Myoma is a benign tumor in the muscle wall. One of its frequent manifestations is pain with bleeding. The tumor is formed from overgrown fibers of the muscular walls of the uterus. It is single, and sometimes grows in clusters. It often develops with hormonal imbalances, for example, an increased level of female hormones estrogen. In the article, we consider the psychosomatics of uterine fibroids.

Pathological factors
Few people think about the causes of fibroids. Psychosomatics, according to gynecologists, plays an important role. But first of all, the stimulating effect of the hormonal background of its walls leads to the disease. In addition, disorders in the hypothalamus have a certain value in the development of the tumor. In many situations, the cause of the formation of fibroids is an increased level of estrogen. Also a provoking factor may be heredity along with inflammation of the appendages, complicated births, abortions and so on. Often, fibroids occur against the background of diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and in addition, in the absence of harmony in intimate life. They get rid of tumors growing over time by the surgical method, and against the background of a rapid increase in size, radical surgeries are sometimes performed, in which the uterus is removed, depriving the woman of reproductive function.
Psychosomatics of fibroids
Also important factors are the psychosomatic factors that cause the appearance of a tumor of this female organ. The child during his birth, depending on gender, receives a certain program, that is, boys and girls have different life goals. The natural purpose of the latter lies in motherhood, care for the family and the hearth. Failure to perform this function leads to a violation of the hormonal background, and therefore to the occurrence of a hormone-dependent tumor.

Program crash
For example, an abortion is considered a failure of the birth program. The desire for career growth is a violation of the function of maintaining the home in good condition. Conversely, the complete immersion in the process of raising children and the support of the husband, along with the full return to a close and indifferent attitude to oneself, is a failure of the function associated with the harmonization of the surrounding space, which is also inherent in a woman from her birth.
Resentment as a psychosomatic factor
Despite the fact that the psychosomatics of fibroids is not fully understood, experts give a number of tips to reduce the risk of a tumor.
Women must be able to forgive everything and everyone, since the accumulated resentment results from the disease. According to doctors, at best it will become a benign disease, for example, myoma of the genital organ.

In short, a tumor occurs where there is a complete lack of balance. You can pursue a career when the bulk of the women's program has already been implemented. Sometimes you just need to learn how to set priorities correctly. Women should always only have a family in the first place, which will help to avoid health problems, including tumors.
Resentment and psychosomatics of fibroids are interconnected.
The development of a tumor can happen due to prolonged bearing of a grudge, according to psychologists. It also manifests itself if a woman has a persistent unwillingness to forgive a person. Constantly returning to thoughts connected with memories and reasoning about betrayal, insults, claims to men, the lady ruins herself. And it doesnโt matter whether those feelings specifically arise for someone or for everyone at once.
The cause of this disease can also be experiences due to the loss of a child, whether due to abortion, miscarriage, abandonment of the baby, and so on. Such emotions, even by the woman herself, may not be realized. They become the usual background of everyday life, chronic and unconscious problems. Continuous experience of losing a baby becomes a familiar state.

It's no secret that very often during pregnancy and against the background of menopause, fibroids dissolve. Or it happens, on the contrary, when the size of the tumor can increase during this period. There were examples in which in pregnant women fibroids reached and even exceeded the size of the child. Of course, this happens because the body is reconstructed at the hormonal level, and at the same time there is a revision of attitudes, principles, stereotypes, and so on.
That is why, in the event of a tumor of this organ, it is necessary to radically revise all your views on life, to forgive yourself and others, no longer hiding any insults. Only in this case, according to experts, the treatment will be much more successful, and relapse of the pathology in this case will most likely be avoided.
Variants of correction of emotional state
So, psychosomatics is the cause of uterine fibroids.
It should be emphasized, given the above, that to stop the destructive programs that are launched in the body of a woman, constant and very serious psychological work is required. First you need to eliminate any accumulated negative in the form of resentment against men or children, no matter how difficult it may be. To do this, you must choose any suitable method, for example, go to church, sort it out and talk with loved ones, or even look for former lovers to completely let go of your past.

Redirect unspent forces
It will be much more difficult for those ladies who will never be able to realize their feminine through motherhood. In this case, you need to look for alternative ways of self-identification: for example, create a creative project or try to redirect forces in another direction. And most importantly, do not forget about your main role in this world, remaining a real woman at any age, bearing exclusively good with hope for a new life.
What does the psychosomatics of uterine fibroids say?
Why does myoma belong to psychosomatic diseases?
The causes of the emergence and regression of this pathology are various factors that are not fully understood and there is no single theory that would explain such processes. True, we can talk about risk factors that can provoke the onset and growth of a tumor. These include:
- Heredity along with inflammation of the appendages, abortions and miscarriages.
- Late first pregnancy (i.e. after thirty years).
- Factor of severe birth with subsequent complications.
- Presence of high blood pressure or diabetes with obesity.
- The presence of psychological trauma, primarily related to sexual dysfunctions.
In addition, the absence of sexual contacts, harmony in family life, prolonged stress, and so on can provoke the growth of such a tumor. But more and more doctors are inclined to the fact that such a disease develops against a background of emotional imbalance.

Psychosomatic treatment of fibroids
It is noteworthy that the woman herself may not even be aware that the destructive process in her body is launched just because of certain psychosomatic factors. Many so-called malfunctioning problems can be very deep in the human subconscious and from there control all health. In order to find the true root of the problem, it is necessary to get out all this information. This will certainly help long-term work with a psychologist. Such specialists often give the necessary recommendations for getting rid of the psychosomatics of uterine fibroids.
For example, many doctors believe that the only way to treat is to break the link with negative circumstances, that is, with stress. And this can only be done through forgiveness. For this, women need to concentrate and sincerely forgive offenders, for example, men on whom they hold evil or resentment. It may be necessary to forgive relatives who somehow had a negative impact on the course of life. In many ways, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity can reproach themselves. For example, for the fact that very little time was devoted to their children, for abortions or miscarriages. One must also forgive oneself for taking negativity with resentment too close to the heart.
Doctors also teach how to apologize directly to their body for causing depression to lead to illness. In order for the anger and negativity of this world not to affect health in the future, it is necessary to let them through yourself exclusively on the basis of the sieve: to feel emotions, but in no case should they be delayed and accumulated in your body, but immediately released. This will certainly help to become much stronger and develop immunity to any psychosomatic disorders.

Definition of ailment in psychology
What does Louise Hay say about the psychosomatics of uterine fibroids? Being a well-known psychologist, having written more than 30 books, She argues that the reason provoking a uterine tumor is exclusively negative thoughts that ache along with doubts about one's own strengths and oneself. How to avoid illness or even be cured?
It is believed that against the background of a change in the emotional and vital mood, the course of the disease can change in the most dramatic way. It is very important to love yourself, and in addition, your soul with the body, showing love directly to life itself, raising self-esteem and encouraging your personality.
It is necessary not only to listen, but also to speak out for oneself only positive affirmations aimed at the female subconscious.
We examined the methods of getting rid of the tumor, as well as the psychosomatics of fibroids.