Everyone knows that a woman should eat well during pregnancy. The diet of the future mother should be enriched with vitamins and microelements that are extremely useful for her, so that the baby is born healthy. Doctors often recommend consuming seaweed, which contains a large amount of nutrients that are very important for the growth and development of the fetus. At the same time, it positively affects the work of the heart and intestines of the woman herself. What other benefits does seaweed bring in pregnancy? The benefits and harms of kelp will be discussed in this article.
Sea kale - what is it?
Sea kale is an algae that belongs to the brown class. They eat it for a very long time, and today it remains very popular. Kelp grows in various seas, and its appearance resembles long ribbons. 90% of the algae consists of water, and before it goes on the counter, it is dried.

The composition of seaweed is considered by many to be unique. It includes protein, fiber, sodium, iron, iodine, cobalt, zinc, mineral salts, carbohydrates, polysaccharides, magnesium, manganese, sulfur, phosphorus, vitamins A, C, E, D, B1, B2, B12 and other useful irreplaceable Components. Seaweed during pregnancy is extremely useful, as its properties are necessary for both the expectant mother and the fetus.
What is the use of seaweed?
The expectant mother should receive all the necessary useful substances, which are very much contained in kelp. But since not everyone can use it, the question arises: is it possible to eat sea kale during pregnancy? Doctors even strongly recommend it, as it contains folic acid and iodine, which help to avoid miscarriage, in the required amount.

In the second trimester, the body's need for iron increases, which favorably affects the development of the fetus and prevents the occurrence of anemia in the expectant mother. Contains kelp and calcium needed by the body for up to 28 weeks. It strengthens the endocrine and skeletal systems, and is also important for the kidney of the fetus. Sea kale is also rich in magnesium, sodium, potassium, and phosphorus.
Kelp contains vitamins of group B, which strengthen the nervous system of the child. Sea kale during pregnancy it is also important because it contains ascorbic acid, which increases the immunity of the expectant mother and has a beneficial effect on the development of the placenta and the ovum. Vitamin C is most beneficial in the first and third trimesters. Vitamin A helps the baby's eyesight develop. Laminaria also helps to improve the digestion of a pregnant woman, preventing constipation and rid the intestines of toxins. With its constant use, excess cholesterol and radionuclides are removed from the body, as well as blood pressure decreases and blood counts improve.
Sea kale as a dietary product

The use of seaweed during pregnancy also lies in the fact that kelp can be used as a dietary product, avoiding the excessive weight gain that is characteristic of the third trimester. It is known that extra pounds are not the best way affect the course of pregnancy, as well as the unborn baby. Therefore, seaweed during pregnancy is very important. But still, before using it, you should consult your gynecologist so that she can only bring benefits.
The harm of seaweed

Not only benefits are seaweed during pregnancy. Contraindications also exist. The most important is the allergic reaction of the expectant mother to products that contain iodine. Also, the use of kelp is undesirable for various disorders in the digestive tract, for diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys.
How to use kelp?
If the attending physician, after consulting with a pregnant woman, allowed her to include sea kale in her diet, then you need to know how to choose this useful product. It is most often sold in the form of ready-to-eat canned foods.

When buying frozen cabbage, it should be thawed, and thoroughly rinse before use. Dry seaweed must be soaked in water and only then can it be eaten. It is best for pregnant women to buy cabbage frozen and cook various dishes on their own, since canned foods usually contain the E220 preservative, which adversely affects the functioning of the kidneys. To avoid poisoning, you should buy a product with a normal shelf life.
Do not worry about the fact that the inclusion of seaweed in the diet will greatly increase the level of iodine in the body and harm the unborn baby. The probability of this is very small, and such a situation is possible only if you constantly eat only one kelp. The use of this product is much more useful than various chemical medicines and vitamin complexes.
The unique properties of kelp suggest that seaweed during pregnancy is extremely beneficial. The huge amount of useful substances contained in it can bring great benefits to both the expectant mother and the baby. But the main thing is to observe the measure and not get involved in this product. Cabbage should be consumed in such quantities as allowed by the attending physician.