I made for you a large selection of materials for independent study of contextual advertising. These free materials will easily replace your paid courses.
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I note that the list of materials will be updated.
If I have not added any worthwhile material, contact me - I will add.
Let's get started!
Introduction to contextual advertising
- What is contextual advertising?
- Yandex glossary of contextual advertising .
- How contextual advertising works .
- The most popular terms for contextual advertising .
- How to create a Google Ads account .
- How to create an account in Yandex.Direct .
- A short guide for beginners on the types of advertising campaigns in Google Ads .
- Why do you see certain ads .
- KPI modeling in contextual advertising .
Market analysis
- How to analyze competitors before the launch of contextual advertising: step-by-step instructions .
- How to work with Google Trends: a complete guide for beginners .
- How to make a quick analysis of contextual advertising of competitors .
- Identifying the target audience online: a practical guide .
Media planning
- The basics of media planning in contextual advertising: the main steps .
- Budget forecast at Yandex.Direct .
- Forecast traffic, budget and applications in the Yandex.Direct .
- About the results planner in Google Ads .
- How to calculate your advertising budget in Google Ads .
- The Google Ads Conversion Planner helps you keep your budget low.

Structure of advertising campaigns
- Organization of account elements in Google Ads .
- Organization of ad groups in the account .
- The architecture of the account in Yandex.Direct .
Semantic core
- What is the semantic core and how to compose it .
- How to choose a semantic core for a site: six methods .
- Selection of the semantic core .
- How to compose a semantic core without resorting to a specialist .
- Classification and typification of requests .
- How to find out the keywords of competitors and collect other people's semantics .
- 16 services for working with the semantic core .
- Grouping key phrases for advertising campaigns - a detailed overview of methods .
We set up analytics
- What is web analytics and why do you need it .
- Getting started with Google Analytics .
- Acquaintance with Yandex.Metrica (one video) .
- Yandex.Metrica in 30 seconds (ten short videos about settings and tools) .
- Fundamentals of working with Yandex.Metrica .
- Goals at Yandex.Metrica (2019) .
- Google Analytics for beginners: the most comprehensive guide in Runet .
- How to create, modify and publish goals in GA .
- What are UTM tags and how to apply them .
You can study the full guide on all web analytics here: a large selection of materials for studying web analytics .

Search Ads Run
- Advertising on the search for Yandex .
- Small Business Guide: How to Display Contextual Ads on Google Search Using Ads .
- How to advertise in Yandex.Direct .
- How to work in Yandex.Direct: a step-by-step guide for beginners .
- A guide to setting up search campaigns on Google Ads .
- What is cross minus?
- Cross-minus keywords in Google Ads: an overview of services and scripts .
- What is cross-minusation and how to apply it in Yandex.Direct and Google Ads .
Display Network Ads
- What is the Google Display Network ?
- About the Yandex advertising network and external networks .
- Set up Google Display Network in the new interface .
- How to launch an advertising campaign in YAN .
- What is YAN and how does it work? We get leads for a penny .
- Display Advertising on Yandex and Google: A Practical Review .
Launching remarketing campaigns
- What is remarketing ?
- How to set up remarketing in Google Ads is a detailed guide for beginners .
- Retargeting and audience selection at Yandex. Direct " .
- Retargeting at Yandex.Direct: a comprehensive guide .
- How to set up retargeting in Yandex.Direct - a detailed guide for beginners .
- Guide to launch remarketing on Google Ads .
- Remarketing in Google Ads: chips, examples, customization .
- How to set up dynamic remarketing for Google Ads for ecommerce projects .

Shopping campaigns and product listing ads
- About smart shopping campaigns .
- How to create a smart shopping campaign .
- Shopping campaigns and product listing ads .
- What are smart shopping campaigns and how do they work .
- How to work with product feeds in Google Ads and Yandex.Direct .
- Google Merchant Center feed conversion policies .
- Google Merchant Center Case Study
- Help - Google Merchant Center.
- Managing feeds at Yandex.Direct .
Running Video Ads on Google Ads
- What are video ads in Google Ads .
- What are the types of video ads .
- How to create a video campaign .
- Video campaign targeting .
- Video ads on Google Ads: formats and customization .
- Guide to YouTube video campaign formats .
Launching search banners in Yandex.Direct
- What is and what does a banner look like in Yandex search .
- Banners on Yandex search: instructions for use .
- How to run a banner on Yandex search .

Dynamic ads in Yandex.Direct
- What are dynamic ads ?
- How to set up dynamic ads in Yandex.Direct .
- Should I set up dynamic ads in Yandex.Direct?
- Dynamic ads in Yandex.Direct: application guide .
Mobile App Advertising
- What is the advertising of mobile applications in Yandex.Direct .
- What is mobile app advertising in Google Ads .
- How to work with Universal App Campaigns in Google Ads .
- Promotion of a mobile application in Yandex.Direct is a guide for beginners .
- Universal App Campaign 2.0 at Google Ads - How to get the most out of it .
Mobile App Analytics
- AppMetrica - where to start .
- Boost your mobile app with AppMetrica .
- Instructions for setting up mobile app analytics in Google Analytics .
- How to integrate the AppMetrica SDK .
- Firebase Analytics update: we configure analytics of mobile applications and we apply new chips .
- Getting started with AppsFlyer .
- Amplitude. Analytics system for mobile applications and web services .

Optimization of advertising campaigns
- Optimization of a campaign for online sales in Google Ads .
- Improving the effectiveness of the advertising campaign at Yandex. Direct " .
- Optimization of campaigns in two stages .
- Search engine optimization in Yandex.Direct: three strategies .
- Guidelines for analyzing and optimizing campaigns at Yandex.Direct .
- Search Conversion Optimization: Frequently Asked Questions and Startup Preparation .
Automation and simplification of work
- What is a "Direct Commander" .
- What is the Google Ads Editor ?
- New Direct Commander: Application Guide .
- How to competently work with the Direct Commander .
- Working in the Google Ads Editor .
- 10 Useful Tricks for Google Ads Editor
- Contextual Advertising Automation: An Overview of Services .
- Automation tools for online stores: what the market offers .

PPC Services and Extensions
- 15 extensions that will help the PPC specialist not to go crazy .
- 11 services for competitor analysis in contextual advertising .
- Useful tools and programs for a contextual advertising specialist .
- 40 tools for working with contextual advertising .
- Table with services for marketers .
Free courses
- "How to advertise in Yandex.Direct" from Yandex.
- Yandex.Direct Specialist from PPC.World .
- Google Ads Fundamentals by Google.
- "Yandex.Direct: preparation for certification" from "Netologiya".
- “Google Adwords: Preparing for the Exam” by Netologia.
- "Google Ads Specialist" by PPC.World.
- "How to Set Up Google Search Ads" by Netpeak.
- “Step-by-step launch of advertising in Goole Ads, YouTube and Instagram from 0 to the first applications” by Convert Monster.
- “Contextual advertising: from the basics to improving performance” by eLama
More useful stuff.

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