The absence of menstruation does not always indicate a disease in the body. Physiological factors can lead to this condition, for example, bearing a baby, breast-feeding a newborn, as well as menopause. In each case, it is possible to determine why there are no periods, using diagnostic measures. Amenorrhea, what is it? So called a condition in which, with normally developed genital organs, menstruation does not come. In addition to the physiological reasons for the absence of menstruation, diseases and problems with the hormonal background can lead to this.
False amenorrhea
Amenorrhea, what is it? False amenorrhea is a process in which menstruation comes on time, and a woman has all the characteristic signs: unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen, swelling of the chest, feeling tired, in some cases nausea and vomiting, pain in the head, but in this case she has no blood discharge.
Physiological Amenorrhea
If a woman feeds a baby or she has a climax, then she thinks that it is impossible to get pregnant in this case and stops using contraception. Is it possible to get pregnant in the absence of menstruation? The answer to this question may not be accurate. For example, when a baby is breastfeeding, egg maturation and ovulation slow down, but even slight changes in the hormonal background can lead to the latter and a woman who does not use preservatives during sexual contact can become pregnant and will not suspect this for some time. .

Many women ask whether it is possible to become pregnant in the absence of menstruation. It is important to remember that the process of extinction of functions in the ovaries is quite long, for 4-5 years the woman still has the opportunity to accidentally become pregnant.
In the menopause, it is important to regularly use special contraceptives and protect yourself.
Features of menstruation
Monthly periods indicate the beginning of the menstrual cycle, which every month prepares the womanโs body and her reproductive system for a possible pregnancy. The menstrual cycle consists of several phases. The first includes the detachment of the endometrial layer, during which blood secretions occur.
After the formation of follicles, which consist of poorly developed eggs. Some of the follicles can develop faster than others, becoming dominants, a mature, full-fledged cell leaves them within 10-15 days. After the release of the latter, a new phase of the menstrual period begins - ovulation. It lasts only a day.

After the luteal stage or phase of the corpus luteum comes. The cell begins to slowly move to the uterine body. In this case, if fertilization has occurred, the embryo passes into the uterine cavity and attaches to it. If fertilization has not occurred, then the cell simply dies and comes out together with blood secretions.
Anovulation, what is it? In some cases, it happens that the cells do not mature to the end, and ovulation does not occur. In this case, the cycle is anovulatory in nature. Is it possible to get pregnant in the absence of menstruation? At the same time, menstruation can either go constantly or be completely absent. If the cell does not come out together with menstruation, then this condition is called anovulation. In this case, the egg cell may not form at all or may not have time to reach the uterine cavity. But there are also such cases when menstruation never appears, but ovulation occurs constantly.
Ovulation without menstruation
The absence of menstruation in a woman can be due to the influence of various factors:
- Feeding a newborn. Most often, cases of repeated pregnancy are observed in the postpartum and lactation periods. Pregnancy during breastfeeding can occur only in certain cases. While the newborn eats only breast milk, the process of estrogen production in a woman is disturbed, for this reason the eggs do not mature and ovulation does not occur. But immediately after the child begins to receive additional complementary foods, lactation worsens, and egg maturation is restored. The amount of estrogen in the body begins to increase and the maturation of new eggs begins from the beginning of the next ovulation. If conception has not occurred, then the dead cell comes out with the first postpartum periods, which are distinguished by secretions of a pale pink color. In the future, ovulation will improve and become regular.
- Problems with the onset of menstruation. This condition also occurs quite often. In this case, menstruation occurs at different times, may be absent for several periods, but ovulation still occurs. This condition is common with menopause or in the first years of menopause in women.
- Disorders in the ovaries. Often, doctors associate the absence of menstruation with a negative test with problems in the work of the ovaries. Such a lesion is characterized by malfunctions in the onset of menstruation. The disease, most often, occurs together with disorders in the endocrine system and thyroid gland.
Gynecological problems
The physiological effect. Delays in menstruation can also be triggered by gynecological problems, as diseases of the reproductive system can negatively affect the ovaries: inflammatory processes, uterine fibroids, cervical oncology. In addition, menstruation may be absent for a long time due to ovarian inflammation.
Polycystic and obese
Ovarian polycystic. Such a violation is often diagnosed in a woman with a simple examination. In women with this condition, active growth of hair above the lip, excessive oily hair and skin, the presence of excess weight and other symptoms that appear as a result of a sharp jump in testosterone levels can be detected. It is these differences that lead to problems with the onset of menstruation. The most dangerous in this case is infertility, since testosterone negatively affects the process of maturation of female germ cells.
Obesity or underweight. With too much or too little weight, problems with the appearance of menstruation are often noted, while ovulation, as a rule, occurs regularly. After eliminating the problem, menstruation quickly returns to normal.

In addition, ovulation without blood secretions often occurs with excessive physical exertion, nervous breakdowns, problems with the nervous system, with a poorly designed diet and with prolonged use of hormonal contraceptives.
Can conception happen
Is it possible to get pregnant in the absence of menstruation? The opportunity to conceive a child in the absence of menstruation is always there. If they are not there for a long time, then the doctor will diagnose the presence of amenorrhea (false or true). With false amenorrhea, the chance of conception is high, but how the pregnancy will go on depends on the cause of this condition.

Pregnancy with the true form of amenorrhea is not possible. To conceive in this case, you need to undergo a full course of treatment, restore your menstrual cycle. It is important to normalize your weight and try to avoid physical and emotional stress. It is also important to begin treatment for existing diseases.
Preventive actions
To establish the cause of the appearance of amenorrhea, it is important to conduct a general gynecological examination of the woman, take an anamnesis for verification, conduct the required laboratory tests, including checking the sex hormones and the thyroid gland, and undergo an ultrasound examination of the pelvis. All diagnostic procedures will help determine the presence of hormonal problems in the patient and find out exactly why it happened.

To identify a pituitary tumor, you need to be examined by a neurologist, have an MRI or CT scan, as well as a X-ray of the skull. Hereditary diseases can be detected by karyotyping. Reproductive system diseases are diagnosed by a gynecologist after an ultrasound scan. Some types of endocrine pathologies require additional diagnostics, for example, polycystic ovary syndrome.
Therapeutic measures
No monthly period - what to do? You need to start treatment for amenorrhea immediately after identifying its cause. It is important to avoid stressful situations and start taking sedatives and natural remedies with herbs.

The main methods of treating the absence of menstruation are taking hormonal drugs:
- estrogens;
- gestagens;
- combined oral contraceptives;
- nonsteroidal ovarian stimulating agents.

Treatment can last a long time and require surgery or correction of hormonal levels. Not paying attention to the problem with menstruation is extremely dangerous, as this can lead to serious consequences.