Blueberries are a valuable berry that saturates the body with many useful substances. It is consumed fresh and various dishes are prepared from it. The main thing is to do this in moderation so as not to harm the body. Is it possible to blueberries with breastfeeding a newborn? This is described in the article.
Blueberries are valued for their beneficial properties. Berries are used for diarrhea, to restore blood supply to the retina, improve brain function. They have a positive effect on the genitourinary system.

The chemical composition is unique. Product includes:
- Trace elements - calcium, potassium, sodium, as well as trace elements - selenium, zinc, manganese.
- Vitamin C supports immunity, strengthens blood vessels.
- A lot of vitamins K, E, A and B.
- From acids contains lactic, succinic, oxalic.
- Flavonoids.
Is it possible for a nursing mother blueberries? Given the composition, the product is very useful during breastfeeding (HB). Berries are considered dietary because they include fiber: eating several fruits can eliminate the feeling of hunger. In blueberries, there is an anthocyanin dye that reduces the risks of heart and vascular diseases, as well as eye diseases and oncological processes.
Berries thin the blood, which serves as a prophylaxis of thrombosis. The treatment uses leaves rich in tannins, flavonoids, essential oils. Berry is used as a food product and as a remedy.
Is it allowed?
Is it possible for a nursing mother blueberries? The berry is not contraindicated during this period, but, like other fruits, it must be consumed in accordance with the norm, not abused. Young mothers may not know everything about the baby’s body, so they won’t be able to predict his reaction to a healthy treat.

Although blueberries are not contraindicated in patients with HB, moreover, doctors consider it non-allergenic, there are children with individual intolerance. This is manifested in allergies. Also, the use of berries for HB can cause diathesis in a child. The first time you need to eat only a few berries. If the child does not have allergies, then the next time you can slightly increase the volume of the product.
Terms of use
Nursing mothers need to follow simple tips for entering and eating this berry:
- During the first month after childbirth, many foods are banned, so mothers do not have to eat all the food they want. The berry is not on the forbidden list, but it should not be too carried away. Blueberries during breastfeeding in the first month are undesirable, and 3-4 months after birth it can be eaten without fear.
- A new product must be introduced in the morning so that it is possible to observe the baby.
- Berries need only to be tasted, and not consumed in large quantities. For the first time, 5-7 berries will be enough.
- If the child does not have negative reactions, then blueberries can be eaten without fear.
- If a rash or other signs of allergy appear, stop eating the berry. You can try again no earlier than a month later. It is advisable to start with compote from a frozen product, since in this form the berry is less allergenic.
Blueberries during breastfeeding are prohibited if there is an allergy or individual intolerance. Also, it should not be used for constipation. Contraindications include gastritis, increased acidity of the stomach, poor blood coagulation.

In what form is it better to use?
In frozen form, products are less allergenic to humans. This will be relevant if the baby’s feeding time is not at the blueberry season. Then the berries are picked during ripening, and then frozen. From fruits you can cook compotes, preserves, jams. Blueberries are not only useful for HB. Compote can be used for babies up to 1 year - it can be introduced into the diet as early as 7-8 months.
Blueberry jam and desserts are well tolerated, so young mothers need to start eating berries in this form. Jelly quenches the thirst for sweets during breastfeeding. Typically, a treat is obtained without heat treatment, so it retains all the valuable properties of blueberries.
If blueberries do not cause allergies during HB, then it can be harvested for future use. The best option would be freezing. It is necessary to sort out the berries, wash, dry. Then you need to fold the workpiece into a bag and transfer it to the freezer. In winter, during a lack of vitamins, such a product will be more useful than ever.

Frozen berries go well with cereals and pastries. Blueberries can be dried, cook jam from it. Not only blueberries with GB will benefit. Young leaves of the plant are also harvested: they must be dried in the shade and transferred to a glass jar. Raw materials are stored in a dark room. Leaflets can be added to tea, compote, so that the drink is tastier and healthier.
Useful and blueberry compote for hot water. To prepare it, 1 kg of berries and sugar (350 g per 1 liter of water) are required. Banks (1 and 1.5 liters) need to be rinsed, treated with boiling water. Then the berry must be sorted out, leaving only ripe but strong fruits. Next, you need to gently rinse the blueberries, dry by placing on a sieve.

In jars, berries are poured to half. Pour water into the pan, add sugar. Stirring, it is necessary to boil the syrup for 5 minutes, strain through cheesecloth. Blueberries are poured with syrup. The jars should be covered, and then put in a pan with hot water. It is necessary to perform sterilization: 0.5 l - 15 minutes, 1 l - 20 minutes. Then the jars should be removed and closed with lids, turned over, wrapped in a blanket for uniform cooling.
Blueberries for breastfeeding will be useful in the form of jam. If the product will be stored in a pantry or cellar, then heat treatment is needed. It is advisable to choose methods of exposure in which less trace elements are lost. To prepare a healthy treat, you should use the following simple recipe.
You will need berries, pectin (1 sachet per 1 kg of blueberries), sugar (in the same amount as the fruits). To obtain not too liquid jam, pectin is added 2 times more. But proceed with caution, otherwise lumps will appear.

The berries must be washed, sorted, laid out on a towel to dry. Then they are transferred to a container, mixed with sugar. Using a crush, you need to grind the mass until smooth, and then add pectin and mix everything thoroughly.
The container must be put on medium heat and brought to a boil, constantly stirring the product. Then the fire decreases, and you need to wait 5-7 minutes. Hot jam is poured into sterile cans and rolled up with tin lids. Such blueberries are safe for breastfeeding, and besides, beneficial properties are preserved in it.
When breastfeeding, you can use blueberries in a different form. For example, desserts are made from it. You need cottage cheese (200 g), grated through a sieve. Blender need to beat the berries (1 cup) and banana (1 pc.). Half of the blueberry-banana mass is transferred to the plate. The rest is added to cottage cheese and natural yogurt (200 ml). All products must be beaten until smooth. Transfer the finished mass into saucers or bowls. Ice cream and blueberry-banana pulp are added to the top. The result is a tasty and healthy dessert in which all the valuable vitamins are stored. From the berry you can cook other delicious dishes.
In this way, blueberries are safe during breastfeeding. But it is best to consult a doctor before use to avoid adverse effects on yourself and the child. If a specialist allowed to eat berries, then you need to enter them gradually.