Itching in the vagina is most often a symptom of one of the gynecological diseases, but can be triggered by irritating environmental factors. In some cases, discomfort may be a variant of the norm, but still require therapy to improve the patient's quality of life.
Inflammation of the vaginal mucosa
One of the common causes of itching in the area of ββentry into the vagina is inflammation of the mucous membrane, which is caused by the development of pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microflora. The cause of discomfort may be a commonplace thrush. Candidiasis is caused by a yeast fungus, accompanied by redness of the external genital organs, edema, the appearance of thick, odorless, curdled secretions. Gardnerellosis or bacterial vaginosis can also be diagnosed. Usually, the patient comes to the doctor with a complaint about the appearance of yellowish or greenish discharge with an unpleasant odor. This is the main symptom that women pay attention to.
Inflammation of the uterus and appendages
The inflammatory processes of the uterus and appendages in medical practice are called inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs in women. It can be endometritis, salpingitis, cervicitis or andexitis. The cause of inflammation are various microorganisms that penetrate the genital tract. Most often, there is a combination of three to four bacteria that live in an oxygen-free environment, with one or two microorganisms that require oxygen to multiply.

As a rule, diseases of this group are diagnosed in young women. Often the beginning of the pathological process coincides with the beginning of sexual activity. Risk factors include the presence of women of several sexual partners or the presence of a large number of partners, the use of an intrauterine device as a contraceptive device, past inflammatory diseases or sexually transmitted diseases. Frequent douching can provoke inflammation, during which natural microflora is "washed out" of the vagina, or a violation of protective mechanisms (decreased immunity).
In addition to itching in the vagina (how to treat inflammation, we will consider further), pain in the lower abdomen can occur. These are the most common signs of the disease. Also, the temperature rises, there are bloody and other atypical vaginal discharge, urination is impaired and pain appears during sexual intercourse.
Acute forms of inflammation are treated in a hospital setting. Antibacterial therapy is prescribed, which quickly leads to complete recovery. For complications, surgical intervention may be required. In addition to antibiotics, intravenous detoxification therapy and physiotherapeutic procedures are indicated. In the treatment of chronic endometritis, immunomodulating and antibacterial drugs, general strengthening procedures and vitamin therapy are used. The recovery course is based on a combination of hormonal and metabolic therapy.
Kidney and bladder diseases
Severe itching in the vagina can be triggered by inflammatory processes localized in the kidneys and bladder. In this case, itching is accompanied by burning and painful urination, frequent urges. Common symptoms also arise: weakness, fever, headache, discomfort in the lumbar region, fatigue, thirst. With cystitis, there may not be signs of general intoxication of the body.

Treatment is based on the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. At the same time, medications are prescribed that stimulate the immune system and relieve symptoms of intoxication. With severe pain, analgesics and antispasmodics are indicated. Of great importance in the success of therapy is proper nutrition. Urine should not irritate the urinary system, so spicy, smoked, salted and fried foods should be excluded from the diet. It is better to give preference to products with a diuretic effect. Cranberries or lingonberry fruit drinks, kissels, and homemade fruit drinks are also useful.
Sexually transmitted diseases
The symptoms and treatment of itching in the vagina depend on the cause. In sexually transmitted diseases, for example, a woman can pay attention to atypical discharge, which appeared 3-10 days after unprotected intercourse. Typical symptoms of STDs are pain and dryness during sex, swollen lymph nodes, skin rashes in the genital area, sore urination, menstrual irregularities. These signs should be an occasion for an extraordinary visit to the gynecologist.
There are a lot of sexually transmitted diseases that can provoke itching in the vagina, so it requires all the necessary diagnostic procedures to pass so that the doctor can correctly determine the diagnosis. So, first a gynecologist will collect an anamnesis, that is, ask about complaints, lifestyle, number of sexual partners, methods of contraception and so on. A mandatory gynecological examination is carried out. If necessary, the gynecologist will refer to a dermatovenerologist.

The main diagnostic method is laboratory research. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will take a swab of their vagina and refer the patient for a blood test. Assays of UIF and ELISA will help determine the pathogen, and a culture study will assess the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to antibiotics. As part of drug therapy, antibiotics, hepatoprotectors to support the liver, vitamins to strengthen the body, antiviral drugs that will accelerate remission, immunomodulators, glycosides that support the work of the heart, antiparasitic and antifungal drugs can be used.
Tumors of the pelvic organs
Cancer of the uterus is one of the common pathologies of the genital organs in women. A neoplasm in the pelvic area is characterized by the absence of symptoms in the early stages. When the tumor grows in size, the symptoms may be minor. They appear in the form of difficulties with urination or problems with the intestines. General well-being may remain normal for a long time, but usually patients report fatigue, weakness in the body, a constant feeling that the body temperature is elevated, intoxication and weight loss.
The main symptom of uterine cancer is intermenstrual bleeding, but other (indirect) symptoms, such as itching and burning in the vagina, are often manifested. Treatment depends on the stage at which the disease was detected. In the early stages, surgery is possible, a course of radiation therapy will also be prescribed. With the spread of oncology to nearby organs, removal of the uterus and appendages, chemo and radiation therapy is necessary. In severe cases, therapy can only be aimed at prolonging the patient's life.
Allergic reaction
A very common cause of itching and burning in the vagina, which in most cases should not cause undue anxiety, is a local allergic reaction. The body may inadequately respond to contraceptives, vaginal tablets or suppositories, detergents (powders, fabric softeners, soaps) and body care products (shower gels, soaps with fragrances and additives, bath foams, sanitary pads, creams and etc). Itchy skin (including in the area of ββentry into the vagina) may indicate food intolerance to some foods.

Usually, to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is enough to abandon the use of a drug that caused an allergic reaction. For prevention, it is better to use a baby or anti-allergenic soap without flavors, dyes and various additives for washing. Sometimes you can replace the usual remedy with tar soap, which heals small wounds and microcracks, destroys pathogens and makes the pH of the vagina more alkaline. But the use of such a detergent should be careful and moderate.
Hormonal changes
Itching in the vagina can be triggered by physiological changes or hormonal imbalance. This symptom occurs in pregnant women or during menopause. The reasons are a decrease in immunity and a natural change in the hormonal background. Symptoms may include the wearing of uncomfortable or synthetic underwear, tight clothing, frequent douching, and the use of soap that dries the mucous membranes. If the causes are natural changes that occur in the body (and only a doctor can confirm this), then mild itching may be a normal option. In this case, symptomatic treatment is indicated.

The causes and treatment of itching and burning in the vagina in women during menopause are significantly different. With menopause, the vaginal mucosa becomes dry due to a decrease in the production of collagen and elastane, which provokes itching. When combing the area of ββthe perineum, pathology can join this unpleasant symptom, which additionally causes a burning sensation. It should be borne in mind that after 45 years, various allergic reactions can occur due to a decrease in immunity, and in some cases, itching can be a symptom of diabetes mellitus, tumor processes, urinary tract pathologies, and so on.
Patients are prescribed hormone replacement therapy, which helps restore the balance of female hormones in the body, as well as local remedies that relieve symptoms. How to treat itching in the vagina? Most often, candles or creams are used, but without treatment of the main cause, their effect will be only temporary. Also, the doctor will prescribe medications that will ease the course of the underlying disease (if any).

Psychogenic factors
Itching in the vaginal area can trigger psychogenic factors, that is, chronic stress, emotional overstrain, fear, excitement. In this case, discomfort usually manifests itself only in certain situations, for example, when meeting new people, during an important speech or at a doctor's appointment.
Other possible causes
The causes of itching in the vaginal area are huge. Unpleasant sensations can provoke wearing synthetic underwear, improper hygiene products, hypothermia or overheating, mucosal damage during intercourse or masturbation, taking certain medications, inadequate or excessive hygiene, frequent douching that violates the state of microflora, and so on. To find out the exact causes of itching, you should consult a doctor.
Diagnostic procedures
The gynecologist will ask about complaints, the number of sexual partners, previous illnesses, lifestyle and so on. Be sure to examine on a gynecological chair, during which the doctor will take a smear on the microflora. Blood and urine tests are also prescribed. According to the results, you can determine the cause of itching in the vagina, but this is not always possible, so additional examinations can be prescribed. If necessary, the doctor will refer the woman to other narrow specialists.
The treatment for itching in the vagina depends on the cause that caused the discomfort. When identifying inflammatory processes, gynecological diseases or sexually transmitted diseases, complex drug therapy is prescribed. Some pathologies require surgical intervention, and in some cases only symptomatic treatment is prescribed. The tactics of treatment in each case should be determined by the doctor.

Preventive measures
As a prophylaxis, you should refuse to wear synthetic and too narrow underwear, do not overheat and do not overcool, use products without fragrance and color for intimate hygiene, refuse intrauterine contraceptives, and exclude the presence of several sexual partners at the same time. It is recommended that all inflammatory processes and general diseases be treated on time, and at the first alarming symptoms go to the hospital.