Can chills occur before menstruation? When the temperature drops, chilliness or cold before menstruation can occur - this is not considered a pathological condition, since in this way the body reacts to the influence of an external factor. In the event that overall health has significantly worsened, you must seek the advice of a doctor. It is not recommended to use drugs without the recommendation of a specialist, since self-medication often provokes the development of serious health problems.
Signs of illness

Under what circumstances does chills before menstruation indicate that an ailment develops? Body temperature changes not only during the development of colds or viral diseases. Quite often, the thermometer rises before the start of critical days and can reach 37 degrees - this does not indicate that the disease begins. An abnormal value is considered to be 37.5 degrees. There are several signs based on which you can determine the presence of the disease, namely:
- chills before menstruation;
- pale skin;
- severe weakness and a feeling of trembling in the muscles;
- lip color changes to bluish.
Under such conditions, it is important to visit a doctor, this will help maintain the normal functioning of the woman's reproductive system.
Provocative factors

There are several factors based on which chills can occur before menstruation:
- Basal temperature has increased or decreased - the thermometer indicator changes depending on the phase of the cycle. Measure the temperature in the rectum, in the mouth or vagina. The procedure should be performed immediately after a night's sleep. The rectal method is the most accurate.
- Due to the increase in the level of progesterone in the blood, the process of thermoregulation may be disrupted. Before the critical days, the hormone level rises, and after they start it decreases.
- Premenstrual syndrome manifests itself in different ways - depending on the psychological and physiological characteristics of the girl's body. Among the most common symptoms are a feeling of chills, weakness, and a change in body temperature.
- In the process of ovulation, chills may appear before menstruation. This is one of the most common causes of a similar reaction in the body. If there are no serious diseases of the female reproductive system, then unpleasant symptoms disappear with the onset of bleeding.
Discomfort without temperature

In the event that a girl had a feeling of chills and glories before menstruation, and the temperature indicator remained normal, then the whole thing is a physiological reaction, which is associated with the need to maintain thermal balance. Unpleasant symptoms can occur for the following reasons:
- Systematic stress or emotional shock.
- Increased mental stress often causes fever before critical days. Under such conditions, you should consult a neurologist and, if necessary, begin comprehensive treatment with sedatives. The duration of therapy, the dosage should be determined by a strictly treating specialist.
- Hormonal disbalance. To solve the problem, it is important to visit an endocrinologist and undergo a thorough medical examination. It is equally important to take an analysis for thyroid hormones.
- Blood pressure jump. In some cases, it is accompanied by a feeling of chills, while the hands and feet are freezing. Such unpleasant symptoms indicate that hypertension develops. It is forbidden to ignore this state of health, since a stroke may occur. In order to avoid complications, it is important to implement timely therapy.
- With menopausal syndrome, fever is felt, hot flashes and pressure fluctuations occur. To improve well-being, you must consult a doctor so that a specialist prescribes a specialized drug.
- If, in addition to chills, the girl brings her hands together, this indicates that Raynaud's syndrome is developing. With such a disease, the functioning of blood vessels is disrupted, cramps occur. The manifestation of such an unpleasant symptom prevents a full and familiar lifestyle. To solve the problem, you can use a heating pad - it keeps the hands warm. Self-medication is not recommended.
- During the development of malaria, a feeling of fatigue arises. Additionally, the following symptoms may appear: severe headache, weakness, insomnia. Under such conditions, you should go to the hospital to undergo a thorough medical examination.
Zhor does not always arise before menstruation - the whole thing can be in a banal psychological "wrap". Chills can appear absolutely any day - with hypothermia, poisoning and other diseases.
Chills with illness

Unpleasant chills that occur before the onset of critical days may indicate that specific diseases have worsened. Among the most common are:
- With adnexitis, inflammation occurs in the pelvic organs, there is pain in the abdomen and in the ovaries. In the process of emptying the bladder, pain occurs. Secondary symptoms are nausea, chills, and weakness. A few days before menstruation, the temperature may rise.
- If a girl is diagnosed with endometritis, then painful abdominal pain often occurs before menstruation, there is abundant discharge, during critical days unbearable pain occurs, the temperature can increase significantly. Under such conditions, the number of white blood cells in the blood exceeds the norm.
- PMS - symptoms of premenstrual syndrome in women manifest themselves in different ways. Most often, there is a feeling of chills and soreness in the mammary glands, irritability appears and the body temperature rises.
If your general health has worsened significantly, you must call an ambulance or go to the hospital in order to pass all the necessary tests. Based on the diagnostic results obtained, the attending physician will prescribe complex therapy.
Pregnancy symptom

Quite often after a successful conception, the girls have a feeling of chills and the temperature indicators of the thermometer fluctuate - this indicates that hormonal changes in the body occur, but this option should be considered only if a delay in menstruation is detected.
Pregnancy is a common cause of chills before menstruation. 7-9 days after fertilization in women, overall health may worsen. If discomfort occurs, the woman begins to worry. In fact, such a sign indicates that conception has occurred. The temperature should be 37 degrees - this is the best indicator of a thermometer. Progesterone affects the increase in basal temperature, while its amount increases rapidly with successful conception. Under such conditions, chills are possible.
Signs that the fetus has stopped
Chills, temperature before menstruation may indicate that the fetus has stopped. If you suspect a pregnancy, it is not recommended to take medications and carry out other medical procedures - this can harm the unborn baby. In rare cases, the occurrence of a feeling of chills indicates that the fetus has stopped. Under such conditions, toxicosis stops, the mammary glands decrease and the basal temperature decreases. Chills begins a few weeks after the cessation of fetal development due to intoxication. Under such conditions, there is often a blood discharge.
Risk of miscarriage
If there is a threat of abortion, chills may appear due to a lack of vitamins. After the results of blood tests, the doctor makes up for the deficiency of elements with the appropriate drug. Vegetative-vascular disorders do not threaten life, but you must constantly be under the supervision of your doctor. It is important to visit a doctor if pressure drops before your period, this is one of the most dangerous conditions for a pregnant woman that can cause chills.
Doctors Recommendations
If there is chills and delayed menstruation, you need to visit a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct a study of the patient and identify the factor that provoked a deterioration in overall health. The doctor will prescribe appropriate medications depending on the individual and physiological characteristics of the woman's body. How many days before menstruation do PMS symptoms begin to cause discomfort? It all depends on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body, but in frequent cases 3-7 days before the start of bleeding. It is not recommended to use alternative methods of treatment in order to improve well-being, since herbs and infusions contain hormones that can harm the general state of health if they are taken not for the intended purpose of a specialist.
How to improve your well-being?

What to do if you have pain before your period? If the appearance of chills is not a sign of a serious illness, then the following recommendations of specialists should be followed.
- In order to improve well-being, you need to lead an active lifestyle - do not lie much on the couch. In the process of active movements, the level of endorphins increases, which are able to relieve the feeling of fatigue and cheer up.
- Using a cool shower can improve the functioning of the whole organism.
- You need to eat right. It is forbidden to drink alcohol during critical days, to eat fatty or spicy dishes, as well as coffee.
- Sleep at least 7 hours a day. Thanks to sleep, you can restore strength and improve your mood.
- Do not overwork.
If such tips did not help improve overall health, then the gynecologist prescribes medications.
Effective PMS drugs

You should know that medicinal medicines must be taken strictly as prescribed by the attending physician, otherwise serious health problems may arise. Among the most popular drugs are:
- Magne B 6 . The composition contains a sufficient amount of magnesium in order to make up for its deficiency. Thanks to this medicine, the functioning of the nervous system will improve, irritability will decrease, sleep will improve, anxiety will go away, muscle cramps and pain will decrease.
- The drug "Mastodinon." Using this medication, you can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminate constipation, diarrhea, colic, normalize the nervous system, eliminate headaches and migraines, reduce pain. A positive effect is observed several weeks after the start of treatment. If the breast is swollen before menstruation, then the medicine will help eliminate discomfort and pain in the glands.
Popular and safe drugs
The medicine "Cyclodinone" - this medication is absolutely safe for health, because it has a natural composition. Extract of common barley - the main active element that positively affects the level of female sex hormones. It is recommended to take with pain symptoms and if the hormonal background is disturbed. Duration and dosage are strictly determined by the doctor.
If a woman has symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are pronounced and cause severe discomfort, then it is recommended to carry out the "Remens" therapy. The medicine normalizes the hormonal background and improves well-being. The dosage will be determined by the doctor.