One of the causes of acne is an unhealthy diet. A prerequisite for getting rid of acne is a special diet. This will remove toxins from the body, normalize the intestines, optimize the amount of sebum secreted. What does the diet for acne on the face include? Let's try to figure it out.
Body cleansing

This issue should be given special attention. Before talking about products that help improve the condition of the skin, you need to understand directly in the process of cleansing the body. The first stage is the normalization of bowel function. Any malfunctions in the intestines lead to the development of pathogenic microflora. This is a negative factor that contributes to the appearance of acne. Everything is quite simple: if the intestine cannot cope with the removal of harmful substances from the body, the skin begins to perform this function. As a result, harmful products of vital activity begin to come out through the pores, clogging them. Acne and acne appear on the skin. To restore the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you need food rich in fiber. Fibers bind free radicals and toxins, as well as other harmful substances, and remove them from the body. In addition, they create a favorable environment for beneficial trace elements.
Composition of sebum
What should be a diet for acne on the face for adolescents? To avoid skin problems, it is necessary to eat foods that normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands. In a normal person, its composition includes fatty acids, cholesterol, sterols, wax ester, as well as keratinized particles of the epithelium. Sebum should be allocated in the optimal amount, thereby creating a protective layer. With increased secretion, the likelihood of acne on the skin increases significantly. What foods affect the composition and amount of sebum? Eating salty and fatty foods can increase the secretion density. This contributes to clogging of pores. Vegetables and fermented milk products, on the contrary, stabilize the composition of sebum and improve the condition of the epidermis. If we are talking about a great tendency to redness, then it is better to refrain from eating smoked products, spices and alcohol. They dilate blood vessels, which leads to a change in skin color.
Basic principles

Let's dwell on this in more detail. What is a diet against acne on the face? What are its basic principles?
There are several rules to follow:
- For cooking, use heat treatment methods such as stewing and cooking. It is best to cook in a double boiler or slow cooker. Such cooking methods allow you to preserve the beneficial properties of the products as much as possible, and also do not require the use of vegetable oils.
- Eat foods that contribute to gentle bowel cleansing. Fresh plums, prunes, kefir and watermelon are best suited for this purpose.
- At least 2 liters of clean water should be drunk per day. The body's water balance is very important for removing toxins and renewing skin cells.
- An entire diet should consist of two types of foods. Some are needed to remove harmful substances and cleanse the digestive system, while others are needed to make up for the lack of nutrients and vitamins.
The right choice of products is the main issue in any food system. A diet for cleansing facial skin from acne in this case is no exception. Next, consider which products must be included in it.
List of Essential Ingredients

If you want to permanently forget about a problem such as acne, be sure to introduce foods containing dietary fiber into the diet. They will help normalize intestinal motility, as well as help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.
Fiber-rich foods include:
- wheat bran;
- cereals: buckwheat, rice, barley;
- whole grain flour products;
- green peas and beans;
- White cabbage;
- broccoli;
- Brussels sprouts;
- flax seeds;
- spinach.
Vitamins and minerals
To maintain healthy skin, the body needs zinc. It is this component that is part of collagen and is responsible for the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands. It is known that brewer's yeast, seaweed, seafood, liver, asparagus, yolk, parsley, nettle and dog rose are rich in zinc.
Selenium is responsible for the renewal of skin cells. This substance is found in nuts and grains of wheat. To keep the skin healthy, nutritionists recommend consuming germinated wheat grains. But not every day.
For skin health, natural antioxidants are of great importance. These include vitamins A and E. Therefore, a diet for cleansing the face of acne must necessarily include the use of foods rich in retinol. The main sources of this substance are carrots, corn, spinach, fish oil, apricots. Vitamin A is fat-soluble, so you need to use it with foods such as vegetable oil or sour cream.
For healthy skin, it is imperative to include foods rich in vitamin B. A diet for facial skin from acne must include hard cheeses, egg yolk, liver, spinach, cabbage, wheat groats, buckwheat and legumes.
Specific ingredients
There are a number of products that help cleanse the body and reduce the amount of secreted sebum.
These include:
- Ginger: Helps strengthen immunity and purify blood.
- Parsley: it is recommended to use a decoction of this greens daily. This helps to cleanse the blood.
- Lemon: normalizes metabolism and helps improve immunity.
- Garlic: is a natural antibiotic. This product helps to synthesize antibodies that resist adverse effects. Garlic also stimulates blood flow and destroys bacteria.
Prohibited Products

What should a diet for acne on the face consist of?
The menu should in no case include the following products:
- bananas
- potatoes;
- pastries and bread;
- cornflakes;
- polished rice;
- Coffee and tea;
- carbonated drinks with sugar;
- sweets;
- smoked meats;
- fatty and spicy foods;
- fish and fat;
- alcoholic drinks.
To effectively deal with acne on the face, it is important not only to follow a diet, but also to use creams and lotions for topical application. These funds will help dry acne on the face.
Weekly diet

So what is he like? Consider a rough weekly nutrition plan for acne . A diet for acne on the face does not prohibit snacks between main meals. Nuts, fresh fruits and dairy products are best suited for this purpose.
So, we will consider in more detail the menu for the week:
- 1st day: breakfast - oatmeal on the water, fresh fruits, green tea; lunch - chicken soup, boiled egg, green tea; dinner - boiled fish, fresh vegetables, a slice of grain bread, a rosehip broth.
- 2nd day: breakfast - buckwheat in milk, fruit salad, cranberry juice; lunch - borsch on low-fat broth, stewed cabbage, turkey, fresh carrot salad with olive oil and lemon juice; dinner - baked beef, vegetables, fermented baked milk.
- 3rd day: breakfast - low-fat cottage cheese, bread rolls, tomato, freshly squeezed orange juice; lunch - chicken broth, boiled egg, brown rice, fresh fruits; dinner - vegetable salad, buckwheat porridge on the water, fermented baked milk.
- 4th day: breakfast - millet porridge in milk, fresh fruits, rosehip broth; lunch - vegetable soup, brown rice with seafood, a salad of fresh vegetables with garlic seasoned with olive oil; dinner - sandwiches with low-fat ham, cheese and bread, fruit salad, green tea.
- 5th day: breakfast - granola with nuts and fresh fruits, green tea; lunch - pumpkin soup with fresh herbs, baked beef, boiled beans or asparagus; dinner - steamed red fish, fresh vegetables (carrots, radishes, cucumber), citrus juice.
- 6th day: breakfast - omelet from two eggs and low-fat milk, fresh vegetables, a glass of juice; lunch - borsch on meat broth, pasta from whole grain flour with stewed chicken, black tea; dinner - boiled cod, fresh vegetable salad and compote.
- 7th day: breakfast - buckwheat porridge in milk, bran bread, low-fat ham, orange juice; lunch - cabbage soup, boiled potatoes with steamed chicken meatballs, fresh vegetables; dinner - stewed vegetable stew, a glass of green tea.
At first, such a diet for acne on the face can provoke the appearance of new rashes, but in no case should you stop following it. Simply consumed foods contribute to enhanced elimination of toxins from the body. When this process normalizes, the skin cleanses. A diet for acne on the face for a week can be a great start to a healthy diet.
Simple dishes
Let's look at easy recipes that are suitable for acne diets.
Braised Vegetable Salad:
- 4 long thin eggplant;
- 4 zucchini;
- 4 tomatoes;
- 1 small red pepper, yellow and green;
- 60 ml of olive oil;
- 2 garlic cloves cut in half.
For refueling:
- 60 ml olive oil
- 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar
- 3 tablespoons minced parsley
Slice the eggplant and zucchini obliquely into strips 1 cm thick. Cut the tomatoes lengthwise into two, and cut the peppers into short strips. Put all the vegetables in a bowl, add olive oil and garlic. Mix well.
Preheat the pan and oil it. Sauté all the vegetables for 2-4 minutes on each side until they are browned. After that, add some water to the pan and let it simmer for simmering. It will take another 5-7 minutes. Transfer to a serving platter and let cool.
To prepare dressing, mix all the ingredients, salt and pepper. Dress with vegetables and mix lightly. Serve at room temperature.
Steam Meatballs
The salad described above will go well with steamed meatballs. For them you will need:
- poached rice - 100 g.
- minced chicken / turkey / beef - 400 g.
- onions (finely chopped) - 30 g.
- spices to taste.
For the preparation of meatballs, mix all the ingredients and form small balls from the mass. Put them in a double boiler or pressure vessel. Cook no more than 30-35 minutes. The finished dish can be decorated with greens.
Nutrition for teens

Most often, with such an unpleasant problem as acne, people face it in their teens. It is during this period of time that the body undergoes a global restructuring. Improper nutrition can only aggravate the situation. Therefore, a diet for acne on the face for adolescents is mandatory.
To avoid severe rashes on the face, the following foods should be excluded from the diet:
- Various sweets, sweets, chocolate. At the beginning of the diet, these ingredients should be discarded completely.
- Drinks containing a large number of dyes and flavor enhancers. You can not drink soda. It is also undesirable to drink coffee.
- Fried and fatty foods that can contribute to increased production of sebum.
Acne Nutrition for Teens
What are its features? The diet for acne on the face in adolescence involves the inclusion of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet. Dishes in the menu must be alternated so that the body regularly receives all the necessary trace elements and nutrients. The more diverse a teenager’s diet, the better. It is recommended to eat cereal for breakfast. So that they do not bother, try to alternate them. Boiled or steamed meat should be consumed at least twice a week. The diet must necessarily include low-fat dairy products. It is also important to correctly combine products with each other. For example, meat cannot be eaten with porridge, pasta or potatoes. Fresh vegetables are best combined with this product. Baked vegetables are best served with fish. It is better to refuse white bread altogether. You can replace it with bread. For drinks, cranberry juice, green tea, and vegetable juices are preferred. In the cold season, along with a diet, you should take a complex of vitamins.

How to cure problem skin? One of the most important methods is a diet for acne on the face. Reviews about this diet are mostly found only positive. Diet helps to quickly cleanse the body and remove all toxins. Pimples on the face become noticeably less. And if you combine proper nutrition with the use of special preparations and cleansers, you can achieve an amazing effect.