Surely any woman will be interested to learn about why during menstruation you want sweets. Almost every representative of the weaker sex is faced with a situation when, during menstrual bleeding, she is very drawn to sweets, chocolate and other goodies.
Female physiology as a cause of cravings for sweets

To understand the reason why you want sweets during critical days, you need to better understand the features of the functioning of the female body. The fact that the menstrual cycle has certain periods will not be a revelation to anyone. During the first part, the egg matures in the body. During this period of time, an increase in the concentration of estrogen in the blood is observed. At the moment when ovulation occurs, the content of this hormone reaches its peak.
After this, a mature egg is in the fallopian tube, and all the forces of the body are mobilized for potential fertilization. After ovulation has taken place, the level of progesterone rises, which regulates the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system and controls the menstrual cycle. It is this hormone that creates favorable conditions for the further development of the fetus and pregnancy. And it is during this period that the body begins to require easily digestible carbohydrates, which include sweets. This can explain why during menstruation you want a lot of sweets.
Hormonal imbalance

Progesterone is a precursor to a huge number of hormones. And when you change its level in the functioning of the body, problems arise. If conception does not happen, then the level of this hormone begins to fall. Then, at the end of the next menstrual cycle, when the concentration of estrogen and progesterone drops, a situation is observed in which there is also a desire to eat sweets, that is, these changes can explain why you want sweets during menstruation. So the female body is trying to get the missing amount of energy.
Thus, the hormonal status of a woman, changing throughout the cycle, most directly affects eating habits.
Preparing the body for an upcoming pregnancy

When the body thoroughly prepares for pregnancy, the woman also wants sweets. This can be explained by the fact that after the completion of the ovulation process, the level of progesterone increases. Against this background, the brain receives a signal that there is a need for the accumulation of the necessary components and substances to support pregnancy. Due to the above processes, the female body before menstruation requires sweet or salty.
Vitamin deficiency in the body

The answer to the question of why during menstruation you want sweets, in addition to the hormonal background, will also be a lack of vitamins in the body. It is vitamin deficiency that affects the taste preferences during menstrual bleeding.
According to doctors, the lack of nutrients adversely affects the functioning of the digestive system. Symptoms of this condition should be considered frequent constipation or diarrhea, as well as nausea and weight gain on the background of menstrual bleeding. In addition to these signs, a change in the taste of food will also testify to vitamin deficiency. As a result, the woman refuses the usual dishes and makes a choice in favor of those products that she previously avoided. This should include confectionery, as well as bakery products. Here is another reason why during menstruation you want a lot of sweets.
Fix this problem is not so difficult. It is enough to saturate the body with the necessary amount of nutrients, and then the problem will be solved by itself. And no woman will say to herself: βI want sweets during menstruation.β
However, even with the eliminated vitamin deficiency, the problem of craving for sweet treats will arise every month again and again. It is necessary to accept this and take it for granted.
In some cases, not only women, but also men want sweets after the next meal. At this moment, there is a clear feeling that the person seemed not to be full. In such a situation, sweets and buns play the role of antidepressants, since after their consumption the brain begins to produce the hormone serotonin, which provides a good mood and forms a feeling of happiness.
How not to spoil the figure during menstruation

According to most experts, during menstruation, you should not resist natural impulses and try to limit yourself in eating sweets. Such an attitude to the situation will make it possible to avoid depression and easier to transfer discomfort.
The only thing that every girl can face is the problem of being overweight. And the best way out of the situation when, during menstruation is pulling on sweets, is to control hunger and satiety.
There are also ways to deceive your own body in a critical period:
- For starters, you should make it a rule to eat often and regularly. It is better to divide a serving of food into several parts, and not eat it at one time.
- When choosing products, you should pay attention to fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as low-fat varieties of fish and meat. Itβs not necessary to reach for chocolate when you want something sweet.
- In order not to absorb confectionery in huge quantities and not to wonder why during menstruation you want sweets, you should use as much liquid as possible. This will make it possible to tame the appetite somewhat.
- You should focus on your favorite activities and not constantly think about the desire to eat.
- It is necessary to avoid conflict and stressful situations during the indicated period so that depression does not seize after.
All these methods will eliminate the likelihood of gaining excess weight for several critical days of the menstrual cycle.
When gluttony became uncontrollable

When gluttony on critical days has become a real problem, you can resort to some ways to resolve it, including:
- taking hormonal contraceptives. These drugs will make it possible to reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, affecting the feeling of hunger. Thanks to these medicines, the hormonal background of a woman is gradually normalizing, which helps to improve her well-being and dull her excessive desire to eat a chocolate bar;
- compliance with a moderate diet will make it possible not to waste time thinking about why you want sweets during your period, but to solve the problem through specific actions in the form of a moderate diet.
How to prevent the desire to eat sweets

It is believed that an active lifestyle and exercise before the start of the cycle are very useful. In addition, as an alternative to hanging out at the TV screen or computer monitor, it is better to choose walks in the fresh air. All these measures will not only improve the emotional state, but also help to lose extra pounds.
As for the use of hormonal contraceptives, it is better to entrust their choice to an experienced specialist. Self-selection of these drugs may not be the best way to affect the health of every woman. For those girls who plan to become a mother, this method is absolutely unacceptable.
In addition to these measures, gynecologists recommend a week before menstrual bleeding to pay attention to multivitamin complexes, which necessarily contain vitamins B6, B12, D and magnesium.
Do all women want chocolate
The body of each person, including women, has individual characteristics. Therefore, it is unequivocal to say that any representative of the weaker sex during menstrual bleeding wants sweets and butter dough, it is impossible. There are girls who, in principle, can not be attributed to lovers to eat something of that sort. And to speak about confectionery products in this case is not at all necessary. For some of them, premenstrual syndrome is quite difficult. And here itβs not at all before meals.
Thus, the attraction to sweet products before and during menstruation should be taken as a completely ordinary state that has a periodic nature. In some cases, a bar of chocolate for someone is a source of happiness and pleasure. And here it is important not to overdo it. Otherwise, it is fraught with excess body weight and ultimately again a bad mood.