RSVP-TEネットワークで通信チャネルを効率的に利用するタスクは、休暇前にバッグ、スーツケース、コンテナに荷物を詰めるタスクと多くの共通点があります。 これをした人は誰でも、ほぼ同じサイズのものがはるかに簡単に、より均等に収まると言うでしょう。 物のサイズがコンテナのサイズよりも著しく小さい場合は良いですが、出発の準備ができているバッグの1つにバルクオブジェクトを突然入れる必要がある場合、再ソートは避けられません。 RSVP-TEの世界では、これはビンパッキング問題と呼ばれます。私が話していることを理解するために、図1を見てください。緑と青の線は、ACDEパスに沿ったLSP1とBCEパスに沿ったLSP2の時点T = 1およびT = 2です。それに応じて。 時点T = 3でLSP2帯域を8の値に拡張する必要がある場合、CEチャネルの容量はこれを許可しません。 物事やスーツケースの世界では、この問題を解決するために少し時間をかけて物事を整理し直すことになります。 RSVP-TEを使用すると、特定の予約で同じことができます。これにより、LSPの優先順位を設定および保持し、幅の広いLSPに高い優先順位を与えて狭いLSPを移動できますが、このアプローチは同じ優先順位のLSPが出てくるまで正確に機能します。そして、すべてが繰り返されます。

- ローカルで非決定的な計算の順序と各ルーター上のパスの最適化。
- ルーター間のパスの計算を調整するメカニズムの欠如。
スーツケースの問題に戻ると、突然発見されたものを分解して、そのすべての部品がいくつかのスーツケースの空きスペースを均一に埋めることができます。 RSVP-TE環境での通信チャネルの最適な利用のために、Kireeti Kompellaによって同様のアイデアが提案されました。 ルーターは、1つの太いパスをシグナリングする代わりに、現在のトポロジとチャネルの使用率を考慮して、ドラフトではサブLSPと呼ばれる、要求の少ない複数のレーンを計算してシグナリングします。 図2は、LSP2レーンを値8に拡張した場合の外観を示しています。ルーターは、レーンが4のサブLSPのペアを配置し、2つの可能な方法でトラフィックをレイアウトします。

そのため、ドラフトでは、新しいMLSPコンセプトまたはコンテナが表示されます;このコンセプトは、サブLSPのセットの構成および制御オブジェクトを定義します。 言い換えれば、コンテナに記録されたTEのプロパティと要件は、次の条件を満たす特定の物理LSPセットを生成します。
指定されたネットワークの制限と機能。 サブLSPおよび予約された冗長サブLSPバンドの数を計算するための正確なアルゴリズムは説明されていません。すべて無料で実装するためにベンダーに提供されています。これには2つの警告しかありません。
- サブLSPはすべての(帯域幅を除く)TEコンテナの制限を継承する必要があります。たとえば、管理グループまたはセットアップ/保留の優先度は継承する必要があります。
- 冗長なサブLSP帯域幅の量は、コンテナの要件以上でなければなりません。
特定のMLSPインスタンスに属するサブLSPは、中継ルータがこの所属を決定できるようにシグナリングされます。このため、Pathメッセージは、各MLSPに一意の値を持つRSVP ASSOCIATIONオブジェクトの使用を想定しています。 興味深いことに、第4ドラフトバージョンの前は、送信者テンプレートフィールドを識別子として使用することが想定されていました。 sup-LSP所有権の識別は、非常に単純なラベル保存メカニズムを実装できるという点で役立ちます。ダウンストリームルーターは、各サブLSPに一意のラベルを予約する必要はありません。インストールされたサブLSPがどのMLSPに属しているかを判断し、共通ラベルをアップストリームルータに返すだけで十分です。
このドラフトでは、中継ルーターのスイッチングチップの機能に応じて、データプレーンレベルでトラフィック伝送を編成するための2つのオプションについて説明しています。 Equi-bandwidth LSPと呼ばれる最初のオプションは、各トランジットルーター上のすべてのサブLSPにトラフィックフローを均等に分散させることです。一方、トラフィックフローの動作は、IGPベストパスだけでなく、すべてを使用する機能を備えたホップごとのECMPバランシングに完全に対応しています。 2番目のオプションには、予約帯域に応じたサブLSPでのトラフィックフローの重み付き分散が含まれます。 データプレーンを編成するための代替手段(ベンダーの裁量による)の可能性も規定されています。

このようなデータプレーン組織には興味深い特性があります-一部のトポロジでは、MPLS TE保護などのメカニズムを使用しなくても、事故の場合の高速収束は自然な結果であるため、図3でBCチャネルに障害が発生した場合、ルーターBは修復パスを確立しません、ルータAが事故情報を利用できるようになる前であっても、テーブルからネクストホップを1つ削除するだけで、トラフィックの伝送を独立して復元できます。
ドラフトのさらなる分析は、改作に変わるリスクがあるため、使用例に移ります。 現時点では、私は1つのオプションのみを知っています。特定の留保があれば、少なくともドラフトのイデオロギー的な実装と呼ぶことができます。 主な不満は、ラベル保存およびサブLSP識別メカニズムがまだ実装されていないことです;それにもかかわらず、TEの問題を解決するための便利なツールが判明しました。 ちなみに、ジュニパーコンテナLSPは、他のメーカーの従来のRSVP-TE実装と完全に互換性があります。これは、この特定の実装形態の深刻なプラスです。
魅力的なのは、ラベルスタックの深刻なハッシュなしで、Pデバイスと組み合わせてPEルータ間でフルメッシュコンテナLSPを使用できることです。 Container LSPは、各中継ルーターでトラフィックのバランスをとる代わりに、柔軟なサブLSP計算およびシグナリングメカニズムを使用します。 このアルゴリズムは、サブLSPの数、そのパス、および占有帯域を機能とネットワークトポロジに自律的に対応させることができます。 コンテナの構成パラメータ、またはサブLSPのセット、それらのプロパティと制限は、アルゴリズムの入力に送信されます:
- 集合バンド;
- サブLSPの最小数と最大数。
- バンドの分割とマージ。
集約された帯域は、各サブLSPの帯域統計に基づいて定期的に更新され、これらの値の合計を表します。 コンテナの残りのパラメータは、目的の値に従って手動で設定されます。 自律的な操作は、定期的に繰り返される正規化イベントによってサポートされます;この時点で、アルゴリズムは次のいずれかの決定を行います。
- 1つ以上のサブLSPを追加します
- 1つ以上のサブLSPを削除します
- そのままにしておきます
正規化アルゴリズムの現在のバージョンは計算を実行し、その結果、等しい帯域を持つ一連のサブLSPが表示されます。 たとえば、計算の結果、集約帯域が10である場合、次のパラメーターを持つサブLSPが表示されることがあります:2 x 5、5 x 2、または3 x 3.3。複数のオプションがある場合、アルゴリズムはより少ないサブLSPを必要とするものを選択します。 正規化イベント間で、自動帯域幅メカニズムを使用して、各サブLSPの帯域を個別に変更できます。 正規化の次の反復で、アルゴリズムは現在のストリップ読み取り値を収集し、可能なアクションの1つを実行します。サブLSPの現在のストリップが分割/マージ範囲外にある場合、サブLSPアクションの削除または追加が実行されます。 サブLSPの追加または削除には、次の制限に従って帯域の再計算が伴います。
N - sub-LSP, X - , minimum-member-lsps - sub-LSP, maximum-member-lsps - sub-LSP, splitting-bandwidth - , merging-bandwidth -
[X/splitting-bandwidth] ≤ N ≤ [X/merging-bandwidth]
minimum-member-lsps ≤ N ≤ maximum-member-lsps
B = X / N
Container LSPの動作を示すために、この図をまとめました。 各インターフェイスの帯域幅は10Mbit / sに削減されます。

ルータAの設定から始めましょう。LSP統計の収集を明示的に有効にし(1〜3行目)、サブLSPの作成元のテンプレートを指定し(4〜11行目)、LSPコンテナのプロパティをルータBに書き込みます(12〜22行目) )
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set protocols mpls statistics file mpls-lsp-stats set protocols mpls statistics interval 50 set protocols mpls statistics auto-bandwidth set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template template set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template retry-timer 3 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template optimize-timer 0 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template least-fill set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template adaptive set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth adjust-interval 300 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth minimum-bandwidth 1k set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth maximum-bandwidth 10m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt label-switched-path-template lsp-template set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt to set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging maximum-member-lsps 50 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging minimum-member-lsps 1 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging splitting-bandwidth 4m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging merging-bandwidth 2m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalize-interval 650 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization failover-normalization set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-duration 5 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-limits 3 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging sampling use-percentile 95
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set protocols mpls statistics file mpls-lsp-stats set protocols mpls statistics interval 50 set protocols mpls statistics auto-bandwidth set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template template set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template retry-timer 3 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template optimize-timer 0 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template least-fill set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template adaptive set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth adjust-interval 300 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth minimum-bandwidth 1k set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth maximum-bandwidth 10m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt label-switched-path-template lsp-template set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt to set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging maximum-member-lsps 50 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging minimum-member-lsps 1 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging splitting-bandwidth 4m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging merging-bandwidth 2m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalize-interval 650 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization failover-normalization set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-duration 5 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-limits 3 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging sampling use-percentile 95
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set protocols mpls statistics file mpls-lsp-stats set protocols mpls statistics interval 50 set protocols mpls statistics auto-bandwidth set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template template set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template retry-timer 3 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template optimize-timer 0 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template least-fill set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template adaptive set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth adjust-interval 300 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth minimum-bandwidth 1k set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth maximum-bandwidth 10m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt label-switched-path-template lsp-template set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt to set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging maximum-member-lsps 50 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging minimum-member-lsps 1 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging splitting-bandwidth 4m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging merging-bandwidth 2m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalize-interval 650 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization failover-normalization set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-duration 5 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-limits 3 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging sampling use-percentile 95
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set protocols mpls statistics file mpls-lsp-stats set protocols mpls statistics interval 50 set protocols mpls statistics auto-bandwidth set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template template set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template retry-timer 3 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template optimize-timer 0 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template least-fill set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template adaptive set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth adjust-interval 300 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth minimum-bandwidth 1k set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth maximum-bandwidth 10m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt label-switched-path-template lsp-template set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt to set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging maximum-member-lsps 50 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging minimum-member-lsps 1 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging splitting-bandwidth 4m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging merging-bandwidth 2m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalize-interval 650 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization failover-normalization set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-duration 5 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-limits 3 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging sampling use-percentile 95
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set protocols mpls statistics file mpls-lsp-stats set protocols mpls statistics interval 50 set protocols mpls statistics auto-bandwidth set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template template set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template retry-timer 3 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template optimize-timer 0 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template least-fill set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template adaptive set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth adjust-interval 300 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth minimum-bandwidth 1k set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth maximum-bandwidth 10m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt label-switched-path-template lsp-template set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt to set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging maximum-member-lsps 50 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging minimum-member-lsps 1 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging splitting-bandwidth 4m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging merging-bandwidth 2m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalize-interval 650 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization failover-normalization set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-duration 5 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-limits 3 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging sampling use-percentile 95
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set protocols mpls statistics file mpls-lsp-stats set protocols mpls statistics interval 50 set protocols mpls statistics auto-bandwidth set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template template set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template retry-timer 3 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template optimize-timer 0 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template least-fill set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template adaptive set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth adjust-interval 300 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth minimum-bandwidth 1k set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth maximum-bandwidth 10m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt label-switched-path-template lsp-template set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt to set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging maximum-member-lsps 50 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging minimum-member-lsps 1 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging splitting-bandwidth 4m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging merging-bandwidth 2m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalize-interval 650 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization failover-normalization set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-duration 5 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-limits 3 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging sampling use-percentile 95
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set protocols mpls statistics file mpls-lsp-stats set protocols mpls statistics interval 50 set protocols mpls statistics auto-bandwidth set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template template set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template retry-timer 3 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template optimize-timer 0 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template least-fill set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template adaptive set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth adjust-interval 300 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth minimum-bandwidth 1k set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth maximum-bandwidth 10m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt label-switched-path-template lsp-template set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt to set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging maximum-member-lsps 50 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging minimum-member-lsps 1 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging splitting-bandwidth 4m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging merging-bandwidth 2m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalize-interval 650 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization failover-normalization set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-duration 5 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-limits 3 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging sampling use-percentile 95
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set protocols mpls statistics file mpls-lsp-stats set protocols mpls statistics interval 50 set protocols mpls statistics auto-bandwidth set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template template set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template retry-timer 3 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template optimize-timer 0 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template least-fill set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template adaptive set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth adjust-interval 300 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth minimum-bandwidth 1k set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth maximum-bandwidth 10m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt label-switched-path-template lsp-template set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt to set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging maximum-member-lsps 50 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging minimum-member-lsps 1 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging splitting-bandwidth 4m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging merging-bandwidth 2m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalize-interval 650 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization failover-normalization set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-duration 5 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-limits 3 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging sampling use-percentile 95
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set protocols mpls statistics file mpls-lsp-stats set protocols mpls statistics interval 50 set protocols mpls statistics auto-bandwidth set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template template set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template retry-timer 3 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template optimize-timer 0 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template least-fill set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template adaptive set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth adjust-interval 300 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth minimum-bandwidth 1k set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth maximum-bandwidth 10m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt label-switched-path-template lsp-template set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt to set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging maximum-member-lsps 50 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging minimum-member-lsps 1 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging splitting-bandwidth 4m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging merging-bandwidth 2m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalize-interval 650 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization failover-normalization set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-duration 5 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-limits 3 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging sampling use-percentile 95
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set protocols mpls statistics file mpls-lsp-stats set protocols mpls statistics interval 50 set protocols mpls statistics auto-bandwidth set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template template set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template retry-timer 3 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template optimize-timer 0 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template least-fill set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template adaptive set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth adjust-interval 300 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth minimum-bandwidth 1k set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth maximum-bandwidth 10m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt label-switched-path-template lsp-template set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt to set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging maximum-member-lsps 50 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging minimum-member-lsps 1 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging splitting-bandwidth 4m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging merging-bandwidth 2m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalize-interval 650 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization failover-normalization set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-duration 5 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-limits 3 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging sampling use-percentile 95
[edit protocols mpls]
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set protocols mpls statistics file mpls-lsp-stats set protocols mpls statistics interval 50 set protocols mpls statistics auto-bandwidth set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template template set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template retry-timer 3 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template optimize-timer 0 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template least-fill set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template adaptive set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth adjust-interval 300 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth minimum-bandwidth 1k set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth maximum-bandwidth 10m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt label-switched-path-template lsp-template set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt to set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging maximum-member-lsps 50 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging minimum-member-lsps 1 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging splitting-bandwidth 4m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging merging-bandwidth 2m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalize-interval 650 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization failover-normalization set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-duration 5 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-limits 3 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging sampling use-percentile 95
[edit protocols mpls]
[edit protocols mpls]
set protocols mpls statistics file mpls-lsp-stats set protocols mpls statistics interval 50 set protocols mpls statistics auto-bandwidth set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template template set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template retry-timer 3 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template optimize-timer 0 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template least-fill set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template adaptive set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth adjust-interval 300 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth minimum-bandwidth 1k set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth maximum-bandwidth 10m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt label-switched-path-template lsp-template set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt to set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging maximum-member-lsps 50 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging minimum-member-lsps 1 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging splitting-bandwidth 4m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging merging-bandwidth 2m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalize-interval 650 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization failover-normalization set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-duration 5 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-limits 3 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging sampling use-percentile 95
[edit protocols mpls]
[edit protocols mpls]
set protocols mpls statistics file mpls-lsp-stats set protocols mpls statistics interval 50 set protocols mpls statistics auto-bandwidth set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template template set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template retry-timer 3 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template optimize-timer 0 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template least-fill set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template adaptive set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth adjust-interval 300 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth minimum-bandwidth 1k set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth maximum-bandwidth 10m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt label-switched-path-template lsp-template set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt to set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging maximum-member-lsps 50 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging minimum-member-lsps 1 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging splitting-bandwidth 4m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging merging-bandwidth 2m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalize-interval 650 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization failover-normalization set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-duration 5 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-limits 3 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging sampling use-percentile 95
[edit protocols mpls]
[edit protocols mpls]
set protocols mpls statistics file mpls-lsp-stats set protocols mpls statistics interval 50 set protocols mpls statistics auto-bandwidth set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template template set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template retry-timer 3 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template optimize-timer 0 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template least-fill set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template adaptive set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth adjust-interval 300 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth minimum-bandwidth 1k set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth maximum-bandwidth 10m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt label-switched-path-template lsp-template set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt to set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging maximum-member-lsps 50 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging minimum-member-lsps 1 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging splitting-bandwidth 4m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging merging-bandwidth 2m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalize-interval 650 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization failover-normalization set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-duration 5 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-limits 3 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging sampling use-percentile 95
[edit protocols mpls]
[edit protocols mpls]
set protocols mpls statistics file mpls-lsp-stats set protocols mpls statistics interval 50 set protocols mpls statistics auto-bandwidth set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template template set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template retry-timer 3 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template optimize-timer 0 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template least-fill set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template adaptive set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth adjust-interval 300 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth minimum-bandwidth 1k set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth maximum-bandwidth 10m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt label-switched-path-template lsp-template set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt to set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging maximum-member-lsps 50 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging minimum-member-lsps 1 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging splitting-bandwidth 4m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging merging-bandwidth 2m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalize-interval 650 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization failover-normalization set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-duration 5 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-limits 3 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging sampling use-percentile 95
[edit protocols mpls]
[edit protocols mpls]
set protocols mpls statistics file mpls-lsp-stats set protocols mpls statistics interval 50 set protocols mpls statistics auto-bandwidth set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template template set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template retry-timer 3 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template optimize-timer 0 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template least-fill set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template adaptive set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth adjust-interval 300 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth minimum-bandwidth 1k set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth maximum-bandwidth 10m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt label-switched-path-template lsp-template set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt to set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging maximum-member-lsps 50 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging minimum-member-lsps 1 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging splitting-bandwidth 4m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging merging-bandwidth 2m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalize-interval 650 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization failover-normalization set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-duration 5 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-limits 3 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging sampling use-percentile 95
[edit protocols mpls]
[edit protocols mpls]
set protocols mpls statistics file mpls-lsp-stats set protocols mpls statistics interval 50 set protocols mpls statistics auto-bandwidth set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template template set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template retry-timer 3 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template optimize-timer 0 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template least-fill set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template adaptive set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth adjust-interval 300 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth minimum-bandwidth 1k set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth maximum-bandwidth 10m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt label-switched-path-template lsp-template set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt to set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging maximum-member-lsps 50 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging minimum-member-lsps 1 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging splitting-bandwidth 4m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging merging-bandwidth 2m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalize-interval 650 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization failover-normalization set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-duration 5 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-limits 3 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging sampling use-percentile 95
[edit protocols mpls]
[edit protocols mpls]
set protocols mpls statistics file mpls-lsp-stats set protocols mpls statistics interval 50 set protocols mpls statistics auto-bandwidth set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template template set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template retry-timer 3 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template optimize-timer 0 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template least-fill set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template adaptive set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth adjust-interval 300 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth minimum-bandwidth 1k set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth maximum-bandwidth 10m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt label-switched-path-template lsp-template set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt to set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging maximum-member-lsps 50 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging minimum-member-lsps 1 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging splitting-bandwidth 4m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging merging-bandwidth 2m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalize-interval 650 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization failover-normalization set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-duration 5 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-limits 3 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging sampling use-percentile 95
[edit protocols mpls]
[edit protocols mpls]
set protocols mpls statistics file mpls-lsp-stats set protocols mpls statistics interval 50 set protocols mpls statistics auto-bandwidth set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template template set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template retry-timer 3 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template optimize-timer 0 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template least-fill set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template adaptive set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth adjust-interval 300 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth minimum-bandwidth 1k set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth maximum-bandwidth 10m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt label-switched-path-template lsp-template set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt to set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging maximum-member-lsps 50 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging minimum-member-lsps 1 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging splitting-bandwidth 4m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging merging-bandwidth 2m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalize-interval 650 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization failover-normalization set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-duration 5 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-limits 3 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging sampling use-percentile 95
[edit protocols mpls]
[edit protocols mpls]
set protocols mpls statistics file mpls-lsp-stats set protocols mpls statistics interval 50 set protocols mpls statistics auto-bandwidth set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template template set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template retry-timer 3 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template optimize-timer 0 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template least-fill set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template adaptive set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth adjust-interval 300 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth minimum-bandwidth 1k set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth maximum-bandwidth 10m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt label-switched-path-template lsp-template set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt to set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging maximum-member-lsps 50 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging minimum-member-lsps 1 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging splitting-bandwidth 4m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging merging-bandwidth 2m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalize-interval 650 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization failover-normalization set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-duration 5 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-limits 3 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging sampling use-percentile 95
[edit protocols mpls]
[edit protocols mpls]
set protocols mpls statistics file mpls-lsp-stats set protocols mpls statistics interval 50 set protocols mpls statistics auto-bandwidth set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template template set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template retry-timer 3 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template optimize-timer 0 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template least-fill set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template adaptive set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth adjust-interval 300 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth minimum-bandwidth 1k set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth maximum-bandwidth 10m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt label-switched-path-template lsp-template set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt to set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging maximum-member-lsps 50 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging minimum-member-lsps 1 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging splitting-bandwidth 4m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging merging-bandwidth 2m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalize-interval 650 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization failover-normalization set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-duration 5 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-limits 3 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging sampling use-percentile 95
[edit protocols mpls]
[edit protocols mpls]
set protocols mpls statistics file mpls-lsp-stats set protocols mpls statistics interval 50 set protocols mpls statistics auto-bandwidth set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template template set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template retry-timer 3 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template optimize-timer 0 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template least-fill set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template adaptive set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth adjust-interval 300 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth minimum-bandwidth 1k set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth maximum-bandwidth 10m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt label-switched-path-template lsp-template set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt to set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging maximum-member-lsps 50 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging minimum-member-lsps 1 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging splitting-bandwidth 4m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging merging-bandwidth 2m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalize-interval 650 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization failover-normalization set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-duration 5 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-limits 3 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging sampling use-percentile 95
[edit protocols mpls]
[edit protocols mpls]
set protocols mpls statistics file mpls-lsp-stats set protocols mpls statistics interval 50 set protocols mpls statistics auto-bandwidth set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template template set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template retry-timer 3 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template optimize-timer 0 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template least-fill set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template adaptive set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth adjust-interval 300 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth minimum-bandwidth 1k set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth maximum-bandwidth 10m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt label-switched-path-template lsp-template set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt to set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging maximum-member-lsps 50 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging minimum-member-lsps 1 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging splitting-bandwidth 4m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging merging-bandwidth 2m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalize-interval 650 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization failover-normalization set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-duration 5 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-limits 3 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging sampling use-percentile 95
[edit protocols mpls]
[edit protocols mpls]
set protocols mpls statistics file mpls-lsp-stats set protocols mpls statistics interval 50 set protocols mpls statistics auto-bandwidth set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template template set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template retry-timer 3 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template optimize-timer 0 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template least-fill set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template adaptive set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth adjust-interval 300 set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth minimum-bandwidth 1k set protocols mpls label-switched-path lsp-template auto-bandwidth maximum-bandwidth 10m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt label-switched-path-template lsp-template set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt to set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging maximum-member-lsps 50 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging minimum-member-lsps 1 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging splitting-bandwidth 4m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging merging-bandwidth 2m set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalize-interval 650 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization failover-normalization set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-duration 5 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging normalization normalization-retry-limits 3 set protocols mpls container-label-switched-path to-b-cnt splitting-merging sampling use-percentile 95
[edit protocols mpls]
コードをアクティブにすると、コンテナが初期化されます。 トラフィック統計情報では、分割帯域に等しい帯域を持つサブLSPの最小数はまだ設定されていません。 しばらくして、自動帯域幅メカニズムは統計情報(この場合はゼロ)を蓄積し、帯域を調整しました。
aandreev@a.lab# run show mpls container-lsp ingress extensive Ingress LSP: 1 sessions Container LSP name: to-b-cnt, State: Up, Member count: 1 Normalization Min LSPs: 1, Max LSPs: 50 Aggregate bandwidth: 1000bps, Sampled Aggregate bandwidth: 57.6003bps NormalizeTimer: 650 secs, NormalizeThreshold: 10% Max Signaling BW: 4Mbps, Min Signaling BW: 2Mbps, Splitting BW: 4Mbps, Merging BW: 2Mbps Mode: incremental-normalization, failover-normalization Sampling: Outlier cut-off 0, Percentile 95 of Aggregate Normalization in 639 second(s) 14 Apr 26 22:21:25.954 Avoid normalization: not needed as already running with max-members 13 Apr 26 22:21:25.954 Normalize: normalization with aggregate bandwidth 57 bps 12 Apr 26 22:21:25.954 Normalize: normalizaton with 57 bps 11 Apr 26 22:21:22.050 Avoid normalization: not needed as already running with max-members 10 Apr 26 22:21:22.050 Normalize: normalization with aggregate bandwidth 56 bps 9 Apr 26 22:21:22.049 Normalize: normalizaton with 56 bps 8 Apr 26 22:21:03.558 Clear history and statistics: on container (to-b-cnt) 7 Apr 26 22:20:29.353 Avoid normalization: not needed as already running with max-members 6 Apr 26 22:20:29.353 Normalize: normalization with aggregate bandwidth 56 bps 5 Apr 26 22:20:29.353 Normalize: normalizaton with 56 bps 4 Apr 26 22:17:43.539 Normalization complete: container (to-b-cnt) with 1 members 3 Apr 26 22:17:43.529 Normalize: container (to-b-cnt) into 1 members - each with bandwidth 2000000 bps 2 Apr 26 22:17:43.529 Normalize: container (to-b-cnt) create 1 LSPs, min bw 2000000bps, member count 0 1 Apr 26 22:17:43.529 Normalize: normalization with aggregate bandwidth 0 bps From:, State: Up, ActiveRoute: 0, LSPname: to-b-cnt-1 ActivePath: (primary) LSPtype: Dynamic Configured, Penultimate hop popping LoadBalance: Least-fill Autobandwidth MinBW: 1000bps, MaxBW: 10Mbps AdjustTimer: 300 secs Max AvgBW util: 57.6003bps, Bandwidth Adjustment in 67 second(s). Overflow limit: 0, Overflow sample count: 0 Underflow limit: 0, Underflow sample count: 0, Underflow Max AvgBW: 0bps Encoding type: Packet, Switching type: Packet, GPID: IPv4 *Primary State: Up Priorities: 7 0 Bandwidth: 1000bps SmartOptimizeTimer: 180 Computed ERO (S [L] denotes strict [loose] hops): (CSPF metric: 1) S Received RRO (ProtectionFlag 1=Available 2=InUse 4=B/W 8=Node 10=SoftPreempt 20=Node-ID): 17 Apr 26 22:21:23.060 Make-before-break: Switched to new instance 16 Apr 26 22:21:22.370 Self-ping ended successfully 15 Apr 26 22:21:22.057 Record Route: 14 Apr 26 22:21:22.057 Up 13 Apr 26 22:21:22.057 Manual Autobw adjustment succeeded: BW changes from 2000000 bps to 1000 bps 12 Apr 26 22:21:22.057 Self-ping started 11 Apr 26 22:21:22.057 Self-ping enqueued 10 Apr 26 22:21:22.050 Originate make-before-break call 9 Apr 26 22:21:22.050 CSPF: computation result accepted 8 Apr 26 22:17:44.002 Self-ping ended successfully 7 Apr 26 22:17:43.539 Selected as active path 6 Apr 26 22:17:43.538 Record Route: 5 Apr 26 22:17:43.538 Up 4 Apr 26 22:17:43.538 Self-ping started 3 Apr 26 22:17:43.538 Self-ping enqueued 2 Apr 26 22:17:43.530 Originate Call 1 Apr 26 22:17:43.530 CSPF: computation result accepted Created: Wed Apr 26 22:17:44 2017 Retrytimer: 3 Total 1 displayed, Up 1, Down 0 [edit protocols mpls] aandreev@a.lab#
ライブネットワークでは、トラフィックの順序を事前に評価し、おおよその帯域幅で適切な量のサブLSPを準備することをお勧めします。 これは、minimum-member-lspsおよびmerging-bandwidthパラメーターを使用して実行できます(行15および17)。
次に、約7Mbpsのトラフィックを生成し、何が起こったのかを分析します。 正規化イベントの後、年表を整理するためにしばらく待ちました。
aandreev@a.lab# run show mpls container-lsp ingress extensive Ingress LSP: 1 sessions Container LSP name: to-b-cnt, State: Up, Member count: 2 Normalization Min LSPs: 1, Max LSPs: 50 Aggregate bandwidth: 7.10478Mbps, Sampled Aggregate bandwidth: 6.94114Mbps NormalizeTimer: 650 secs, NormalizeThreshold: 10% Max Signaling BW: 4Mbps, Min Signaling BW: 2Mbps, Splitting BW: 4Mbps, Merging BW: 2Mbps Mode: incremental-normalization, failover-normalization Sampling: Outlier cut-off 0, Percentile 95 of Aggregate Normalization in 497 second(s) 23 Apr 26 22:27:43.570 Clear history and statistics: on container (to-b-cnt) 22 Apr 26 22:26:07.615 Normalization complete: container (to-b-cnt) with 2 members 21 Apr 26 22:26:07.562 Normalize: container (to-b-cnt) into 2 members - each with bandwidth 3552392 bps 20 Apr 26 22:26:07.562 Normalize: normalization with aggregate bandwidth 7104784 bps 19 Apr 26 22:26:07.562 Normalize: normalizaton with 7104784 bps 18 Apr 26 22:25:59.138 Avoid normalization: not needed as already running with max-members 17 Apr 26 22:25:59.138 Normalize: normalization with aggregate bandwidth 57 bps 16 Apr 26 22:25:59.138 Normalize: normalizaton with 57 bps 15 Apr 26 22:22:43.557 Clear history and statistics: on container (to-b-cnt) 14 Apr 26 22:21:25.954 Avoid normalization: not needed as already running with max-members 13 Apr 26 22:21:25.954 Normalize: normalization with aggregate bandwidth 57 bps 12 Apr 26 22:21:25.954 Normalize: normalizaton with 57 bps 11 Apr 26 22:21:22.050 Avoid normalization: not needed as already running with max-members 10 Apr 26 22:21:22.050 Normalize: normalization with aggregate bandwidth 56 bps 9 Apr 26 22:21:22.049 Normalize: normalizaton with 56 bps 8 Apr 26 22:21:03.558 Clear history and statistics: on container (to-b-cnt) 7 Apr 26 22:20:29.353 Avoid normalization: not needed as already running with max-members 6 Apr 26 22:20:29.353 Normalize: normalization with aggregate bandwidth 56 bps 5 Apr 26 22:20:29.353 Normalize: normalizaton with 56 bps 4 Apr 26 22:17:43.539 Normalization complete: container (to-b-cnt) with 1 members 3 Apr 26 22:17:43.529 Normalize: container (to-b-cnt) into 1 members - each with bandwidth 2000000 bps 2 Apr 26 22:17:43.529 Normalize: container (to-b-cnt) create 1 LSPs, min bw 2000000bps, member count 0 1 Apr 26 22:17:43.529 Normalize: normalization with aggregate bandwidth 0 bps From:, State: Up, ActiveRoute: 0, LSPname: to-b-cnt-1 ActivePath: (primary) LSPtype: Dynamic Configured, Penultimate hop popping LoadBalance: Least-fill Autobandwidth MinBW: 1000bps, MaxBW: 10Mbps AdjustTimer: 300 secs Max AvgBW util: 3.56199Mbps, Bandwidth Adjustment in 147 second(s). Overflow limit: 0, Overflow sample count: 1 Underflow limit: 0, Underflow sample count: 0, Underflow Max AvgBW: 0bps Encoding type: Packet, Switching type: Packet, GPID: IPv4 *Primary State: Up Priorities: 7 0 Bandwidth: 3.55239Mbps SmartOptimizeTimer: 180 Computed ERO (S [L] denotes strict [loose] hops): (CSPF metric: 1) S Received RRO (ProtectionFlag 1=Available 2=InUse 4=B/W 8=Node 10=SoftPreempt 20=Node-ID): 39 Apr 26 22:28:01.331 Make-before-break: Cleaned up old instance: Hold dead expiry 38 Apr 26 22:27:00.512 Make-before-break: Switched to new instance 37 Apr 26 22:26:59.981 Self-ping ended successfully 36 Apr 26 22:26:59.509 Record Route: 35 Apr 26 22:26:59.509 Up 34 Apr 26 22:26:59.509 Self-ping started 33 Apr 26 22:26:59.509 Self-ping enqueued 32 Apr 26 22:26:59.503 Autobw adjustment succeeded due to normalization: BW changes from 7105130 bps to 3552392 bps 31 Apr 26 22:26:59.501 Originate make-before-break call 30 Apr 26 22:26:59.501 CSPF: computation result accepted 29 Apr 26 22:26:59.498 Make-before-break: Cleaned up old instance: Hold dead expiry 28 Apr 26 22:26:07.563 Pending old path instance deletion 27 Apr 26 22:26:00.148 Make-before-break: Switched to new instance 26 Apr 26 22:25:59.874 Self-ping ended successfully 25 Apr 26 22:25:59.146 Record Route: 24 Apr 26 22:25:59.146 Up 23 Apr 26 22:25:59.146 Manual Autobw adjustment succeeded: BW changes from 1000 bps to 7105130 bps 22 Apr 26 22:25:59.145 Self-ping started 21 Apr 26 22:25:59.145 Self-ping enqueued 20 Apr 26 22:25:59.139 Originate make-before-break call 19 Apr 26 22:25:59.139 CSPF: computation result accepted 18 Apr 26 22:22:24.539 Make-before-break: Cleaned up old instance: Hold dead expiry 17 Apr 26 22:21:23.060 Make-before-break: Switched to new instance 16 Apr 26 22:21:22.370 Self-ping ended successfully 15 Apr 26 22:21:22.057 Record Route: 14 Apr 26 22:21:22.057 Up 13 Apr 26 22:21:22.057 Manual Autobw adjustment succeeded: BW changes from 2000000 bps to 1000 bps 12 Apr 26 22:21:22.057 Self-ping started 11 Apr 26 22:21:22.057 Self-ping enqueued 10 Apr 26 22:21:22.050 Originate make-before-break call 9 Apr 26 22:21:22.050 CSPF: computation result accepted 8 Apr 26 22:17:44.002 Self-ping ended successfully 7 Apr 26 22:17:43.539 Selected as active path 6 Apr 26 22:17:43.538 Record Route: 5 Apr 26 22:17:43.538 Up 4 Apr 26 22:17:43.538 Self-ping started 3 Apr 26 22:17:43.538 Self-ping enqueued 2 Apr 26 22:17:43.530 Originate Call 1 Apr 26 22:17:43.530 CSPF: computation result accepted Created: Wed Apr 26 22:17:43 2017 Retrytimer: 3 From:, State: Up, ActiveRoute: 0, LSPname: to-b-cnt-2 ActivePath: (primary) LSPtype: Dynamic Configured, Penultimate hop popping LoadBalance: Least-fill Autobandwidth MinBW: 1000bps, MaxBW: 10Mbps AdjustTimer: 300 secs Max AvgBW util: 3.5582Mbps, Bandwidth Adjustment in 147 second(s). Overflow limit: 0, Overflow sample count: 0 Underflow limit: 0, Underflow sample count: 1, Underflow Max AvgBW: 3.53934Mbps Encoding type: Packet, Switching type: Packet, GPID: IPv4 *Primary State: Up Priorities: 7 0 Bandwidth: 3.55239Mbps SmartOptimizeTimer: 180 Computed ERO (S [L] denotes strict [loose] hops): (CSPF metric: 2) S S Received RRO (ProtectionFlag 1=Available 2=InUse 4=B/W 8=Node 10=SoftPreempt 20=Node-ID): 8 Apr 26 22:26:07.888 Self-ping ended successfully 7 Apr 26 22:26:07.615 Selected as active path 6 Apr 26 22:26:07.613 Record Route: 5 Apr 26 22:26:07.613 Up 4 Apr 26 22:26:07.613 Self-ping started 3 Apr 26 22:26:07.613 Self-ping enqueued 2 Apr 26 22:26:07.564 Originate Call 1 Apr 26 22:26:07.564 CSPF: computation result accepted Created: Wed Apr 26 22:26:07 2017 Retrytimer: 3 Total 2 displayed, Up 2, Down 0 [edit protocols mpls] aandreev@a.lab#
自動帯域幅と正規化を更新するイベントが発生する前に、統計のみが変更されます。 Max AvgBW utilおよびSampled Aggregate帯域幅の値に注意してください。1つ目は現在のサブLSPバンドで、2つ目は現在のコンテナバンドです。
23 Apr 26 22:25:59.146 Manual Autobw adjustment succeeded: BW changes from 1000 bps to 7105130 bps
22 Apr 26 22:26:07.615 Normalization complete: container (to-b-cnt) with 2 members 21 Apr 26 22:26:07.562 Normalize: container (to-b-cnt) into 2 members - each with bandwidth 3552392 bps

次に、Sampled Aggregate帯域幅から判断して、約2Mbpsのトラフィックを追加します。
クロールされた最大AvgBW util統計。
aandreev@a.lab# run show mpls container-lsp ingress extensive | match "Max AvgBW util|Bandwidth:" Aggregate bandwidth: 7.13661Mbps, Sampled Aggregate bandwidth: 9.07548Mbps Max AvgBW util: 4.79669Mbps, Bandwidth Adjustment in 5 second(s). Bandwidth: 3.57257Mbps Max AvgBW util: 4.80336Mbps, Bandwidth Adjustment in 5 second(s). Bandwidth: 3.56403Mbps [edit protocols mpls] aandreev@a.lab#
aandreev@a.lab# run show mpls container-lsp ingress extensive | match "Max AvgBW util|Bandwidth:" Aggregate bandwidth: 9.60991Mbps, Sampled Aggregate bandwidth: 9.57293Mbps Max AvgBW util: 4.79669Mbps, Bandwidth Adjustment in 254 second(s). Bandwidth: 4.79669Mbps Max AvgBW util: 4.81322Mbps, Bandwidth Adjustment in 253 second(s). Bandwidth: 4.81322Mbps [edit protocols mpls] aandreev@a.lab#
aandreev@a.lab# run show mpls container-lsp ingress extensive | match "Max AvgBW util|Bandwidth:" Aggregate bandwidth: 9.57292Mbps, Sampled Aggregate bandwidth: 9.57293Mbps Max AvgBW util: 4.79669Mbps, Bandwidth Adjustment in 110 second(s). Bandwidth: 3.19098Mbps Max AvgBW util: 4.81322Mbps, Bandwidth Adjustment in 210 second(s). Bandwidth: 3.19098Mbps Max AvgBW util: 0bps, Bandwidth Adjustment in 10 second(s). Bandwidth: 3.19098Mbps [edit protocols mpls] aandreev@a.lab#
