Myoma is a pathology that is often observed in women in the reproductive period. In many patients, the manifestations of the disease are weak. The diagnosis is made only during a routine examination or an ultrasound examination about the onset of pregnancy. Do an abortion with myoma? How safe is such a procedure?
What is a neoplasm?
A similar disease is often encountered by women 35 years of age and older. But the disease can appear at an earlier age. What is the dangerous diagnosis of uterine fibroids and what is it? This tumor has a benign character. It is a neoplasm that occurs in the cavity of an organ or on its neck. The exact causes of the formation of the pathology are unknown. But experts believe that a tumor develops under the influence of such factors:
- Imbalances in hormones that cause malfunctions in the menstrual cycle.
- Irregular intimate contacts in women aged 25 years and older.
- Surgical interventions (interruption of fetal life, diagnostic cleaning of the uterine cavity).
- Injuries during delivery.
- Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system.
- Metabolic disorders, malfunctioning of the thyroid gland.
- Inability to achieve orgasm.
- The presence of excess kilograms.
- Diabetes.
The disease does not pose a serious danger. But the proliferation of tumor nodes sometimes leads to a woman's inability to bear a child.
Can I have an abortion with myoma? The answer to this question is yes. However, you should be well prepared for such a procedure in order to prevent the development of complications.
In what cases is it necessary to interrupt the pregnancy process?
Knowing about the features of uterine fibroids, what it is and what harm an unborn baby can cause, many women are considering the option of abortion. In some situations, you really should hold this event. However, deciding on the procedure, you should know in advance about the risk of complications, even if the tumor is small.
An abortion in case of myoma is also done if there are serious risks for the mother and the fetus. These include:
- Rapid tumor growth.
- Large sizes.
- Rupture of the capsule of the neoplasm, the flow of blood into the abdominal cavity.
- Incorrect placement of the embryo.
- Obstacles to the normal development of the embryo that the tumor creates.
- The formation of sites of necrosis.
- The presence of multiple neoplasms.
Most specialists do everything possible so that a woman who wants to give birth to a child has this chance.

But if the health of the expectant mother is at risk, an abortion with a myoma still has to be done.
Spontaneous interruption of fetal life in patients
The disorders that accompany the tumor complicate the process of bearing a child. If the neoplasm is actively growing, the uterine cavity changes its structure, and the embryo cannot normally attach to its wall. In addition, the node compresses the fetal tissue, and as a result, it does not receive a sufficient amount of nutrients, oxygen. Abortion in case of myoma is spontaneous. Typically, this process occurs for up to twelve weeks. If the embryo still manages to attach, there is a great risk of the formation of various pathologies. Therefore, sometimes the artificial termination of the fetus is a necessary measure.
Medication option
This method is considered to be the least dangerous for patients. This event involves the use of drugs that cause the termination of the life of the embryo and the rejection of its tissues. Medical abortion for myoma is carried out according to the standard scheme.

The main advantage of the procedure is the absence of mechanical damage. Therefore, specialists apply it in case of multiple neoplasms. In addition, such an abortion does not carry the danger of a tumor becoming cancerous. This procedure is not accompanied by severe discomfort. The patient can quickly recover and return to a normal lifestyle. This type of abortion is used in the early stages of gestation (up to six weeks). If the sizes of the nodes reach 4 or more cm, it is contraindicated. In addition, drug termination of the pregnancy process is not possible in the presence of serious problems with the kidneys and blood clotting, allergies, the use of birth control pills or hormonal drugs.
Surgical intervention
This is the least desirable option. The operation is accompanied by mechanical tissue damage.

Surgical abortion and uterine fibroids are an unsafe combination that can provoke hormonal imbalances, disorders of the endocrine system. Given the deterioration in the general well-being of a woman and the high risks of developing complications, experts argue that after the procedure the patient should spend a lot of time on therapy and rehabilitation.
In addition, curettage often contributes to a further increase in tumor volumes. This method is used if:
- Drug interruption of the fetal life was ineffective.
- The volume of fibroids is rapidly increasing.
- The gestation period is more than 47 days.
The consequences of such an abortion can be:
- Infectious pathologies of the fallopian tubes.
- The occurrence of an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of an organ.
- Excessive bleeding.
- Inability to conceive further.
- Acute inflammation of the abdominal cavity.
- Incomplete removal of fetal tissue.
Another kind of operation
Vacuum abortion with myoma is the least dangerous. The procedure does not cause patients as much discomfort as curettage. However, it is still associated with the penetration of instruments into the body cavity. This means that there is a risk of damage to the site. This method is valid only for short periods of gestation.
Given the possible consequences of abortion in myoma, experts advise using the medication method. Do not postpone the procedure so as not to miss the optimal period for its implementation.
Any such event, regardless of the variant of its conduct and the term of gestation, entails a certain deterioration in the condition of the woman. In patients, menstruation is often lost, the balance of hormones is disturbed. In order to minimize the consequences of the procedure, you must first go through all the examinations prescribed by the doctor and strictly adhere to the recommendations.

Then the recovery will be faster.
The effect of the tumor on the process of gestation
Despite the fact that the tumor often interferes with conception, there are cases when it does occur.

Abortion with myoma is recommended if there is a threat of the following complications:
- Increased muscle tone of the uterus.
- The threat of spontaneous termination of the fetus.
- Embryo hypoxia and malnutrition. As a result of this, delivery is difficult, and the baby is underweight.
- Compression of the embryo by large tumors. This violation leads to the fact that children are born with pathologies (deformation of the bone tissue of the skull, abnormal structure of the cervical spine).
- Significant blood loss during delivery, tumor tissue rejection.
- A long period of rehabilitation in the expectant mother, a strong deterioration in general condition.
Interruption of the pregnancy process in patients with fibroids is far from being carried out in all cases.

Unwanted conception is one of the reasons for this event. In addition, experts recommend abortion if there are complications. These include conditions that pose a threat to the health of the expectant mother and embryo. Therefore, no matter how much the patient does not want to save the child, it is better for her to agree to such a procedure. The most preferred option for abortion is a medical interruption of the fetus. After this event, a woman should undergo therapy to fight the tumor. This will make it possible to become pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby in the future.