Love is a wonderful feeling that appears between a man and a woman. However, not everything happens perfectly. Under the influence of passion, partners can forget about contraception. Sometimes even effective protection methods fail. In such cases, many women take pills to help avoid pregnancy. The article talks about when the period should go after Postinor - one of the most famous means.
Features of the drug
There are situations when, in order to prevent the consequences of unprotected intimate contact, you must use a special medicine.

One of the most famous medicines is Postinor. He has established himself as a reliable and quick tool. But it must be remembered that such drugs contain hormones, therefore, girls may have cycle disorders as a result of their intake. When should menstruation go after Postinor? This issue worries women who had to resort to emergency contraception. In general, experts do not recommend using the drug more often than once every six months. This statement is due to the fact that a large number of hormones adversely affects the reproductive system. Therefore, it is better to choose other methods of protection against unwanted conception.
When and for what purpose is the product used?
If an unprotected intimate relationship took place between partners, the medication will help the girl avoid an unplanned pregnancy. The action of the drug before the release of the female gamete from the genital gland prevents this process. Conception in this case is impossible. The use of the drug after ovulation promotes a change in the structure of the inner layer of the uterus. Female gamete, merged with the partner's reproductive cell, does not attach to the wall of the organ mucosa. If the conception still took place, it is forbidden to use the drug.

The tool is not used as a way to terminate the life of the fetus. In pregnant women, it causes severe bleeding. When should menstruation go after Postinor? This question, of course, worries many, as pills have an effect on hormonal balance. And the answer to it is determined by many factors, which are discussed in the following sections.
What determines the effectiveness of the medication?
How effective the drug will be is determined by the duration of its use. The less time has passed from the moment of intimacy to taking the medicine, the more effective the method of contraception will be. Experts say that the use of tablets on the 1st day after coition helps to achieve the effect in 95% of cases. If you use the medication on the second day, the probability of protection against conception is 85%. After another 24 hours, it decreases to 58%. In the case when more than 3 days have passed after intercourse, it will not bring any benefit. To prevent pregnancy, you should drink 2 tablets.

The gap between them is 12 hours. Before using the tool, you must familiarize yourself with the instructions. There are conditions in which it is forbidden to use the medication. In addition, it can cause malaise, and a woman needs to know about it. How much should the menstrual period after Postinor go? This question interests many. And this is no coincidence. If the discharge does not appear at the right time, the woman is worried that the drug did not work. However, the failure is most often caused by other causes.
The body's reactions to the drug
The use of a medication can provoke the following phenomena:
- Nausea, bouts of vomiting.
- Loose stool.
- Overwork.
- Pain in the mammary glands.
- Dizziness.
- The development of tubal pregnancy.
- Violations of the functions of the gonads.
- Inability to conceive.
Some believe that after taking Postinor, your period should go on time. However, this is not always the case. Critical days are sometimes delayed. In some cases, scanty or, conversely, intense discharge is observed. The reaction of the body to the substances contained in the medicine depends on individual characteristics. If you use the product correctly, you can avoid undesirable consequences.
Normal Dates of Critical Days
Should menstruation go after Postinor? The answer to this question is naturally affirmative.

Normally, discharge occurs in girls after a few hours or days. Critical days last from 3 to 5 days. They are a sign of the passage of the inner layer of the uterus. To verify the effectiveness of the drug, you need to conduct a test to determine pregnancy. However, even if the device showed a negative result, the woman cares about how to stabilize the reproductive system.
When is the critical day cycle normalized?
Typically, the frequency of discharge is restored quickly. However, a delay is possible as a result of an individual reaction of the reproductive system to the drug. If critical days are late, the girl begins to worry, after the "Postinor" pills, when should the periods go? Unfortunately, no specialist is able to accurately answer this question. However, do not worry. Usually in such situations, the cycle stabilizes on its own. Sometimes it takes several months.
Why are critical days late?
Delay after using Postinor is normal.

However, if the start date of the discharge shifts strongly, this situation may be due to the influence of such factors:
- The use of alcohol-containing products. Hormones affect liver function. The combination of alcohol and Postinor leads to complications.
- Improper use of the product. In this situation, menstruation is late due to conception.
- The use of drugs for the human immunodeficiency virus, drugs aimed at combating viral infections, drugs for epilepsy and peptic ulcer disease.
- Puberty. At this time, critical days are irregular due to the immaturity of the reproductive system.
- Vomiting, loose stools. These phenomena reduce the effectiveness of the drug, as it partially removes it from the body.
- Pathology of the liver and gall bladder. The use of the drug for patients with similar ailments is dangerous, since they are likely to have not only delays in critical days, but also exacerbations.
Is it possible to maintain the onset of pregnancy?
Experts say that an embryo that survives exposure to a large dose of hormones is considered healthy. The substance that contains the drug affects only the functions of male and female gametes. And if the gynecologist denies the possibility of a tubal pregnancy, and the girl decides to save the baby, she can be sure that nothing threatens the life of the fetus.
Other malfunctions in the reproductive system
Should menstruation go after taking Postinor on time? It is known that as a result of the influence of the drug on the work of the reproductive organs, as well as against the influence of other factors, critical days are delayed. However, this is not the only failure that the drug can cause. Some representatives of the weaker sex after Postinor have the following disorders:
- Menstruation appears in the form of scanty discharge of a dark brown hue. The situation is explained by the fact that blood against the background of the use of the drug becomes thicker and slowly leaves the vessels. If such a violation does not disappear within a few months, you should consult a doctor.
- Lengthening the bleeding period. Critical days last about a week or more. If menstruation does not stop on the eighth day, a woman should visit a doctor.
- A large amount of blood with menstruation. In the case when a girl has to change a tampon or pad more than 1 time in 2 hours, she needs to urgently seek medical help.

- The development of anemia against the background of intense critical days. It is manifested by dizziness, weakness, fainting, increased heart rate.
What if the discharge does not start on time?
To the question of when the menstruation should go after Postinor, one cannot give an exact answer. A woman needs to make sure that the medicine has had its effect. To do this, you should get a pregnancy test. If it is negative, you have to wait a bit. Most likely, the body itself will cope with the failure. If critical days do not appear for a long time, a woman should consult a doctor.

The answer to the question of when the periods after Postinor should go, in this case depends on the pathology and methods of its treatment. Sometimes tests to determine pregnancy while using the product show the wrong result. Therefore, if there is a delay or scanty bleeding, it is better to take a laboratory blood test. So, many people use this medicine to prevent conception. After Postinor, when should the menstruation go? Reviews from specialists and women indicate that critical days are sometimes slightly late, but they should not be delayed for long. If this happens, pregnancy or hormonal imbalance is possible.