Children are undoubtedly the flowers of life, but for many women an unplanned child can become a real stone on their neck, so a delay in menstruation is a serious cause for concern. On the very first day of the menstruation that did not start, you ran in a panic for a test that turned out to be negative. Why did it happen?
Delayed menstruation does not always mean pregnancy
This statement is especially true for nulliparous young ladies. The formation of the cycle does not end at all with the achievement of puberty, and the absence of menstruation can have many reasons. So why is the test negative on the first day of the delay?
You should not immediately dump everything on the birth of life within you, it is important to listen to yourself. Often the human body itself signals to him about the causes of existing cycle disorders.
If the test is negative on the first day of the delay, first analyze what effect your body has had in recent weeks and what exactly you are feeling at the moment.

Factors Affecting the Cycle
It is worth paying attention to such factors as:
- Stress. Blockages at work and school, problems with superiors or in the family. Have you recently felt completely exhausted and exhausted after a long day? If you can recall even a few such evenings, then this is a serious cause for concern. The fact is that our body in a state of stress blunts the work of all life systems, including the production of hormones. Stress is manifested both in a bad mood, and in an upset stomach and delayed menstruation. For this reason, the test is negative on the first day of the delay and the stomach does not hurt.
- Strong physical activity. If you are not a professional athlete, unexpected loads can affect the correct functioning of the internal organs.
- Ovarian dysfunction. Irregularity of the cycle is the main symptom of this disease, therefore, it is possible to talk about its presence only in the case of constant delays.
- Flights and acclimatization. Often, precisely because of a change in regimen, time zones, and weather conditions, the hormonal system goes into a stressful mode, which manifests itself in a delay in menstruation in women.
- Unhealthy weight. This factor applies to both overweight women and overly thin ladies. In this case, the golden mean is the most correct.
- Intoxication. This includes poisonous substances like tobacco, alcohol, and narcotic substances, as well as serious illnesses like flu and pneumonia.
In addition to all of the above, the absence of menstruation can be explained by various gynecological diseases of the female reproductive system, of which there are a huge number: tumors, endometrioses, inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, etc. The presence of anomalies in your orgasm can be easily determined in the gynecologist’s office, having passed the appropriate tests. It is also worth paying attention to your genetics and asking your mother and grandmother whether they have ever had problems with the function of the reproductive system.
Medical reasons for the delay of menstruation
Oral contraceptives and emergency contraceptives strongly influence cycle regularity. These drugs have a large dose of hormones in their composition, which each organism can perceive differently. That is why when choosing drugs, you should not rely on reviews on the Internet and the advice of friends, but it is better to consult a specialist.
In addition to hormonal drugs, you need to pay attention to other means in your medicine cabinet. Often, even commonplace antidepressants can cause dysfunction of the reproductive system.

And if after all, pregnancy?
So why is the test negative on the first day of the delay if there are no other reasons? Despite the fact that manufacturers claim the special sensitivity of these miracle wands, this is not always true. According to many women, the test shows a positive result at least a week after the onset of delayed menstruation.
If you can’t wait to find out if you are really pregnant, and on the first day of the delay the test is negative, we recommend stocking up with several more quality tests, preferably from different manufacturers, and checking for several days in the morning. It is in the morning that the level of hormones to which the tests are sensitive is maximum.
It is important to understand that it is your body that can become the exception to the rule, which is why even in the presence of pregnancy, tests will not give a positive result. In this case, there are other ways to verify your position without spending a huge amount of money on daily tests and, just as importantly, your nerves.

Alternative ways to recognize pregnancy
Try to listen to your body. At the very beginning of the “position”, acute swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands can be observed. Undoubtedly, this factor can also signal an approaching menstruation, but many women claim that during pregnancy these feelings are stronger.
Check your basal body temperature. Measurement must be done at rest. In the case of pregnancy, it can rise to 37.0-37.3 degrees, but not higher. It is worth noting that this temperature also signals a beginning cold, so this factor must be excluded.

Changes in mood and overall well-being, including apathy, nausea, vomiting, increased salivation, pain in the abdomen and lower back, head, and frequent urination, can also signal a pregnancy that has begun.
The surest way to verify
Despite the accuracy of the tests and the obvious signals of the body, not all of these factors help for sure to detect the presence of a living organism inside. There were cases when the test gave a positive result only when a woman had a protruding abdomen. If it is important for you to find out about the situation on time or plan an abortion, and the test is negative on the first day of the delay, you should visit the gynecologist’s office.

Only in hospitals, the most accurate tests are performed, which are very likely to reveal the onset of pregnancy, as well as an ultrasound procedure that gives an irrefutable result.
Experience and feedback
It will be useful to learn about the experiences of other women in this situation. You can often find stories that pregnancy was detected long weeks after the start of the first delay.
Girls share their experiences and peeped from close friends and sisters. According to them, sometimes tests do not show a pregnancy established by a doctor, even for a period of 12 weeks.
Many in the reviews write that conventional tests are ineffective or show a very pale second strip after a time longer than indicated in the instructions. Therefore, do not rush to throw a negative test right away, wait longer and take a closer look.
Also, women are often advised to use more expensive electronic tests. Judging by the reviews, they often show a reliable result.