Every expectant mother, even during pregnancy, dreams of how she will enjoy the process of breastfeeding her long-awaited baby. However, in reality, not everything happens so smoothly: for the opportunity to feed the baby with their milk, one often has to wage a real fight. And problems can arise even in the maternity hospital: the baby cries for days on end, and many mothers give up their hands helplessly, not knowing if there is not enough milk after delivery to do what. They put up with the fact that the child is forced to eat mixtures. Do not hurry! Let's try to understand all the mechanisms of lactation.
The benefits of breastfeeding
Breast milk of a nursing mother is a real miracle. No artificially produced dairy and dairy-free mixtures will not be able to compete with natural feeding. The remarkable thing is that today everyone understands this and welcomes it - from healthcare organizations and pediatricians to grandmothers who are used to bottles and dairy kitchens.

What are the benefits of breastfeeding?
- Milk contains useful and nutritious substances necessary for a newborn.
- Breast milk has an amazing ability to adapt to the age of the child, changing its composition.
- It is always available for the child food, sterile and of optimum temperature.
- Natural feeding helps to strengthen the baby's immunity thanks to the immune proteins contained in milk.
- The child forms the correct bite.
- Strong emotional connection between mother and baby during feeding.
By nature, every woman is given the opportunity to breastfeed. However, ignorance of the elementary principles of the production of breast milk leads to the fact that newly minted mothers panic, and in vain. The most frequently asked question - what to do if there is no milk after childbirth - has a fairly simple answer: do not worry and follow simple tips.
Features of the nutrition of the newborn
The digestive system of a newly born baby is completely sterile, and it has yet to adapt to the food it enters. In the first days, the mother does not have milk as such, and colostrum - a thick yellowish liquid - is released dropwise from the breast. At first glance it may seem that it is very small, and the child is sorely lacking such food, but this is not at all so. Colostrum is very fatty and nourishing, in addition, it contains a large number of immune proteins, as well as substances that help the baby's intestines get rid of meconium - the original feces.

About 4-5 days, colostrum is replaced by so-called transitional milk. It is more liquid and transparent, but its nutritional value is preserved.
Mature milk begins to be produced three weeks after giving birth and is maintained throughout the entire feeding period, periodically changing its composition. It is white and transparent, as it is 80% water. That is why children who are completely breastfed, there is no need to supplement with water.
Causes of milk shortage in the postpartum period
Sometimes it happens that a lot of time has passed, the baby is worried and requires food, but there is no milk after childbirth. What if you find yourself in this position?
The most important thing in this situation is not to panic prematurely and try to understand what is happening with your body, and whether you are doing everything right. A very small percentage of women cannot breastfeed because of a lack of milk: because of a genetic predisposition, the presence of certain diseases and the abuse of alcohol and nicotine. In other cases, the causes of a small amount of milk may be as follows:
- Stress or postpartum depression of a nursing mother.
- Improperly organized food.
- Insufficiently frequent application of the baby to the chest.
- Lack of night feedings.
Learn how to behave properly and what to do so that after the delivery of milk, itโs worth knowing more.
The basic principles of lactation
What can be done so that after the birth of milk, and your baby will certainly begin to receive healthy and nutritious food?
First you need to calm down and tune in to positive emotions. The hormones oxytocin and prolactin, responsible for the production of breast milk, begin to work only when the mother is completely relaxed and configured to feed her baby. That is why breastfeeding experts advise feeding the baby in silence and solitude, enjoying the intimacy and the process itself.

Feed on demand and be sure to keep the nightly feed so milk will be produced more intensively.
Drink more fluids: milk tea, compotes, fruit drinks and plain water. Various soups and broths are also welcome, but not very fatty.
Ensure that your baby is properly placed on her chest. It should capture both the nipple and the halo.
Compliance with these principles will help you figure out what to do if there is no milk after childbirth.
Ways to save breast milk
If even with all the principles of breastfeeding immediately after birth, milk does not come, what to do in this case, you will be given simple and very wise tips:
- Take a warm shower before feeding, directing a stream of water at your chest.

- Hot drink. A mug of delicious hot tea stimulates milk production perfectly.
- Try special teas for lactation, which contain anise and caraway seeds.
- Have more rest. If you donโt have much time for this, you can try to feed the baby lying down.
- Take royal jelly. In addition to the fact that it has a powerful lactogonous effect, it has a lot of useful trace elements.
- Nipple stimulation and mild breast massage can also increase the amount of milk.
Lactation Incentive Products
In ancient times, people noticed that after a certain amount of food is taken by a nursing mother, breasts fill up much faster. Therefore, if you do not have milk after childbirth, then this list will help to make your diet richer and more useful.
- Nuts. Best of all are walnuts and almonds.
- Ginger tea.
- Dairy products.
- Dried fruit compotes.
- Buckwheat. It can be dried in a pan and gnawed like seeds.
- Radish with honey.
- Watermelon.

Hyperlactation: good or bad?
The problem, when there is little milk after childbirth, has been considered, and what to do in such cases is known. Such problems with lactation are not uncommon, but they are not the only possible ones. There are situations directly opposite, that is, a lot of milk after childbirth. What to do in this case and how to avoid harm to your health?
Hyperlactation is an excess of milk in the chest. At the same time, it randomly pours out of it, preventing the child from eating calmly and causing discomfort to the mother.

In order for the baby not to choke with food, it is better to express a little milk before feeding, and also offer one breast several times in a row. And avoid foods that stimulate lactation. After a while, everything will work out, and milk will be produced as much as the child needs.
Tips from GV Specialists
Many mothers turn to the question of what to do if there is no milk after childbirth. Most importantly, remember: every woman, with rare exceptions, is quite capable of breastfeeding her baby. Itโs just easy for some, but someone has to work hard. Here is the most important tip for you: more often stay close to the baby and enjoy every minute spent together. Your body will respond sensitively to its presence and will certainly begin to function properly.