Almonds are one of the most delicious. Due to its rich sweetish-bitter aroma and oily texture, walnut is widely used in cooking (in particular, in the confectionery industry). But almonds are not just goodies. This is a source of valuable substances for the body. What is almonds good for? Who needs and who should not eat this nut?

Interesting Facts
To understand what is useful almonds, you need to get acquainted with this nut closer. Here are the facts about him that are of most interest:
- In ancient Egypt, the right to eat almonds was available only to representatives of the supreme power.
- In England, a handful of five almonds is considered a symbol of prosperity and wealth.
- In Switzerland, it is customary to put one nut in a holiday cake - whoever comes across a “surprise” is expected to be wealthy.
- In the hunger years, when ordinary flour was in short supply, bread was baked from almond.
- The first purpose of almonds is the treatment of mental illness.
- In the United States, Almond Day is celebrated on February 16 (the approximate date that almond trees begin to bloom).
- Almonds - not a nut, but a representative of the plum family.
- Bitter (wild) almonds contain many glycosides, and therefore are dangerous to humans.

The chemical composition of almonds
To understand why almonds are useful, it is enough to study its chemical composition. The main valuable substances present in the nut are indicated in the table.
Substance | Amount, mg / 100 g | The share of the daily norm,% |
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) | 0.25 | 17 |
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) | 0.65 | 36 |
Vitamin B4 (Choline) | 52 | 10 |
Vitamin B5 (pantothenoic acid) | 0.4 | 8 |
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) | 0.3 | fifteen |
Vitamin B9 (folates) | 40 | 10 |
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) | 25 | 164 |
Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) | 6 | 31 |
Potassium | 748 | thirty |
Calcium | 273 | 27 |
Magnesium | 234 | 59 |
Sulfur | 178 | eighteen |
Phosphorus | 473 | 59 |
Iron | 4.2 | 23 |
Manganese | 2 | 96 |
Copper | 140 | fourteen |
Selenium | 2.5 | 5 |
Zinc | 2 | eighteen |
Omega 3 | 0.3 | thirty |
Heart and Vascular Health
For the main organ of the human body to work clearly and smoothly, you just need to eat nuts. Here are the benefits of almonds for the cardiovascular system:
- reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, thrombosis and heart attack;
- reduces the indicator of "bad" cholesterol;
- normalizes blood pressure;
- supports the strength and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels;
- improves blood composition and increases hemoglobin level.

Excretory system
People of different ages and gender are faced with problems of the excretory system. To prevent diseases or reduce the onset of their symptoms, it is useful to know how almonds are useful. Here are the key points:
- provides a diuretic effect, preventing fluid stagnation in the body;
- removes sand from the kidneys, preventing the formation of stones;
- facilitates the condition with difficulty urinating.
Nervous system
Modern man lives in constant stress. In this regard, it is interesting to find out whether almonds are useful for the nervous system. The answer is clear. More than useful. If you are in a state of constant nervous tension, fragrant nuts will bring you such benefits:
- activates mental activity, improving the perception and storage of information;
- helps to maintain stability during strong emotional stress;
- eliminates the symptoms of neurosis;
- normalizes sleep;
- dulls pain during migraine;
- reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Why almonds are good for women
Almonds are an indispensable product for the female body. Due to the large number of antioxidants, toxins are eliminated from the body, thereby reducing the risk of neoplasms, as well as slowing down the aging process. Also, the process of neutralizing toxins is accompanied by the elimination of dermatological problems and improving the color of the epidermis.
Another advantage of almonds is the increased content of vitamin E, which is also called the "female vitamin" or "beauty vitamin." Regular intake of this substance in the body helps to improve the quality and appearance of the skin and hair. Vitamin E also supports the normal functioning of the ovaries and increases fertility.

What else are nuts good for?
How rich is the chemical composition of almonds, the wider range of its beneficial properties. Here are the benefits of almonds for the body:
- saturates the body with vital energy for a full life;
- has a mild choleretic effect;
- normalizes intestinal microflora;
- increases potency;
- relieves the symptoms of a hangover;
- envelops the walls of the esophagus and stomach, protecting against an aggressive acidic environment;
- possesses anticonvulsant properties;
- improves appetite (thanks to which it is actively used in the fight against anorexia);
- Helps to restore the body after serious illness or surgery;
- contributes to the strengthening and growth of bone tissue;
- maintains normal blood sugar;
- stimulates the regeneration of epidermal cells.
Possible harm and contraindications
If you want to include almonds in your daily diet, the beneficial properties and contraindications should be studied thoroughly. Here in what cases it is recommended to minimize the consumption of a nut or completely abandon it:
- Allergic reaction. It is necessary to introduce a nut into the diet in small doses in order to assess the body's reaction to the product. If a rash, shortness of breath and other negative phenomena appear, it is better to refuse the use of almonds.
- The tendency to overeat. Almonds are a high-calorie product. It is good as a snack. But if you can’t control your appetite, large portions of nuts will not benefit you, but will cause an increase in body fat.
- Intolerance to alcohol. A large amount of almonds can cause mild intoxication, like alcohol. You run the risk of dizziness, nausea, and poor coordination.
- Increased nervous irritability. Almonds exacerbate the condition, provoking increased nervousness and heart palpitations.

The secrets of choosing almonds
To extract the maximum beneficial properties from almonds, you need to be able to choose a quality product. Here are some points to consider when buying:
- Between weighted and packaged almonds, choose the second option. Firstly, the packaging protects nuts from damage and various kinds of contamination. Secondly, you can get reliable information about the manufacturer and the shelf life of the product.
- Nuts must be crumbly. If the cores stick to each other, this means that the product is of poor quality.
- The surface of the almonds should be dry and clean. If there is a sticky feeling, this indicates a violation of storage conditions. Nuts will be tasteless and may well carry a health hazard.
- There should be no wrinkling, darkening and mold. All these are signs of a spoiled product.
- In one package (or in one box), the cores should be the same size and color. If the nuts are different, the fresh product may be mixed with the old.
- By the aroma you can judge the taste of almonds. If, when you smell a nut, you feel bitterness, you will feel something similar during chewing.

Almond oil
All that almonds use for the body is also true for the product of its processing - almond oil. Moreover, the tool acquires some additional properties, namely:
- Helps fight cellulite. Used for massage or as an additive to any caring body cream.
- Improves the functional state of the skin. With regular application in pure form or as part of creams and masks, it eliminates dryness, fights acne and enlarged pores.
- It has laxative properties and helps with chronic constipation. Also, the tool regulates gas formation.
- It has expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, it is actively used to treat colds and bronchitis.
- Soothes a strong obsessive cough, eliminates sore throat.
- Promotes healing of oral ulcers.
- It alleviates joint pain if oil is used to rub problem areas.
- It has a positive effect on the condition and growth of hair.
Last tip
Eating almonds is best when fresh. Roasting, of course, improves the taste, but significantly reduces the benefits of the product. The ideal treatment regimen for almonds is as follows:
- Put three to five fresh nuts in a glass.
- Fill with warm water and leave overnight next to the bed.
- Having woken up in the morning, first of all, drink water in which the almonds were soaked.
- Eat nuts.
Such a simple technique will help you recharge your life energy for the whole day. And if you carry out such manipulations on an ongoing basis, you will feel how your body has changed from the inside and out.