Media | Web Development | CSS | Javascript | Browsers | Entertaining









Web development




• What is CORS





- Performance
• Google Chrome will mark too slow sites with a special indicator
•The state of modern methods for optimizing images on the network in 2019
•Lighthouse CI - a set of commands that will automate the receipt and processing of Lighthouse results
- Effects
• Development of animated favicon
•Effect of highway lights on Three.js
•A selection of creative demos on web technologies "Awesome Demos Roundup" # 10


• CSS4 will not ... because it is long gone. Meet CSS8!





• Performance optional chaining in JavaScript
• Little-known JavaScript dangers



- Theory
•Functional programming from the point of view of EcmaScript. Composition, Currying, Partial Application
• The operator spread and rest parameters in JavaScript
•Why do we need strict mode in JavaScript?
•Modest JS Works. A small e-book for those who want to write modest JavaScript, and then focus on everything else that matters when creating the application.
•JavaScript null and undefined handling
•Fun with ES6 proxies
- React
• React Context in 5 minutes: what is it and how to use it
•Build Your Own React
•Competent React useState () Hook Guide
•Building a payment system using React and Stripe
- Vue
•Unit Testing in Vue & Mocha: Part 1 , Part 2
•An early look at the Vue 3 Composition API in the wild
•Compile Vue 3 from scratch and try the new Composition API
- Angular
•Angular: redirect to external links
•How to create an Angular 8 app from scratch in 11 easy steps
•Practical Guide to Angular: Components and NgModules
•Versatile Ivy: Using Angular and React Together
- Libs & plugins
•9 web component libraries
•GSAP 3 is now available
•GSAP 3 Playground: a selection of demos on CodePen with some cool new features
•GSAP 3 New Features
•Paged.js is a library for paginating content in a browser. Based on the specifications of W3C, Polyphile for Paged Media and Generated Content for Paged Media.
•sheen - GPGPU fabric imitation
• The official release of Brave - the first private open source browser
• Release of Firefox Lite 2.0, a compact browser for Android
• In the latest version of Opera browser for PC, the address bar, the design of bookmarks and stories have been updated, as well as the opportunity to see blocked web trackers
• Mozilla, Fastly, Intel and Red Hat promote WebAssembly as a platform for universal use
• GitHub launched a joint project to identify vulnerabilities in open source software
• GitHub restarts the mobile application
• Microsoft will place all open source code from GitHub in Doomsday Storage in the Arctic Editorial Material
We apologize for any typos or broken / duplicated links. If you notice a problem - please write in a personal email, we try to quickly fix them.
Last week digest .
Material prepared by dersmoll and alekskorovin .