Pancreatitis is considered a serious ailment, in which there is a violation of the pancreas and digestive system. A wide range of measures is used to treat the disease: drug therapy, physiotherapy, a special nutrition system. Can I eat honey with pancreatitis? This is described in the article.
Features of the disease
Pancreatitis is a disease in which inflammation of the pancreas is observed. The causes of the onset of the disease include obstruction of the duct of the gland by the penetration of stones or gallbladder sand into it. Blocking the duct can lead to the spread of neoplasms.

As a result, there will be a transition of gastric juice with digestive enzymes into the small intestine. Enzymes gradually accumulate and destroy glandular tissues, performing local digestion. Therefore, with a disease it is important to know about the features of nutrition, including the intricacies of the use of honey.
An important stage of treatment is diet. From the menu you need to remove:
- fried fish and meat;
- soups on rich broth;
- vegetables, fruits, greens;
- fatty, smoked, canned food;
- bakery products;
- spicy food;
- alcohol.

Can honey be used for pancreatitis? It all depends on the form of the disease. Nutrition should be based on simple principles:
- you need to eat food every 4 hours;
- servings should be made small and grind products;
- the diet should include a lot of protein products;
- should reduce the consumption of carbohydrate-containing products;
- with exacerbation, you need to give up food for 1-2 days.
The benefits of honey
Sugar is a digestible substance for a healthy person. And with inflammation of the pancreas, a sweet product is not only harmful, but also dangerous. Can honey be used for pancreatitis? This product is considered a simple monosaccharide, which includes 2 components: glucose and fructose. Both substances are well absorbed by the pancreas, so honey can be used as a sweetener. Can honey be used for pancreatitis? The pancreas reacts to the product normally, so you can use it.

Honey has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. It also strengthens the immune system, increases the tone of the body, accelerates recovery. The product copes with the symptoms of pancreatitis, including constipation, which are often manifested in this pathology.
If you are interested in whether honey can be used for pancreatitis, another positive effect of the product should be taken into account: it supports the functioning of the pancreas, restores them, improves wound healing. This sweetness increases the body's resistance to inflammation, preserving the cellular genome, which protects against tissue degeneration.
The product can be used not only to improve the taste of dishes, but also in the treatment of other symptoms. Considering the question of whether it is possible to take honey with pancreatitis, harm should also be considered if you do not adhere to the recommendations.
The product should not be consumed by people who are allergic. If this rule is violated, complications may arise. The main rule is moderate use of the product. When this sweetness is consumed in large quantities, the patient has a loss of appetite, vomiting, cramping, and stomach pain can be triggered. It is advisable to find out from a specialist whether it is possible to use honey for pancreatitis.
What honey is allowed?
Now in stores you can find many different types of honey. To choose a quality product, you need to learn how to evaluate its composition. The concentration of medicinal substances is determined by the type of plants, the collection season and the place where the bees collected this sweetness.

Is it possible to have honey for pancreatitis, according to experts? They believe that this product will be useful in this disease. It is advisable to choose dark varieties, since they contain many trace elements. Honeycombs are considered even more useful product, where the concentration of therapeutic substances is higher than in honey. Therefore, you should choose the following varieties:
- buckwheat;
- chestnut;
- acacia;
- foreign
The chemical composition of foreign honey is very different from other types of product. It can cleanse the body of various pathogenic microorganisms. With the help of this sweetness, the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract are stimulated, inflammation decreases, the digestive system is cleansed, accumulated enzymes and microbacteria are removed from the ducts of the gland and small intestine.
The acute form of the disease
The time of exacerbation of the disease is dangerous - during this period there is swelling of the gland, inflammation. Under these conditions, cells cannot function, and the body must be protected from the load.

Is honey possible for exacerbation of pancreatitis? The use of this product leads to the production of insulin. Because of this, the load on the diseased organ increases, therefore, during exacerbation, sugar, honey and other similar substances are prohibited. The dangerous effects include the appearance of diabetes. Glucose should not enter the body when the pancreas does not perform its functions or its condition is unknown.
Chronic form
It should be borne in mind that this sweet product does not cure pancreatitis. Applying it as a therapeutic method will not be effective. And in some cases, it can do much harm. Is it possible to eat honey for chronic pancreatitis? This product is permitted if intolerance is absent. It has an auxiliary effect that improves the condition of a person.

Honey should be introduced into the diet gradually, starting with 1 tsp. in a day. And over time, the dose should be increased. With deep remission harmless to health will be 2 tbsp. l per day. But you need to be careful, since the safest and most useful product in unreasonable limits can be a powerful poison. Honey is used in its pure form, as well as with tea, fruit drinks, compote. Over time, the ingredient can be added to casserole, cottage cheese or kefir. If there is no exacerbation, sweetness is added even to inedible pastries.
Folk recipes
There are many recipes with honey that are used in the treatment and prevention of pancreatitis. But not everyone is effective for inflammation of the pancreas. For example, dishes with lemon juice, garlic and fatty animal oil are unacceptable.
The following recipes will be effective for certain symptoms of pancreatitis:
- Honey and aloe. To obtain the composition, mix foreign honey with aloe juice (1 tbsp each). You can eat before eating no more than 1 tbsp. l
- Honey with vegetable oil. The first component is taken in the amount of 1 tbsp. l., and the second - 10 drops. You need to take on an empty stomach for 1 tsp.
- Honey (1 spoon) with milk (2/3 of a glass). The mixture should be drunk on an empty stomach, and then do not eat for 4 hours.
- In pure form. Honey is used without additional components, which allows you to restore a weakened body. It should start with 1 tsp. daily, and gradually you can increase the dose to 1-2 tbsp. spoons.

How to choose honey in the market?
When buying, you should consider the following nuances:
- Color. Quality product is transparent. If there is starch, sugar or impurities, honey will be unclear with sediment.
- The aroma. Good honey has a fragrant smell. And sugar almost does not smell.
- Viscosity. If you dip the stick and pull it out, there should be a continuous honey thread. Such a product is of high quality.
- Consistency. With good honey, it is tender.
Shop purchase
- It is advisable to buy weighted honey, because then you can evaluate the taste and check the quality.
- If only a pre-packaged product is sold, then you need to read the label. Quality meets the standards. If “TU” is indicated, then it is better not to purchase such a product.
- According to GOST, the label indicates the state of manufacture, company address, collection and packaging. Mandatory presence of an importer or exporter, weight, storage conditions, certificate.
- You should not purchase a product with sugar.

Honey can be used for pancreatitis, because it will improve the well-being of the patient. But you should not use it as the only medicine. It is forbidden to abuse the product, and then it will be beneficial to health.