For a woman to be beautiful and healthy, many factors are necessary. But it all starts with nutrition, because in the first place, what we eat is important. How we look and how we feel depends on the quality of food. Women's health products are different from men's basic foods. How is it necessary for a woman to eat in order to maintain her health and beauty as long as possible? In this article, we will try to answer this question as simple and affordable as possible.

Nutrition rules
There are rules that any woman who cares about her health and appearance should adhere to. They are clear and simple, do not require much effort and time. And the costs are minimal. These rules can be classified as a “healthy lifestyle plan” and not only follow it, but also attract your loved ones. What is needed for this?
1. Drink at least two liters of clean water daily. The ideal ratio is 30 milliliters per kilogram of weight. Do not drink plenty of water at night, do not provoke the appearance of edema.
2. Do not eat before bedtime. The last meal should be no later than three hours before bedtime. It is advisable to make dinner protein, as protein will make your metabolism work most of the night.
3. Among the products that are beneficial for women's health must be a place for vitamins. Especially important for women are A, E, folic acid and calcium. Your skin, hair, bones and nails should be in excellent condition, and vitamins will help you maintain it.
4. Breakfast must be present. It is desirable that this was a full breakfast, and not coffee with a sandwich or candy. It’s better to start the day with cereals. So you wake up your body and make it work productively throughout the day.
5. Snacks two hours after the main meal will help your body absorb the basic products for women's health even better. Snack should be nuts and dried fruits, which are needed to saturate and replenish the body with vitamins.
If you follow these five rules, a woman will retain health, beauty and youth for a long time.

Among the products that are beneficial for women's health and beauty, fruit is not the least. They contain a whole set of vitamins and minerals necessary to preserve female beauty. The following fruits are especially useful for a woman: apples, pears and pineapples. A prerequisite is not to eat them at night to avoid fermentation. The best time to eat fruit is during the day, that is, during a snack after lunch. But the most important fruit - a product for women's health - is, of course, an avocado. It contains monounsaturated fatty acids, which are very necessary for the health of the heart muscle and for the absorption of fat from a woman’s abdomen. The avocado contains: potassium, magnesium, protein, folic acid, as well as vitamin E and B6 + fiber. Eating a quarter of the fetus per day will help you get all the substances you need for your health.
Vegetables are products that enhance women's health. Fiber, which is found in many vegetables, is very useful for proper nutrition, good bowel function and cleansing the body of toxins. White cabbage, sweet potatoes, zucchini, carrots, tomatoes are very good products for the female body. But the best vegetable is broccoli. This type of cabbage is rarely loved by anyone, but it contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals: folic acid, iron, calcium, vitamins A and C. Broccoli regulates estrogen levels, preventing the development of breast cancer. So broccoli is a great product for women's health. To get everything you need from this vegetable, you need to eat about three hundred grams per week.
Wheat, barley, buckwheat, rice, oats, corn, rye are cereals that are very useful for women. The main condition for preserving the beneficial properties is minimal processing, that is, you do not need to use wheat flour, but wheat bran or whole-grain bread. Cereals are rich in proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals, which makes them useful for women's health products. All this contributes to good digestion, physical activity, strengthening nerves, cancer prevention, slowing the aging of a woman's body. Grains are an excellent scrub for the body due to the fiber contained in large quantities in each grain.

A very important product for female reproductive health is red fish. It contains a very large amount of fatty acids (omega-3) and protein. These substances are necessary for the excellent functioning of the heart, for a smooth pregnancy, to deal with stress and depression, to protect against aging disease (Alzheimer's) and cancer. Fatty red fish is rich in calcium, which in combination with omega-3 is perfectly absorbed by the female body and strengthens the bones of the beautiful half of humanity. To get the most nutrients from this product, you need to eat fish at least three times a week. If it is not possible to purchase fresh, frozen red fish, then you can use canned food. An important condition: canned food must be of good quality, preferably from a trusted manufacturer.
The "king" of women's health products is meat. But not everyone, but veal, rabbit and chicken. Women need chicken meat to remove toxins and toxins from the body, as well as to maintain immunity, especially in the winter. Rabbit meat is very dietary, which allows you to maintain a figure and perfectly satisfy your hunger. Veal is rich in iron and many trace elements, which is great for women who monitor their health and figure.

Among the most useful products for women's health, a very important place is pure water. It is her use that is responsible for how a woman looks in the morning, for the condition of her skin and weight. Insufficient use of life-giving moisture will affect a woman immediately: dry skin, swelling, wrinkles. It is necessary to consume water at the rate of 30 milliliters per kilogram - no more and no less. Excess water will manifest itself in the form of edema and puffiness of the face, bags under the eyes, so do not overdo it with the drinking regimen.
Another healthy drink that helps women is lemon water. Its benefit is that lemon water removes toxins and toxins, nourishes and fortifies the female body. Vitamin C, which is contained in this drink, is very useful for strengthening immunity and preserving the body's youth.

If you still do not know which products are beneficial for women's health, pay attention to greens. It is greens that are a universal product suitable for any woman. To go too far with its use is simply impossible. Pay special attention to spinach, parsley and dill. In this greenery a huge amount of trace elements and vitamins are needed specifically for the female body. These "green friends" can help regulate hormones, fight depression and overweight, make up for vitamin deficiencies after winter, and much more.
Useful list
Pay attention to the proposed list of products for women's health:
- almonds - help reduce cholesterol and weight;
- eggs (chicken and quail) - a source of vitamins D and A, choline and saturated fat, which is useful for your brain and eyesight;
- lentils are an excellent product rich in fiber, protein and antioxidants;
- soybeans - a source of protein that helps maintain bone strength and prevent the development of breast cancer;
- Cherry - a source of antioxidants that helps to maintain vision, memory, reduce cholesterol and maintain heart muscle;
- quinoa (grass) - contains minerals (copper, iron, magnesium and phosphorus), is rich in protein and is an excellent strengthener of skeleton bones;
- pumpkin seeds - help to cope with depression and heart diseases, contain a large amount of zinc, magnesium, selenium and protein;

- kefir (yogurt) - a source of protein and calcium, a probiotic involved in the normalization of digestion;
- green tea - a fighter against cancer, heart failure, diabetes, stroke, dementia and fatigue;
- raisins - a great snack option, in addition to nuts, as well as a source of healthy carbohydrates, vitamin C and iron;
- bitter (dark) chocolate is a very useful product for women's health and beauty, which contains copper, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium and elements to strengthen bones, helps improve brain function, reduces blood pressure and is one of the best fighters for depression;
- Blueberries are a treasure of women's health and beauty, which will help fight age-related changes in the form of wrinkles, pressure, memory loss, vision and motor skills.

In order to preserve beauty, youth and health, it is not necessary to inject “beauty injections”, engage in grueling workouts and sit on the strictest diets. It’s enough just to have a reasonable approach to nutrition and lifestyle. This article provides examples of products that are available at any time of the year and for any income level. You just have to decide for yourself whether you want to be healthy and beautiful or not. Choose the products for women's health that are right for you and try to adhere to the recommendations. It's never too late to start taking care of yourself.