Can I drink milk to a nursing mother? This issue has long been discussed by pediatricians, other specialists, and women themselves. Disputes continue to this day. There is no single answer. Despite the fact that milk is a healthy product, it can lead to allergic reactions in the child. Some children show lactose intolerance. Therefore, we consider all the benefits and harms of milk during breastfeeding.
Positive properties
Can I drink cow's milk to my nursing mother? Before you get the answer to this question, you need to understand what useful properties the product has:
- Milk replenishes the reserves of calcium in the body of a woman.
- Contains easily digestible protein.
- Normalizes the acidity of gastric juice.
- Prevents sleep disturbance.
- Strengthens the nervous system, which is especially necessary for a woman after childbirth.
- Milk contains a large number of amino acids.
- Strengthens the immune system.
- The product allows vitamin D and many trace elements to be absorbed.

The product has many useful properties, which is a prerequisite for its inclusion in the diet of a nursing mother. However, it is necessary to deal with its negative properties.
Possible harm
An unequivocal answer to the question of whether it is possible to drink milk to a nursing mother does not exist. Separate risks are known that can adversely affect the health of both the mother and the child. These include protein intolerance, which manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction. It is characterized as follows:
- Rashes.
- Violation of the digestive tract in the form of vomiting, loose stools, constipation.
- The appearance of cough and runny nose. In children, a condition occurs when it becomes difficult to breathe. This is the most dangerous condition contributing to the development of asthma.
- Nervousness and insomnia.
An allergic reaction can also occur if the baby is premature, has a hereditary predisposition, or if his intestinal microflora is impaired.

A woman may increase the amount of milk produced. As a result, lactostasis develops, because the child does not eat up a completely valuable product and it stagnates in the mammary glands.
Can I drink milk while breastfeeding? A woman should understand that a child can inherit intolerance to a product from her parents. Therefore, when he is breastfeeding, the risk of allergies does not decrease. 10 days after the abolition of milk in a womanโs diet, all the unpleasant symptoms in the baby should disappear.
How to choose
Can I drink milk while breastfeeding? If an allergic reaction to the product is not found in either the infant or the woman herself, the product can be consumed in the correct amounts. Preference should be given only to fresh milk. What other product requirements are there?
- A woman should check the containers in which milk is sold. Buying it in the market, nursing mothers believe that it is tasty and fresh. However, if the can or bottle is dirty, then milk can only do harm. After all, it may contain harmful bacteria. In this case, milk must be boiled to get rid of pathogenic microflora.
- Buying a product is best in trusted locations. Many people prefer products presented in supermarkets. The choice is large, which brand should be preferred, there is no single answer. Can a nursing mother drink Prostokvashino milk? First of all, you need to focus on your personal preferences, but first consult with a pediatrician.
- It is not forbidden to purchase milk in the market, but only from sellers you can trust.

Choosing a quality product is an important task that will benefit the body of the baby and woman and will not bring harm.
How to enter the diet
Can I drink milk to a nursing mother? In order not to have a negative effect on the body, you need to follow simple rules:
- A woman does not need to consume large quantities of milk at a time. To determine the reaction of the baby, 1/2 cup of product is enough. If during the day the child has an allergic reaction, then during lactation it is best to refuse milk. If it is absent, then the next day you can increase the amount of milk.
- You can add a little product to tea or cocoa and watch the baby react.
- It is allowed to cook omelets and other dishes with it.
- Breastfeeding experts recommend drinking goat milk rather than cow milk. Features of the reception will be discussed later in the article. If this type of product is not perceived by the body, then it must be replaced.
It is necessary to introduce milk into the diet gradually so as not to harm the body of the newborn.
What can be replaced
Can I drink milk to a nursing mother? This largely depends on the individual characteristics of the body of a woman and her child.
If there is an allergy to milk, an attempt to introduce it into the diet is repeated after a few months.
Sometimes a product is replaced with sesame seeds. It contains a lot of calcium. Hypoallergenic products include broccoli. It is allowed to be introduced into complementary foods, starting at the age of 4 months. Broccoli is consumed stewed, boiled, steamed.

When there is a need for amino acids, eggs and low-fat fish are included in the diet, given the feeding schedule.
Can a nursing mother drink oat milk? The product has a great taste and can help women during lactation. Milk normalizes cholesterol and glucose in the blood. The product is rich in plant proteins that contain amino acids essential for the human body.
Before using oat milk, you should find out if there is an allergy to cereals. In its absence, the product is consumed 2 times a day for 1/2 cup.
Oat milk has many beneficial properties and can beneficially affect the babyโs body.
Goat milk
The product can become the main substitute for the occurrence of intolerance to cow protein in a child.
Is it possible to drink goat milk to a nursing mother? Specialists most often recommend using the product for women during lactation. It does not cause an allergic reaction and a flush of milk. The product is completely absorbed by the body of a woman and a child. Colic and gas in this case are completely excluded.
Goat milk includes:
- a significant amount of vitamins A, B, C, D and minerals;
- folic acid, which promotes the growth and development of the child.
Milk provides powerful support to the immune system and prevents the development of rickets.

However, goat milk has a minus in the form of heaviness in the stomach. The product also has a specific aroma and flavor.
Drinking goat milk is recommended in its pure form, without adding it to tea. This is due to its specific taste, which is different from cow's.
Dairy products
Can I drink milk to a nursing mother? In addition to it, a woman can include sour cream, yogurt, kefir in the diet. Various dishes can be prepared from them, such as cottage cheese casserole. The main thing is that during heat treatment the beneficial properties of the products are preserved.

Allergic reactions most often occur with the use of whole milk. When replacing it with fermented milk products, rashes and digestive disorders in infants usually do not occur. If you introduce low-fat cottage cheese and kefir into the daily menu, this will have a beneficial effect on the health of mother and baby.
If there is an allergy to milk during breastfeeding, it is fermented milk products that will become its worthy replacement.
Baked milk
Is it possible to drink concentrated milk to a nursing mother? This product is one of the most beloved among many women during lactation. And this is no coincidence, because milk has a pleasant taste, perfectly saturates the body, it has a large number of calories and a high percentage of fat content.
Enter it into the diet should be careful, observing the reaction of the baby. If no signs of allergy are found, you should proceed to continuous use.
Baked milk for women during lactation can be drunk in its pure form, as well as added to baked goods. For example, in cream for cakes or baking.
Experts do not recommend including baked milk in the diet of a nursing mother in the first months of a newbornโs life. It is best to wait 4-5 months, and then gradually enter the daily menu.
Is it possible to completely abandon milk
If a woman is prohibited from using this product during lactation, a specialist can prescribe a special diet. As a result, milk is canceled so that the child no longer provokes allergic reactions.

This does not mean that a woman's lactation process will worsen or a lack of calcium and other beneficial substances will be felt in her body. If a nursing mother will eat fully, then any product can be replaced with alternative options. Even when women follow a dairy-free diet, they feel normal, since vitamins and minerals are obtained from other sources of nutrition.
Milk is a healthy product, it is recommended to drink it for both adults and children. It is impossible to answer unequivocally whether it is possible to use the product during breastfeeding. With lactation, it can cause severe allergies in the baby and affect milk production. It is introduced into the diet gradually and monitors the reaction of the baby.