oil (2 ladles), boil 100 g of fish and stew seasonal vegetables (300 g). For sweets - compote without sugar.
- For dinner, stew turkey meat (100 g) with carrots, boil buckwheat (100 g), chop bell pepper (100 g).
If hunger makes itself felt before bedtime, then in order not to wake up from it at night, you can drink a glass of fermented baked milk, kefir or low-fat yogurt.
You can vary the products in any menu for 1200 kcal per day with recipes for a week without meat, for example, or add cheese and cottage cheese. When compiling it, you need to focus on personal preferences in food, excluding animal fats and sweets.
Safety regulations
The main thing in any diet is not only the lost kilograms, but also the “do no harm” rule, thanks to which the weight does not return back with cosmic speed. As the menu shows 1200 kcal per day with recipes for a week (reviews confirm this), you can adjust the diet so as not to lose consciousness, health and mood, but only weight.

Diet safety rules:
- Listen to your body and track reactions to dietary restrictions. With signs of darkening in the eyes and loss of consciousness, you should immediately stop the diet and consult a doctor.
- Drink plenty of clean water.
- Make the menu low-calorie but varied.
- Indulge yourself with sweets in the form of dried fruits and fruits.
- Watch your mood. If there is nervousness or irritability, then the toxins have entered the bloodstream.
- Move more.
If you are going to apply food for 1200 kcal, it is better to develop a menu for a week with a specialist.