You can learn about what an apple contains from many special books and magazines, research papers and educational programs. Without this fruit, the life of our compatriot is unimaginable - it is not in vain that there is even Apple saved. How did an apple deserve such a popular love that it became a hero of a religious and national holiday? Let's try to orient ourselves.
What is this about?
To understand what an apple contains, you need to understand what is at stake. In total there are more than seven thousand varieties of this healthy and delicious fruit on the planet. Several hundred species are actively growing on the territory of our country. Each of them has its own unique qualities and properties, but there are also some common parameters. In the general case, apples are healthy and not harmful; you can eat plenty of them if you want, especially in the ripening season. For some people, these fruits are allowed to a limited extent, others are completely prohibited. The cause is various diseases. To navigate the rationality of including apples in the diet, it is worth consulting a doctor.

From the start: carbohydrates
If you ask the doctor what the apple contains, first of all the specialist will mention carbohydrates. These compounds in different varieties are similar to each other, the set of varieties is almost the same, but there are slight differences. They explain the calorie content of the fruit. If you choose a bright green fruit, it will have a minimum of calories, but in red - more. It is believed that the average difference is 10%.
Green species have a relatively low glycemic index compared to scarlet. If you plan to create a diet to reduce weight, it is better to give preference to green fruits. The same are recommended for diabetes.
How many, how many
Established international standards recommend consuming 0.5-0.8 kg of fruits and vegetables daily. It is better to saturate the diet with different forms and varieties, but if it is impossible to bring variety into life, apples will do. This is especially true during the harvest season - and it is quite long, stretching for several months.
Men can safely eat up to 0.8 kg daily, for women the standard is 0.5 kg. To some extent, this is due to the fact that the apple contains: the fruit contains acidic components that activate the generation of gastric juice. The most useful fruit will be if you eat it shortly before the main meal. Appetite is activated, fiber will fill part of the stomach cavity, allowing you to eat less, reaching the same feeling of fullness.

About the seeds
When dealing with the chemical composition, attention should be paid to what contains the seeds of an apple (it is more correct to call them seeds). As specialized studies have shown, it is this part of the fruit that is especially saturated with iodine, useful for the human body. If a person eats up to three fruits daily with seeds, this is likely to benefit health. Relatively little iodine enters the body with food - much less than the daily allowance, but there will still be a certain percentage.
There is a flip side to the issue. Scientists, finding out that they contain seeds of apples, discovered hydrocyanic acid in them. It is present in unripe fruits. This substance is a strong poison. In order for a person to receive serious poisoning, a fairly large amount of acid must enter the body - you will have to eat several kilograms of unripe fruit. In order not to take risks, it is reasonable to eat only ripened specimens, and if they are already immature, that is, to a limited extent.
Fresh or processed?
Few people doubt the usefulness of including fresh apples in the diet. What and how much such fruit contains, scientists have established for a long time - including carbohydrates, calories; therefore, he became the basis of the diet of many losing weight. At the same time, people were divided into two camps. Some believe that you can only eat fresh fruits, while others allow heat treatment. The former are convinced that cooking will degrade the dietary qualities of the apple and make it more nutritious. Scientists assure: this is nothing more than a stereotype. You can safely bake apples, and their saturation with energy will remain the same as that of the original fruit. True, the picture will change if you use sugar or honey, dairy products during cooking.
Baked apples are thought to be an impeccable snack option. Such foods are rich in acids that stimulate the generation of gastric juice.

Dry and fresh
Another subtle point is making apple chips. Many people like to dry fruits in the ripening season so that you can delight yourself with healthy and tasty food in winter. As studies on the nutritional composition of the apple showed, with this treatment, calorie content is fully preserved. From 100 g of the starting product, approximately five times less than the dried product is obtained. Both servings contain an equal amount of calories. If there are less apple chips than fresh fruits, thereβs nothing wrong. Otherwise, the body will receive too much useless energy.
To get the maximum benefit from nutrition, but not harm yourself, dried apples are boiled with boiling water before use. The finished drink is akin to tea - it is drunk as much as you want. It is believed that good sedative qualities are inherent in tea.
Iron and Vitamins
A natural apple contains a certain amount of iron compounds, so many recommend eating as many of these fruits as possible in the summer season in order to make up for the lack of the compound in the body. As research by scientists has shown, this is nothing more than a stereotype that does not have a real base. Indeed, the fruits of the tree are saturated with iron, but the metal is present in a form that is practically not processed by the human body.
If hemoglobin decreases, more animal products should be included in the diet. Eggs are recommended for a person, meat dishes and a liver are useful. Apples provide an influx of vitamin compounds, primarily ascorbic acid. Each fruit is a storehouse of pectin. The term refers to fiber, absorbing water during the passage of the intestinal tract. Thanks to pectin, a person quickly feels full. The substance is a sorbent element that absorbs the toxic components of the intestinal environment.

Is it possible for me?
Since the composition of the apple and its beneficial substances have been studied for more than a decade, scientists have established for certain who such fruits are useful for and who will prove harmful. In particular, with pathologies of the stomach or intestinal tract, they will only harm human health, especially in the acute phase of the disease. The more apples a person receives with food, the greater the pain due to colitis, ulcers, erosion. The condition can dramatically worsen. This is due to the saturation of the fruits with fiber in a rough form. She is especially rich in the skin of the fetus. If the disease has developed, and you want apples very much, you first need to consult a doctor. He will assess the risks based on the nuances of the case.
About value and ingredients
As shown by studies of the composition of the apple, proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates in this fruit are present in a relatively stable amount for different varieties, although there are certain differences. If we analyze most of the varieties on our market, we can describe the average values ββper 0.1 kg: proteins - 0.4 g, starch twice as much, the same amount of organic acids and ash. Saturated fatty acids were detected in a volume of approximately 0.1 g, as many unsaturated forms were found. Lipid ingredients in one fruit - from 0.2 to twice as much, and water - up to 87 g out of 100 evaluated. Enriched with carbohydrates reaches 11.8 g, calories - 47 kcal. Of 100 g of fruit, one hundredth of the share is in pectin, from 0.6 to 1.8 g - in fiber.

About chemistry
The vitamin composition of the fruit depends on the variety, the duration of storage of a particular instance. A ripe apple just taken from a tree is rich in ascorbic acid, retinol, and B vitamins, but when it lies on a fold it loses significantly in the concentration of these compounds.
The fruits of the apple tree contain beta-carotene and nicotinic acid, biotin. Of the minerals, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium concentrations, as well as the content of phosphorus, molybdenum and nickel, are especially significant. All of these micronutrients are good for human health.
About acids
The fruits of the apple tree contain a wide variety of organic acids. There is a tree called: apple. Relatively large concentrations of ursolic and lemon were revealed. The fruits of the tree have tartaric and chlorogenic acids. Volatile fatty compounds were discovered here: isobutyric, acetic. The content of valerianic acid and propionic molecules was revealed.

About the risks
Excessive consumption of sour apples can damage tooth enamel. Some specimens brought from distant lands are capable of poisoning the body, because they are processed with chemical ingredients that provide storage time and protection from pests. The fruits collected in your own garden must be thoroughly washed before use in food. When choosing a product in the store, you should pay attention to the condition of the peel.
Composition and use
It is known that a cut apple soon darkens. It seems to some that this indicates the unfitness of the fetus in food. In fact, the process is explained by the content of iron compounds that react with oxygen. Oxidation leads to the appearance of a peculiar hue. To prevent the phenomenon, after cutting the fruit is sprayed with lemon juice.

The qualities of apple as an antioxidant are known. The fruit has found application in cosmetology - also due to its unique composition. The most effective is the use of apple fruits to maintain youthful age skin. Masks prepared with fruits stabilize local metabolism, eliminate excessive pigmentation, weaken inflammatory processes and cleanse pores.