Unfortunately, quite often gynecologists clean the uterus. The female body reacts differently to such an intervention, but most often questions arise about menstruation. Delayed menstruation after cleaning the uterus is a completely normal phenomenon. But it guards the woman. Each lady needs to know the timing of the resumption of the menstrual cycle, the cause of the delay and many other necessary information related to this topic. So when should the menstruation go after cleansing the uterus?

Causes and consequences of cleaning the uterus
There are a lot of reasons for carrying out this kind of procedure. This may be preparation for another, more complex operation, early abortion, polyps, neoplasms, and much more. Cleaning is the separation of the upper layer of the uterine mucosa through special tools, that is, forced. Common consequences of this kind of intervention are malfunctions of the female genital gland and a malfunction of the menstrual cycle. Next, you need to understand when the periods after cleaning the uterus (diagnostic and after abortion) will go.
The timing of the resumption of the menstrual cycle after surgery
As medical statistics show, the menstrual cycle resumes after a month from the date of the procedure with a positive outcome. In some women, the cycle of monthly blood discharge is 32β35 days, therefore, its resumption should be expected after the specified period after the operation.
It is worth saying about when the menstruation begins after cleansing the uterus. Medical practice, which has its own scientific evidence, shows that after an abortion, periods begin after 55-60 days. This is the period required to restore uterine tissue. However, even a specialist cannot determine the exact date of the onset of menstruation. The beginning of this natural phenomenon is determined not only by medical criteria, but also by the individual characteristic of the female body, its ability to recover. An important role is played by the reason that prompted the operation. A prolonged, up to two months, absence of the menstrual cycle is observed during abortion, removal of a frozen fetus. The permissible deviation rate in one direction or another is an average of 4 days. The process of tissue and organ restoration is considered complete only after 12-14 weeks from the date of cleaning. So the question: βWhen will the menstruation come after cleansing the uterus?β Remains open, because the body of every woman is special.

How to distinguish menstruation from postoperative discharge?
After cleansing the uterus, blood secretions are constantly present for a certain time. This is a natural process that is considered the norm for all women. However, not all patients know what is considered the norm, and what is a pathology that requires urgent specialist intervention, so they need to learn to distinguish menstruation from other bloody discharge in the postoperative period.
Too plentiful periods after cleaning the uterus are an occasion to consult a doctor. Perhaps uterine bleeding resulting from damage to the uterine wall. A characteristic feature of such secretions is blood clots. Patients take them for menstruation and do not seek medical help in a timely manner. Loss of blood carries a great danger to the life of a woman.
The operation for curettage of the uterus is associated with the removal of the upper working layer covering the inner surface of the uterus. During menstruation, this layer is rejected naturally, and then restored. During surgery, it is removed specifically, and the uterus is a bleeding wound. Both in the first and in the second case, the consequences are the same: blood discharge begins.
In case of a favorable outcome of the operation, spotting continues for a week. After the specified time, they gradually cease, acquire a different character. The discharge does not have an unpleasant odor. In time, smearing can last up to 9β11 days. This process in most cases is accompanied by pain in the back and lower abdomen. This is how the female body reacts to uterine contractions. Sometimes bleeding stops abruptly on the second or third postoperative day. The woman rises in temperature and there are sharp pains in the lower abdomen. These symptoms indicate inflammatory processes inside the uterus caused by accumulated blood. As a result of muscle spasm, the uterus closes and prevents the outflow of blood. In some patients, the muscular activity of the uterus is disturbed, as a result of which it ceases to contract and expel blood from the uterine cavity.
Neoplasms in the uterus in the form of polyps can also block the release of blood from the organ cavity.
In such cases, antibiotic treatment is prescribed or, in the most difficult situation, a second operation is performed.

The unpleasant smell and the peculiar color of the discharge indicates the presence of infection in the female body, which is also an occasion to contact a specialist who will prescribe the necessary anti-infection course of treatment.
The duration of discharge after surgery depends on the level of hormones in the endocrine system and may indicate a thyroid disease. Observation is necessary not only at the gynecologist, but also at the endocrinologist. In addition, prolonged bleeding can significantly lower hemoglobin levels, therefore, during this period, a woman needs to review her diet and introduce products that restore blood composition: red meat, pomegranate, seafood, yolks of chicken and quail eggs, buckwheat and many others.
The nature of the discharge
Discharges of dark red color are considered normal. In their composition, they are heterogeneous, contain particles of the mucous membrane, have a meaty smell. They are distinguished by the type of menstruation. Their dark color indicates good blood coagulability, which contributes to rapid healing.
Discharges with a predominance of a yellow hue indicate a possible onset of the disease.
A yellowish liquid is released into the tissue from small blood vessels, which is the result of inflammatory processes.
This means that the healing process is slow enough, the body is weakened and cannot resist the disease. In addition, the inflammatory fluid promotes the multiplication of various parasites in the form of chlamydia, fungi, which in turn leads to an infection that requires medical treatment.
The pink color of the discharge indicates the presence of fresh, not menstrual, blood in them. This indicates poor blood coagulability. In this case, consult a specialist.

Possible delay in menstruation and causes
An inexperienced doctor can damage a certain layer covering the uterus, as a result of which there is a delay of critical days, since the process of restoration of an organ and damaged tissue is long.
With an endocrine problem, a decrease in hemoglobin, the doctor prescribes the appropriate medications that control the work of the female genital glands. With this treatment, there is a delay in menstruation. When you cancel or end the prescribed treatment, the menstrual process returns to normal.
Stress as a cause of delay
Other reasons of an objective and subjective nature also affect the delay of menstruation. So, a nervous breakdown in a woman can become the basis for a temporary cessation of menstruation. Inflammatory processes also affect the timeliness of this process.
If these reasons do not eliminate the consequences associated with them, then this is an occasion to contact a specialist. For example, the doctor canceled the prescribed treatment, but the critical days never come.
Awareness of a woman will help her avoid negative consequences, including removal of the organ.

Restoring menstruation after cleansing
The cycle rehabilitation is influenced by many factors. If the patient was diagnosed with some types of inflammatory or infectious diseases, they can cause various complications in the postoperative period, for example, severe bleeding. Problems of an endocrine nature, a low level of hemoglobin, and diabetes mellitus complicate the process of restoring the cycle, as as a result of such diseases the body is not able to resist. To speed up this process, the doctor prescribes the necessary therapy in the form of painkillers, antimicrobials, antibacterials and other drugs. So that there are no questions about when the menstruation will go after cleansing the uterus, doctors prescribe medications to prevent unwanted pregnancy to restore menstruation. In addition to medical prescriptions, doctors recommend that women exclude sexual intimacy within a month after cleaning. Otherwise, there is a risk of infection and increased bleeding.
What to do
It is necessary to exclude during this period physical activity, swimming in hot water, physical education and sports. These actions can trigger severe bleeding, and swimming in open water will contribute to infection of the uterine cavity.
Rapid restoration of menstruation is facilitated by ultrasound therapy, which prevents the formation of adhesions. The inflammatory process removes infrared radiation well, and magnetic waves increase the body's resistance as a whole.
About when the periods after cleaning the uterus will go, the reviews say that you need not to provoke them on purpose and take care of yourself. Only then the menstrual cycle will return to normal.

No discharge after surgery
The reasons can be varied. After all cleansing, not all women follow the doctor's recommendations. Sometimes the absence of discharge indicates pregnancy. The body of a woman is capable of conception even during the recovery period.
After cleaning, it is necessary to undergo a course of antibacterial therapy. If you ignore this recommendation, then inflammatory processes occur that require long-term treatment and exclude menstruation for the entire duration of treatment. In this case, the patient rises in temperature, and the discharge has an unpleasant odor.
Mucosal damage
The most dangerous complication after surgery is damage to the upper layer of the uterine mucosa. Its recovery requires a long period of time, so menstruation is absent for a very long time.
As a result of the intervention, an involuntary muscle spasm of the cervix occurs, which blocks the exit of menstrual blood, therefore, blood clots form in the cavity of this organ, which contribute to inflammatory processes. In the treatment of drugs used to relieve spasms. During the entire time of treatment, menstruation does not go, blood is blocked in the uterus.
With a long absence of discharge, it is not recommended to self-medicate, but it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Pain during menstruation and profuse
After the operation, the female body needs time to restore and normal functioning of all organs. For four months after cleansing, the arrival of menstruation is accompanied by severe, pulling pains in the lower abdomen. This is typical for a menstrual cycle failure. Sometimes pain appears in the lumbar region of the bladder. During this period, women are prescribed drugs that relieve spasms.
After a successful operation, the amount of discharge should not differ much from normal menstruation. The average amount of blood that is lost during menstruation is 150 milliliters, with possible deviations in either direction by 30 milliliters. If postoperative bleeding exceeds this indicator many times, then you need to see a doctor.
If there is absolutely no discharge
Lack of discharge after cleaning is also cause for concern. An exacerbation of existing diseases of the endocrine system or female genital glands, ovaries is possible, as a result of which an inflammatory process has formed that has affected the hormonal background of the woman.
In the reviews, when the menstruation goes after the cleaning of the uterus, they say that you should not panic. You should wait a month or two, because each organism is unique.
The rapid recovery of the female body depends on strict observance of all the recommendations of a specialist.