With the existing variety of nutrition systems, the drinking diet is distinguished by its special properties. People who have chosen it as a way to lose weight should understand that they will not chew food for a long period of time. And they will use it only in liquid form. Despite this, reviews of the drinking diet are mostly positive.
Diet features
The name of this food system should not frighten losing weight, because its main diet will be water. She will not replace the whole course. But drinking a diet implies a complete rejection of solid foods. Its main motto is "do not chew."
Drinking diet for 7 days, according to slimming reviews, is the most suitable option. The power supply system, designed for a month, refers to the most stringent diet.
Broth, mashed soup, juices and compotes are the basis of the diet for the entire period of weight loss, if a person has a desire to quickly lose weight.

Drinking diet information and reviews may vary. There is evidence that during the period of this food system you can lose up to 15 kg per month.
Diet rules
With proper adherence to the nutrition system, feelings of intense hunger should not be felt. Its rules do not limit either the number of kilocalories, or the volume of servings and the number of meals.
There are basic recommendations for a diet:
- Any solid food is completely prohibited. Do not chew anything. Chewing gum is also not recommended for use during the entire period of the diet. After all, it does not allow the stomach to rest. When chewing gum, a reflex arises in it and the process of digestion starts. But there is no food in the stomach at this moment, so he begins to digest himself.
- In addition to the liquid, which replaces solid food, you must drink daily within 2 liters of water. This will speed up the metabolism in the body.
- The most important thing is that water should be consumed constantly, but in small quantities. Otherwise, it will not work to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.
- Before nightly rest, drinking liquid in large quantities is not recommended due to the occurrence of edema.
- For more than a month, a drinking diet, according to reviews, is not recommended. As a result, you can earn diseases of the digestive tract.
- When dieting, stool should be every day.
- An important condition is a smooth exit from the system of weight loss. This should be gradual and leisurely.

By following these rules, you can achieve an effective result without harming the body. Before starting a diet, it is best to get specialist advice on a possible negative effect on health.
What is allowed and forbidden to drink?
Drinking diet, according to reviews, has a special diet. Drinking is allowed all that is in liquid form. It is forbidden to add sugar to drinks, even sugar substitutes. Salt is consumed in a minimal amount - only for broths.
You can include the following in the menu:
- non-carbonated water;
- vegetable broth;
- strained broth from fish or meat;
- vegetable soup;
- freshly made juice;
- natural tea, with milk or lemon;
- fruit or berry compotes;
- jelly.

Completely prohibited:
- alcoholic drinks;
- packaged juices;
- skim milk and fermented milk products;
- fatty broth.
Instead of drinking a diet, you can use a shock-drinking diet containing cocoa in its menu. A maximum of 6 cups of this drink is allowed per day.
Drinking diet for the day
Such a nutrition system will allow you to unload the body without any consequences for digestion. Also, losing weight will be able to lose 2 kg of weight.
Such an unloading day is recommended to be carried out no more than 1 time per week, having previously prepared for it. For 2 days, you need to switch to fruits, vegetables and stop eating flour and sweets.
Only water is allowed to drink at this time. In exceptional cases, freshly squeezed juices and sugar-free green tea can be consumed.
The exit from the one-day diet should occur gradually. On day 2, add porridge, and then return the vegetables and light salads to the menu. Reception of fried and smoked food is postponed to the next week.
Shoko-drinking diet
Among the nutrition systems with its special qualities, a diet based on the use of cocoa stands out. It lasts 3 days. During this period, you can drink cocoa with milk in unlimited quantities.
Sugar is banned completely. According to reviews, a drinking diet should include at least 1.5 liters of water. Nutritionists do not advise continuing such a diet for 7 days. Cocoa can cause an allergic reaction.
7 day diet
Not everyone can withstand such a power system. This is verified by research and hundreds of losing weight.
According to reviews, drinking a diet for 7 days has amazing results. However, it will require lengthy preparation.

Nutritionists offer to break the menu on certain days and not mix different types of liquids. If fermented milk products are included in the diet, then you do not need to use them with freshly squeezed juices. In this case, fermentation processes will occur in the stomach, which will cause discomfort and a desire to leave the diet.
If a drinking 7-day diet, according to slimming reviews, he can fully withstand, then as a result, the weight will decrease by 5-7 kg.
Water is the basis of nutrition; its amount should be at least 2 liters per day.
Approximate 7-day menu:
days | 1st day | 2nd day | 3rd day | 4th day | 5th day | 6th day | 7th day |
ration | Low Fat Secondary Broths | Vegetable soup, green tea | Kefir, unsweetened coffee | Vegetable soup with unsweetened compote | Low Fat Secondary Broths | Kefir, unsweetened yogurt | Soup puree, cocoa with milk |
The absence of amino acids, vitamins and minerals in the diet can worsen the state of health, therefore, the intake of a vitamin complex is mandatory.
Exiting a 7-day diet is no different from other varieties of nutrition systems. During the first 3 days, it is recommended to eat cereal for breakfast, and leave the rest of the meals drinkable. For 4 days, add an apple for lunch, for the evening in the menu you can include a glass of compote or green tea.
A day later, you can eat low-fat salads. The most useful will be Greek. After a week, you can follow the previous diet, but limit the portion sizes.
14 day diet
The principle of a 7-day power system can also be projected for 14 days. It depends on the emotional and physical state of losing weight.
According to reviews, drinking a diet for 14 days will require a monthly exit from it. New dishes and products are introduced into the diet once every 2 days. On the first day, it is replenished with oatmeal. Eat her for breakfast. The remaining meals remain liquid. Gradually, observing the declared intervals, the diet is replenished with fish, meat and chicken broths (without salt), fruits and berries, stewed in water and boiled vegetables. Protein food is introduced into the diet 2 weeks after the end of the weight loss system.
The results of a drinking diet for 14 days, according to reviews, will range from 7 to 9 kg. During its compliance, it is recommended to take a complex of vitamins in order to saturate the body with the missing minerals.
Drinking diet for a month
Such a food system belongs to the category of rigid diets. A person with an irresistible desire to lose weight and strong will can survive it. But with proper preparation, everyone can master it.
The menu of a drinking diet for 30 days, according to reviews, remains the same as with 7 days. Yoghurts, juices, broths and mashed soup alternate in the diet. During this period, it is important to play sports.

As a rule, positive reviews about a drinking diet (30 days) are more common , the results are a loss of more than 10 kg of excess weight, which sometimes, however, leads to sagging skin. To prevent this from happening, you need to give your body a fit with the help of physical exercises.
Quitting Drinking Diet
This is the most critical period. The right way out of the diet is the key to the success of the nutrition system. In order not to return excess weight, it is necessary to carefully add various dishes to the diet.
On the first day for breakfast it is allowed to eat oatmeal on the water. Lunch and dinner are best left in the same liquid form.
In the next 3 days, you can add boiled egg and cheese to the breakfast menu. For lunch, eat an apple or a banana. Dinner stays drinking. From the second week you can eat more varied, but portions of dishes should be reasonable.
Sweets, vegetable oil and sugar are still banned. Serving sizes must be constantly limited.
Advantages and disadvantages of drinking a diet
A similar nutritional system has many positive properties. Drinking diet reviews and results are positive:
- Losing excess weight is fast.
- The volume of the stomach gradually decreases. After drinking a diet, the serving size will decrease significantly.
- A large amount of energy is released in the body. After 10 days, lightness and vitality is felt. After all, when solid food is used, a lot of energy is spent on its digestion.
- The body is freed from toxins and body fat.

Despite the many positive properties, drinking diet has the following disadvantages:
- Some people during weight loss experience fatigue and heaviness in the stomach.
- There is a constant feeling of hunger.
- During the diet, you must take a vitamin complex.
- It is difficult to maintain the result.
- The stomach during the diet gets used to liquid food, which causes difficulties with the digestion of solid.
Drinking diet can be attributed to effective nutrition systems, but it is necessary to show restraint in maintaining the result.
Drinking Diet Reviews
The opinions of those who are losing weight about this food system are different. Some girls were able to hold out on it for the required amount of time and easily get out of it without gaining weight back.
Other losing weight during the diet experienced a feeling of fatigue and hunger, so could not hold out on it until the end.
According to reviews, drinking diet ("before and after" - a photo of the result is presented below) allowed to achieve significant success. Some girls in 2 weeks got rid of more than 10 kg of excess weight.

With great enthusiasm, losing weight refers to the 1-day drinking diet, used as a fasting day.
Drinking diet - an effective nutritional system that allows you to lose enough extra pounds. If you correctly follow its rules and gradually get out of it, then you can permanently save the result. The disadvantages of the diet include a lack of minerals and a constant feeling of hunger.