What is insulin resistance in simple words?
Often, the pathology has a pronounced symptom in the form of abdominal obesity, that is, adipose tissue is in the abdomen. This type of obesity is extremely dangerous because fat is located on the internal organs, causing a decrease in the sensitivity of cells to insulin. Next, consider a diet for insulin resistance. In addition, we will get acquainted with the sample menu for a week and find out which products are allowed and which, on the contrary, are prohibited for use with this ailment.

Insulin resistance - what is it in simple words?
Insulin resistance is a decrease in the response of cells and tissues of the human body to insulin, regardless of whether it is produced by the body or introduced by injection. On received glucose, insulin is produced by the pancreas, but it is not perceived by the cells.
List of prohibited products for insulin resistance
This diet prohibits the following products:
- The use of fish and meat fatty varieties.
- Reception of rice, semolina, sweets, chocolate and sugar.
- Eating flour products from wheat flour.
- The use of fruit juices, potatoes, smoked meats, sour cream and butter.
The diet diet for insulin resistance should be formed only from foods with a low glycemic index.
Allowed Products
Vegetables along with fruits, cereals and animal products should be present on the diet table every day. Against the background of the use and preparation of certain products with insulin resistance, it is required to adhere to several basic rules. For example, fruits are best eaten in the morning. The fact is that the glucose received with them is well absorbed against the background of physical activity, which falls on the first part of the day.

The first dishes are prepared on a vegetable or second meat broth, which is done like this: after the first boiling, the water is drained and poured new, and the broth for the first dish is obtained on it. But doctors tend to vegetable soups, in which meat is added in finished form. The allowed meat and fish products include turkey, veal, chicken, rabbit, quail, chicken and beef liver, perch, pike and pollock. Fish should be on the weekly menu at least twice. Exclude the use of caviar.
For meat and fish food, vegetables and cereals are allowed as a side dish. The latter is best cooked in water without seasoning with butter. An alternative would be vegetable oil. Of the cereals, buckwheat, pearl barley, brown rice, barley, pasta (but not more than twice a week) are allowed. Eggs are allowed with this diet no more than one per day, however, the amount of proteins can be increased, their glycemic index (GI) is zero.
Dairy products - is it possible or not?
Dairy products with insulin resistance are most often allowed.
Almost all of them have a low index, with the exception of fatty foods. Such food can serve as an excellent second full meal. Allowed products in the form of whole and skim milk, cream, kefir, unsweetened yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cottage cheese.

Vegetables with such a diet make up half of the daily diet. Salads with complex side dishes are prepared from them. Potatoes are banned due to their high glycemic index. If it was decided to add potatoes to the first dish, then the following rule should be observed: the tubers are diced and soaked overnight in cold water. This will partially relieve the potato of starch. Vegetables with low GI include squash along with onions, garlic, eggplant, tomato, cucumber, zucchini, green pepper, peas and all kinds of cabbage (whether it is white, red or cauliflower).
You can add spices with herbs, for example, parsley with dill, oregano, turmeric, basil and spinach is suitable. Many fruits and berries have low GI. They are consumed fresh, like salads, fillings for diabetic baking and as part of the creation of various sweets without the use of sugar.
Sample menu
The following is an approximate diet menu for insulin resistance. It can be slightly changed according to your preferences. All dishes are prepared only in the authorized way: in a microwave, steamed, baked in the oven, grilled or boiled.

Monday: what to eat at the beginning of the week?
For breakfast, eat steamed omelet with black coffee and cream. For lunch, a fruit salad is eaten, which is seasoned with unsweetened yogurt, they drink green tea with tofu cheese. For lunch, they eat buckwheat soup cooked on a vegetable broth in combination with two slices of rye bread, a steam chicken cutlet, stewed cabbage with brown rice and herbal tea.
For afternoon tea, curd soufflé is suitable in combination with dried fruits and green tea. For the first dinner, they eat baked pollock with vegetables and drink coffee with cream. For a second dinner, they drink a glass of ryazhenka.
Sample menu on Tuesday
On Tuesday, cottage cheese is eaten in combination with green coffee and cream. For lunch, stewed vegetables are eaten along with boiled egg and green tea. For lunch, vegetable soup is suitable in combination with barley with boiled chicken breast, a slice of rye bread and black tea. At lunch, eat fruit salad. For the first dinner, they use meatballs made from brown rice and turkey, seasoned with tomato sauce, and drink green coffee. For the second dinner, they drink one glass of yogurt.
What to eat on Wednesday?
For the first breakfast on a diet with insulin resistance, they drink kefir and eat 150 grams of blueberries. Then for the second breakfast they eat oatmeal with dried fruits (dried apricots or prunes are suitable), two cookies are also eaten and green tea is drunk. At lunch, barley soup is eaten along with eggplant stewed with onions and tomatoes, baked hake is used, and coffee with cream is also used. At lunch, eat vegetable salad with a slice of rye bread. For the first dinner, buckwheat is eaten in combination with a liver patty and green tea. And for the second dinner they eat low-fat cottage cheese and drink tea.

Menus with insulin resistance can be varied independently.
How to eat on Thursday?
For breakfast, fruit salad with tea is used. Then for the second breakfast they consume omelet steamed with vegetables and green coffee. At lunch, vegetable soup is eaten in combination with pilaf made from brown rice and chicken, a slice of rye bread and green tea. At dinner, eat tofu cheese, drink tea. For the first dinner, they use stewed vegetables along with a steam patty and green tea. For a second dinner, use a glass of yogurt.
The list of allowed products for insulin resistance will help to make a menu.
Friday: breakfast, lunch, dinner
For breakfast, eat cottage cheese souffle with tea. For the second breakfast, they use Jerusalem artichoke salad along with carrots and tofu cheese, a slice of rye bread and a rosehip broth. For lunch, millet soup is used in combination with a fish steak with barley and green coffee with cream. For a mid-morning snack eat Jerusalem artichoke salad. They also combine the dish with carrots, eggs and olive oil. For the first dinner, they eat a boiled egg along with cabbage stewed in tomato juice, and, in addition, add a slice of rye bread with tea. For the second dinner, they drink a glass of kefir.
Saturday menu
For the first breakfast, they eat a fruit salad with a rosehip broth. For lunch, eat steamed omelette along with vegetable salad and green tea. At lunch, they eat buckwheat soup along with a liver patty with brown rice, and, in addition, with a slice of rye bread and tea. For afternoon tea, fat-free cottage cheese with green coffee is used. For the first dinner, they use pollock, which is baked on a vegetable pillow. They also eat a slice of rye bread and drink green tea. For a second dinner, they drink a glass of ryazhenka.

A great end to the week - Sunday menu
For breakfast, eat a slice of rye bread in combination with tofu cheese and green coffee with cream. For lunch, a vegetable salad with boiled egg is used. For lunch, they eat pea soup along with beef tongue with buckwheat, a slice of rye bread and a rosehip broth. Low-fat cottage cheese in combination with dried fruits and tea is suitable for an afternoon snack. For the first dinner, they use meatballs with tomato sauce, and, in addition, with green coffee with cream. For a second dinner, they drink a glass of yogurt.
What is the use of bell pepper for the body? About it further.
Bell pepper - how is it good for the human body?
Regular consumption of bell pepper helps people to normalize the functioning of the entire nervous system as a whole. The product is recommended for those who suffer from depression, insomnia and are in constant stress. The effectiveness of the useful properties of pepper is manifested against the background of memory impairment, with fatigue, and, in addition, with a breakdown. For all the symptoms listed above, you need to include fresh vegetable salads seasoned with bell pepper in the diet.
Ascorbic acid, which is present in pepper in large quantities, helps to restore, and at the same time, strengthen the body's defenses. Vitamin C combines with the beneficial property of flavonoids, beneficially affecting blood vessels. Due to this, they become elastic, less permeable, and, moreover, more passable, due to this, blood circulation in the capillaries and blood supply to the brain improve.
The benefits of bell pepper for the body are often underestimated.

It differs from other vegetables in a special flavor. It is provided by the capsaicin alkaloid. The same substance explains the benefits of pepper for the human digestive system. Capsaicin stimulates the work of the stomach, rises appetite, improves digestion of food.
The antioxidants that make up pepper perfectly cleanse the blood of low density cholesterol, rejuvenating cells and thinning the blood. Normalization of blood consistency reduces the risk of blood clots, stabilizing pressure. Pepper is prescribed for those who have low hemoglobin. Regular consumption of this vegetable will help to quickly overcome anemia.