Breastfeeding is a very responsible process, because at that time not only her condition depends on the young mother, but also the life of her baby, the creature dearest to her in the world. Often young female dancers ask questions about what to eat. One of them: is it possible for mushrooms to nursing mother? It is believed that they are categorically impossible. You will ask why? We will answer: firstly, because it is very difficult food, secondly, toxins accumulate in them, and finally, thirdly, no one knows what kind of nastiness they could absorb from the soil and the environment. Of course, there is a certain percentage of veracity in this, but on the whole the statement is false.

Is it possible for mushrooms to a nursing mother if they have grown in vivo? In this case, they are rightfully considered very heavy food, because they contain a large amount of protein, fiber and carbohydrates, they also contain glycogen - animal starch (ordinary plants do not have it) and fungin, a high molecular weight substance similar to chitin. As you know, it is precisely because of the content of the latter that many fungi are quite difficult to digest and greatly impair liver activity. In this regard, children, starting from the age of three, can be given mushrooms, but with great care, adding to food in small portions.
Can mushrooms for a nursing mother with diseases of the liver, gall bladder, kidneys, metabolic disorders? It is possible, but grown in special conditions - champignons and oyster mushrooms.

If you compare mushrooms with paintings, then the real masterpieces among them are white, boletus and chanterelles. Soup, julienne or cutlets from them with great pleasure will be eaten by nursing mothers and their children. You can eat mushrooms to a nursing mother, if they are dry, well chopped and boiled, they are better absorbed.
The basic principle of introducing them into the diet is the same as with any other new products, for starters you need to eat a little and see how the baby's body will react, will the child become restless, will he have a rash. If there are no consequences, then feel free to eat.
Nursing mother can be fried mushrooms, but it is better to refuse pickled, canned, and salted mushrooms, because they usually contain a lot of spices, and this, at least, will affect the taste of milk.
There are several simple rules for the prevention of mushroom poisoning, everyone knows them, but we repeat:

- Only those species that you know well should be collected;
- Do not take old, damaged copies;
- it is prohibited to collect them near large, highways, hazardous industries, especially chemical, fertilized agricultural fields;
- in no case do not pick up and do not allow children to take poisonous, because you can be poisoned with a small concentration;
- with great care, buy pickles from mushroom slices, canned food and other dishes covered with lids in the markets, it is not known where and by whom, etc.
If you still get poisoned, then with the first symptoms you need to seek medical help.
Is it possible for mushrooms to nursing mother? Summing up, we will answer that it is possible, but you need to be very attentive to your feelings and condition of the baby.