When a woman gives birth to a baby, she begins to worry about his well-being more than about her own. So, in the first few months, the baby can be disturbed by abdominal pain. To prevent them and make them less pronounced, a newly mummy needs to follow a certain diet. It is worth noting that this applies only to those representatives of the weaker sex who adhere to natural feeding. This article will tell you about whether marshmallows can be for a nursing mother. You will find out the main opinions about this.

Is it possible to marshmallow a nursing mother in the first month?
Opinions on this subject currently vary widely. Some experts believe that you need to adhere to a very strict diet and categorically exclude sweets. Others note that with a diverse diet of mothers, the child will be able to adapt more quickly to the conditions that surround him. Women do have diverse reviews on this subject. Let's try to understand in detail whether it is possible for a nursing mother to have marshmallows and marmalade.
What do nutritionists say?

Is it possible to marshmallow nursing mother? Nutrition experts say that immediately after childbirth, a woman seeks to restore her figure. During pregnancy, from 10 to 20 kilograms could add to the usual weight. This is the absolute norm. However, it is not surprising that after the appearance of the crumbs, the newly minted mother tends to part with the accumulated fat more likely. Most women avoid sweets, pastries, and other high-calorie foods. What can be said about marshmallows?
This delicacy is the least caloric. This includes fruit puree that contains pectin and fiber, a thickener, protein, and some sugar. If you wish, you can cook the product at home and make it as dietary as possible. Is it possible to marshmallow nursing mom and marmalade? Nutritionists answer in the affirmative to this question.

What do pediatricians and breastfeeding experts say?
Is it possible for a nursing mother to have marshmallows or marmalade? Experienced specialists in breastfeeding and leading pediatricians allow the use of these treats. However, doctors make a reservation.
It often happens that a newborn baby is prone to an allergic reaction. In most cases, this goes away with age. However, with regular use of an allergen, a constant negative reaction may develop. Egg white, which is part of marshmallows, can cause this allergy effect. In this case, the baby becomes covered with a rash and begins to worry. What can be said about marmalade? Dyes are often present in this treat. These substances can also cause a negative reaction of the baby.
So is it possible for a nursing mother to have marshmallows and marmalade? Pediatricians say that it is possible to eat a product, but this must be done very carefully. Especially when it comes to a monthly baby.

What do gynecologists and obstetricians say?
Is it possible for a nursing mother to have marshmallows, marmalade and other sweets immediately after childbirth? Gynecologists have a slightly different opinion on this matter. They say the following.
Immediately after the birth of the baby, the woman begins the recovery process. It can last from one week to several months. During this period, the uterus contracts and gets rid of excess content. Over time, the body returns to normal, the discharge stops, and the process of restoration of the flora begins. Many women who have passed through natural birth suffer from vaginal dysbiosis. This does not necessarily indicate inflammation. Just microflora is broken and needs healthy bacteria.
Frequent use of sweets can lead to the development of thrush. To avoid this pathology, it is necessary to limit or completely eliminate the use of marmalade and marshmallows in the first month after childbirth. When the microflora comes back to normal, you can consume sweets as much as you want.

Mommy reviews
Is it possible to marshmallow a nursing mother of a newborn baby? Women also have a double opinion in this regard.
Some representatives of the weaker sex say that you can not eat marshmallows and marmalade not only in the first month, but also throughout breastfeeding. Such mummies are of the opinion that the products consumed tend to enter the baby’s body through breast milk. Such dishes are completely useless for crumbs. That is why mom should abandon the use of goodies in favor of nutritious and essential vitamins and minerals.
Another group of people believes that it is not only possible, but also necessary, to eat marshmallows and marmalade for a newly-made mom. Eating foods causes the production of the hormone of happiness. After such a dessert, mommy becomes more fun, she has a surge of strength and vitality. All this, of course, has a positive effect on the development and health of the baby.

Additive Products
Additional ingredients are often added to marshmallows and marmalade. It can be nuts, dried fruits and so on. All these products make breast milk more fat and nutritious. In the process of breastfeeding, the baby receives irreplaceable useful substances and is gaining weight better.
A home-made treat will be more healthy than a purchased product.

So, now you know several opinions about whether it is possible for a nursing mother to have marshmallow and marmalade in the first month after birth. If you have decided for yourself that there is nothing wrong with eating treats, then you can safely try them. However, this must be done very carefully. Do not immediately eat a kilogram of dessert. Start with a few slices a day and gradually increase the serving. At this time, carefully monitor the reaction of the crumbs. If negative manifestations have begun, then it is worth canceling such a meal and consult a pediatrician. Eat deliciously and properly. Health to you and your baby!